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  1. How to revive my normal sexual life with my wife? Need Psychological help friends!!!

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]I used to be a normal happy man married happily with my wife and having an awesome sex life.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]Two years back I got into relation with a gay guy and later we broke up. After that, I dated many guys and had lot of sex. Before two years I never had been physical with any guy.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]This affected my sex life gradually with my wife. Frequency reduced and so was my passion. Though till last year, i used to have regular (less frequent) sex with wife. But over last 6/7 months, I have become guilty conscious and unable to have healthy sex relation with my wife.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]Earlier we used to have at least once in a day kind of sex and now, in last 6 months we had it just thrice, that too not full satisfactory. In last few days, I attempted to start a session with her but i just did not get hard at all.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]I completely have lost my sexual power when I am with her, though I could get super hard when I meet any guy.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]I really need guidance that how to come out of this situation? I have stopped dating guys and also, stopped masturbating by watching Gay porn. Though, I can’t deny that i still like guys, but i never thought of any other gal in my life. Very obviously, my wife does not know about my such background and mental turmoil.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]PLEASE HELP ME, PLEASE GUIDE ME. Please share your own experience, if you faced any such issue or please suggest any free website that can guide me. I am really down and getting into depression mode.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=arial]32 years guy from India. I am sure there be some friendly people out here to help me as a friend.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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