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  1. Evolving a fetish, Part 1...Football and Watersports

    It was November, 2007. It was a Sunday, probably a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. My fiance (now wife) was planning for us to head to her folks' place for the holiday, I remember that...I just don't remember which Sunday it was.

    We were still in Milwaukee at the time. I had a pretty decent circle of friends I hung out with, some were D&D friends, some were comic book buddies, some were work friends...then there were the fuckbuddies.

    It was Mark and Ray, mostly. They were a couple in their mid 40's who'd been together for about 20 years or so. Mark was average height and build, which for Wisconsin meant he was a bit heavier than average, but wore it well. He had full head of salt-and-pepper hair he kept cut very short with a stylish wave in the front and always had a pair of small wire-rimmed glasses over his brown eyes. Ray was a touch over 6' and had a cyclists build that he kept in fantastic condition by...cycling. He was utterly hairless all his wispy eyebrows.. as he'd started losing it from the top of his head in high school and just decided to go with the flow. In bed, Mark was an easy versatile guy, happy to receive attention to his thick nearly 7" uncut meat or ease down onto what you offered. Ray was all top and amazing at it. His 7.5" was just narrow enough at the tip and just fat enough at the base, with just the right amount of curve to hit you perfectly when you least expected it.

    There was also Kevin and Tommy. Kevin was in his late 40's, built like a man of the wilderness, all hair and muscle, but not cut or ripped...more like that bear type where you KNOW he's built like a beefcake, he just doesn't do the gym thing. Tommy was his current beau. He was barely in his 20's and cut in all the ways Kevin wasn't. Tommy was a beast OF the gym, just a hair under 6' tall, perfectly done hair, perfectly built body. They were both vers as the day was long, which did well for me. Tommy, 6.5" and thick, Kevin, 5.75" and thicker. I'd been introduced to them at a Ray's birthday party the year before and we'd just clicked.

    That Sunday I'd been invited over to Mark and Ray's to watch the Packer game. Tommy was there as well, all dressed in Vikings apparel. He'd been born and raised in Rochester, Minnesota and they were playing that day. Mark and Ray were both Wisconsin natives, so they were green and gold. I was born in South sports teams...

    While the game was setting up and we were getting our first couple beers out of the way, Ray offered an idea for the game, "Let's make it interesting" he said, a wild glimmer in his eye, "Take a guess on how the first score is going to go. Whoever gets the score method correct gets to fuck whoever gets it most wrong. Then they've got to fuck them until their team scores next, and flip."

    "What if you guess wrong there, buddy?" I said to Ray, knowing he doesn't bottom.

    He laughed, "Oh, I never lose this game, kiddo."

    I chose that the Vikings would get a field goal. Mark said "Packers, field goal, all the way." Tommy said, "No, based on how they've been playing, and how the Vikings have been, I'd say Packers will get a regular touchdown." and finally Ray said, "guess that means Vikings touchdown for me."

    Well, sure enough in the first quarter, the Packers got a touchdown. Tommy downed his fourth beer and did his woohoo dance, then looked at his Vikings jersey and went, "aw shit." Ray said, "Well, I guess that means Joe there bottoms...he's the furthest from right...wrong team, wrong method."

    I stood up and shucked off my pants. Tommy did the same, except it was better to look at. His beautiful six and a half inches was already hard and ready to go. Mark reached into one of the cubbies of his couch-side table where they kept some lube and tossed it to me, where I prepped myself a bit, then reached over and stroked Tommy's shaft and head, liberally coating it.

    Assuming the position, I faced the TV and waited. Tommy's hands grabbed my hips and I felt the fat knob of his head press against me. I was in better practice at this time, so I just waited until I felt some pressure, then bore down as I let him ease himself inside.

    Within two plays, his hips were slapping against my asscheeks as he shuttled himself from just on the rim of his head to balls deep, every stroke. I felt the head of him as he'd pull me back thrum against my prostate for just a second, then the rub of the ridge along his underside, the whole time sending an electric shock clear through to the tip of my own rock hard prick.

    Mark and Ray watched from the couch, lazily stroking each other while watching, and to be honest, it was a great addition to the game.

    Tommy, however, didn't have the staying power that one would hope for. Just as the first quarter's ending, I feel him slam inside me once, then twice, then his already thick shaft begins swelling further as I feel the width of him vibrating with his orgasm. I'd been close too. Dangit.

    "Whew, that was awesome" He says, and starts to pull out.

    Just as he's almost out, Ray says, "Hey! The rules were you fuck until your team scores next. The Vikings haven't scored. You stay in."

    Tommy kind of glanced at him, "What, are you serious?" I looked back as Ray nodded. Tommy just shrugged, "I can dig that." and plunged himself balls deep back into me, but without moving.

    A few minutes later we'd adjusted. I was now lying on the floor with Tommy lying on top of me, still buried to the hilt, but not fully erect. The Vikings hadn't even been trying. All of a sudden, I felt Tommy start to pull up a bit, "OK, I've got to go take a leak."

    Ray said, "Where do you think you're going? The Vikings haven't scored." He just said matter-of-factly.

    Tommy repeated, "I've got to take a leak. Don't worry, I'll be right back." He pulled back just a hair more, but Mark put his foot on his butt, pushing him back down on me and back inside.

    "Tommy, bud, the rules were, you fuck until your team scores. Your. Team. Hasn't. Scored." Mark repeated, jacking himself with a new sort of energy.

    Tommy had a strange look on his face and a stranger tone to his voice, "Look, if I don't go to the can here in like, a minute, I'm going to piss right here. Like, right in here." I thought about that, I mean, I'd accidentally had it happen once with no ill effects.

    "Well then," Ray said, "Piss right in there. I'm sure Joe can handle it."

    Tommy said with a new tone, "Look, I'm not joking."

    "I didn't figure you were." Ray replied, "go ahead."

    Tommy sort of fidgeted a second. He breathed kind of strangely for a few moments. Then with an almost guttural "unnnh" I felt him swell again. This time, I felt myself start filling. Much the same way I feel when I used an enema, except this time it was body-temperature warm.

    "Oh God" Tommy said, and I could feel him getting erect again as he continued unloading his bladder into my colon. "Jesus, man. I'"

    It went on for what seemed like 10 minutes, but was probably only a moment or two. When he'd finished, I was left with that full, almost cramping feeling and his massive erection deep in me.

    "See?" Ray queried, "I told you he could take it. Probably kind of enjoyed it, right Joe?"

    I just laid my head down, "Yeah, I think I did."

    The Vikings never did score. He sat there through halftime and 2 more quarters. He pissed again, but this time some of it squeaked out alongside his shaft.

    I got home later that evening, and when the fiance asked me how the game went, all I could say was, "I think I have a new fetish."
  2. Tried an understall thing for the first time...didn't go well...then went well.

    My wife never 'catches' me looking at porn. I look at porn, she'll occasionally check out what I'm watching. If you've read anything I've written here, you'll know SHE knows I'm bi and is fully on board with my sexuality.

    I was on Xtube a couple weeks ago. My current porn tilt is on public stuff...but surreptitious. Like during concerts and stuff. However, my tablet had me looking at understall stuff due to autocorrect and not finding what I wanted. This led me to a particular poster over there who's rather..prolific. I hadn't realized you could get that much accomplished.

    Mel glanced over at the screen and said, "huh...I bet the other guy's knees hurt." I hadn't really thought about it, but I guess she was right. "Looks hot though. You ever try that?" I commented that I hadn't. Gloryholes, bathrooms, sure, but never under a stall. "I'd be cautious." That was sort of her way of saying, "you should try it, but with a friend."

    The following weekend my friend Al pulled his seven inches, still dripping, out of my ass from inside the stall at a local state park's more remote public bathroom. He'd tried underneath it, but even with the higher gap area he wasn't, in his words, "As young as he used to be." He'd gotten a leg cramp almost a stroke in, so he came over to the stall I was in and finished the business.

    It'd been barely risque at all. The day was kind of crappy, hardly anyone there, and only one person had come in the entire time...right at the beginning when I was blowing Al under the stall. They'd used a urinal, washed their hands and left.

    Yesterday saw me back in the park. The area with the particular bathroom is pretty remote, and has the best trails, so I was doing a morning 5 mile hike out there.

    The day was going to be beautiful, and the wife and I had planned to do a big get-together in the cul-de-sac that evening, so I was getting my 'me' time done in the morning, communing with nature and whatnot. I was all done with my stroll along the trail at around 9:45 in the morning, and as I came back around where the truck was parked, near the same bathrooms from the week prior, I noticed a state forestry vehicle parked by the small building.

    I finished off my water bottle and headed to the bathrooms, both to put the bottle in the recycling and to void myself of what it was pushing through. The place is small and well kept, with three metal sinks to the right and paper towel dispensers to the left as you walk in. Walk further, and you'll enter an area with three stalls on the right and three urinals around a corner.

    I took the closest stall to the sinks, per that MythBusters episode and started doing my business. I really didn't have any backside stuff, but hiking moves stuff around, so I wanted to be sure. I'd just about finished peeing when I heard a cough from the stall next to me.

    The guy had been deathly silent. I figured the state forestry guy had been out checking trails or something and I'd had the place to myself until what I could only imagine was a 'courtesy cough'.

    I checked my watch to see what time it was and how far I'd gone, hearing him apparently finishing up with what he was doing. The toilet flushed next to me as my watch read "6.72 miles".

    A moment later, I saw two knees come under my stall wall. A thick, fully erect 7.5" nestled in a neatly trimmed area of dark pubes followed a second later, already a drip of something at the tip.

    "OK..." I thought. There was no way this was random. I'd told Al I was going here today, maybe he set something up? I got onto my knees for a closer inspection.

    The skin on the man's legs was tanned dark, but his shaft, sack and general groin area were generous shades lighter. The shaft was thick, in all directions, and veins coursed through it like an exaggerated drawing of a cock. Like when a guy who's already pretty veiny wears a cockring. It was intense, and I wanted it for all the sexual reasons as well as for my sexual trophy case.

    His head was smooth as I wrapped my lips around it, licking the slit where the drop..which I now recognized was a tiny bit of leftover urine..went onto my tongue and down my throat. He tasted like the faintest hint of sweat under Irish Spring.

    I brought my hand to his heavy sack, finding that while he trimmed his groin area, this was fully shaved. I stroked the area, feeling his pulse race under my lips as well as my fingers.

    If you've ready anything else I've written, I'm not a deepthroater. The angle of this wasn't too advantageous, either, so the best I could do for him with his thickness was trace the roadmap of veins down the top three to four inches of him, letting a generous helping of spit trail down around the rest. Since I needed to lean on a hand, I only had one left and that was on his balls.

    My work wasn't for nothing. Every few seconds, a pulse would come through him, bringing a healthy drop of salty precum onto my tongue. I could feel it rolling all the way down his shaft, like a conveyor belt.

    His voice finally emerged maybe three minutes in, "I wanna fuck." Not so much a demand, but a request that more or less led there.

    I pulled off of him to give him the bad news, "I didn't bring any lube. I'm kind of tight." A split second later and some rustling, a small bottle of astroglide was next to his right knee.

    I went back onto him, taking the brand new bottle, peeling the seal off and applying some to me. I worked a finger in, bearing down slightly then started a second one. When I thought...hoped...I was close enough, I pulled off of him. I pooled some in my hand and worked it onto him down to the root.

    My cramped position made it a relief to get into a squatting position over him. I felt him brush the entry to my bowels and bore down as I lowered. It took a couple of tries, but the third time I felt him pop inside, my awkward pose and angle letting him in a bit further than I'd planned, almost an inch past his frenulum. I gasped at the sharp pain and burning that accompanied the violation, but bore down quickly to alleviate it.

    "Oh yeah." his voice came from the other side. I started moving down further, and felt him slide forward a bit more, sort of limbo-ing under the wall and presenting a more straight up-and-down angle. I worked down a bit more and quickly felt my ass cheeks hit his thighs.

    He was even harder inside me. That same pulse I'd felt with my tongue and lips ground against the ring of my asshole and made it hard for me to concentrate. I started moving up to try to take my mind off of it. When I felt just his crown inside me, I lowered back down...slowly...until I was at the base again.

    Again, his heartbeat was insane. It was like he swelled to half again his size with every pulse. I started a regular rhythm up and down on him, which I would have loved to be in time with the blood flowing through him, but couldn't have come close to the pace.

    Particularly when the pace picked up. He started to get involved with the frequency, pressing upwards as I came to the bottom and driving himself deeper. I felt this on my prostate, milking a line of fluid out of me that would trail to the floor, only to break as I went up off of him.

    "Yeah" his voice started to break a little as the pace of his heart rate, still apparent in his shaft, went even faster. His breathing was following suit, almost gasping. It was between these gasps that he let me know how it was going to end, "Yeah. I'm...I'm gonna blow. I'll tap your ass when it's gonna...gonna happen. Fuck soon... Just sit all the way down and take the fuckin' load."

    I kept going at my same pace, letting him come up, shiver slightly and bury there. It was only three or four strokes later that I felt his hand tapping my left cheek relentlessly. I sat down, hard, until I felt the hairs of his base against the sensitive nerves of my asshole's ring.

    He grunted, and for the thickness he generated with his pulse, his cumshot was almost painful. He grabbed my ass, pulled down as each wave came through. Inside, I'd feel him swell, all the way to the head, then deflate for a split second before the next one came through.

    I'm not sure how long he came for, but it felt like minutes went by before I felt him noticeably decrease in width. From that second, it was only a handful of breaths before an almost tiny, flaccid prick popped out of my ass, dropping a few opalescent puddles behind it. "That was fucking awesome" came his voice again.

    "Yeah, it was" I said.

    I sat on the toilet as I heard him stand up and start cleaning himself. I just wiped off the excess lube and anything that would trail down my legs.

    I exited the stall about the same time he did, and got my first view of him. He was maybe 5'4", bald shaved head, brown eyes to compliment the brown hair he had all over his body and his brown Department of Forestry uniform. It was a face I'd seen on a cruising site for the area, never really hooked up as I didn't feel we were on the same page in the bedroom area.

    We both were at the sinks before he spoke again, "I saw you and your buddy here last week. I thought about joining in then, but wasn't sure about it...wasn't sure about today either, but man, that was hot last Saturday...haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Thanks for that."

    I laughed, "Thank YOU! That was one of the most interesting things I've done in a while."

    "What do you say?" He continued, drying his hands, "Next weekend? Or maybe some other time?"

    I took his card and told him it'd be a definite. I've got a season pass to the state parks, I imagine I'll need some help from some of the employees.
    Tags: experiences
  3. Layover in Denver...Could be worse.

    My last leg on the way home was Denver. I had an overnight layover, and while Denver is an absolutely beautiful city with great people, I was in no way interested in being there. If I'd have been able to fly from my previous location (Vancouver) straight to Atlanta, I would have.

    I set myself up in the hotel around 7:30 and called the wife to let her know I'd settled in, no big deal. She said she was going to spend half of my paycheck on a French Bulldog. We have a good relationship.

    The TV was on. My feet were on the coffee table. My ass was in the couch. I was checking my tablet and went to a cruise site, just to see if anyone was in close proximity.

    Closest was 8 miles. I didn't have a rental. Oh well.

    There's a Ruby Tuesday's down the road, so I walked there in suck weather in order to imbibe something a bit more alcoholic than what I had in my room, and I'm not going to pay hotel prices for a beer.

    Ruby Tuesday's wasn't so bad, so that beer I was planning on went to 3 beers and some fruity thing that involved white rum and pineapple juice and a loss of inhibitions.

    I hiked back over to the hotel and went to my room. I was barely out of my shoes before I had my tablet and was checking into two sites I was familiar with.

    First one, there was a guy looked to be in my hotel...that's cool. A bit older than me, his profile said he was looking to hang out and was a bit on the "vanilla" appearance. I was a bit lit, and was thinking I was more into something more severe.

    Second one was one of the closer hotels, probably. He was in his late 20's, probably. His stats looked more along my lines, average type of guy. I messaged him.

    There was no reply, sort of bummed me out. I went over to a porn site and started browsing around, but got a chat notice. It was from the first guy, the one in my hotel.


    I replied back. Over the next few minutes, our back and forth went pretty well. Yeah, he seemed a bit vanilla on his profile, but was pretty cool nonetheless. I actually thought to myself, "hey, I'm gonna just fool around with the guy, vanilla's fun sometimes."

    Ten minutes later, he was in my suite. He was 51, 6'1", 225 or so, brown hair and eyes. He was a property buyer for timeshare companies or something. A few minutes went by with us just chatting and whatnot.

    "So, you wanna get naked and see what happens?" I asked.

    He chuckled, "Sounds good!"

    Maybe 30 seconds later, we were both nude. He was set up pretty well, you know, the "Dad Bod", but he clearly wasn't letting it be a stopping point. His arms were pretty well defined, and his legs looks like he ran or biked. A little bit extra around the middle was all.

    He also had a great dick. I'd put it at just a shade under 7", and a bit over average thickness. He was completely shaved...or maybe lasered, not sure, but it was smooth as silk.

    It took me a hair longer to shuck out of my clothes. His profile had said, "top/vers". Mine was "bottom/vers", so it felt a bit odd to me when the guy dropped to his knees the second my dick was clear.

    He was...pretty decent. Not winning any awards, but pretty good. He was one of those folks who was sort of exploratory at first, licking around to different angles, trying around my frenulum, the ridge along the bottom of my shaft, checking each one of my balls out in turn. He also got a bit exploratory in the whole groin area, pushing me back to the largish deco chair in the room and spreading my legs wide.

    I was moaning some encouragement, of course. I don't cum from blowjobs, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy vigorous action in my nethers. He continued to get into it, lifting my legs and going down towards my perineum and, eventually some rimming.

    Where he was pretty good at sucking dick, he was brilliant at rimming. His profile had said he was gay, but he ate me out like I eat out pussy...his whole face between my cheeks, his tongue digging in as far as he could, mouth going like mad everywhere he could, everything going a thousand miles a second. All the while, his hand pumped away on my cock, just above his forehead.

    I continued to keep my head about me, but the rimming was doing some good. Like I said, I don't cum from oral, but rimming can do a number on me.

    But it wasn't actually on his agenda. Just as I was about to get to a point where I could time how I'd finish, he stopped. I had pushed my head back but now I looked down. He popped up from his all-fours position below me into a kneeling one, and I felt his knob down at the gate of my rectum.

    I was a little anxious...I hadn't seen much of his dick and wasn't sure I could take it. I hadn't had much ass play in the last few months due to the travel, so as he pressed a bit forward, I bore down. As it turns out, I didn't need to worry so much. His head popped past my sphoncter with little more than a press. I just tilted my head back again and let him do his thing.

    He was pretty damned skilled at it too. Press in just enough to almost make it hurt...back out and let me rest for a second, press in again with just a hair more depth, back out again. Within 2 minutes, he was all the way inside me.

    "You're tight." he said, grunting with a final thrust. My legs were up against his chest, and I felt his groin hit my asscheeks.

    I sighed, "Is that a bad thing?" He pulled back a bit, maybe an inch or so out.

    He thrust back in, hard, "No, but I'm gonna cum really quick. Like..." he pulled back out, a couple inches, "...maybe two minutes. Maybe less." He slammed back home.

    The pace only continued for another 45 seconds or so. He never pulled out more than 3 inches, not even half, and always slammed back inside me. All except for the last 5 seconds. I felt him slam home, then start this bucking motion, neither pulling out nor exactly thrusting in, just thrusting.

    Breathlessly, he said, "I'm...I'm gonna cum. Where do you...where do you want it?"

    I was just enjoying myself, and I wasn't about ready to spoil his fun, "Wherever you want to put it."

    He bucked a few more times, then quickly pulled out of my ass, furiously jacking himself as he blew a viscous, powerful stream of several shots of semen all over my cock and balls.

    I began to reach down, to use his jizz as lubricant in jacking myself off, when he stopped me and lowered his head down, licking and sucking his load off of me.

    That's not very vanilla.

    Once he'd devoured every last drop, he stood up. "Mind if I use your shower real quick?"

    I chuckled, jacking myself slowly...apparently I didn't get to get off. "Sure, go ahead, but I might join you."

    He went to the shower and I accompanied him into the room, just chitchatting. He started the tap and felt for the temperature. He still had a full hardon when he said, "Yeah, kinda gotta use the shower...gotta piss and don't wanna stand on my head for it, you know?"

    I beat him into the shower, grabbing the soap. He looked at me and said, "I wasn't joking, I kinda gotta take a leak."

    Turning around, I kind of waggled my still sloppy butt at him and said, "Well, here's a spot."

    " mean, like you want me to piss on your ass?" he asked, holding the base of his shaft.

    I bent over a bit further, "On, in, whatever works for you." Now was the moment where things either got interesting or ended the night.

    So there was a moment where I was pretty sure he was going to get out and piss in the toilet. Instead, I felt the knob of his prick at my anus again. " want me to put it in, or just like, stay here?"

    I held a bit of anxiety in as I said, "you can push it in a better that way."

    His helmet popped inside. He put his hands on my hips and sort of moved briefly back and forth, not much. He tensed a few times, and I thought he was going to do let go, but nothing was forthcoming. "This is...this is the first time I've ever done anything like this, not sure if I can do it."

    I felt him lose just a little of his hardness, so I pushed back a bit, "Don't stress it, it works better if you don't stress."

    He pressed in a bit further. I felt him just about all the way in, "I think, I think it's coming, you ready?"

    I pushed myself all the way back, so my asscheeks rested on his upper thighs, "Yeah, do it."

    He swelled up a bit, and I felt myself start to fill up. It's not the first time I've had it done, so it was familiar and oh, so good.

    Most guys go for a good 30-45 seconds due to the restriction. He went on for at least a minute and a half, all the while, I felt myself practically distending from the amount of fluid. It was amazing.

    "I'm. Man...this is wild. I like this. But I think I'm done." He said.

    "Well, if you want, go ahead and pull out." I followed.

    He pushed in just a hair. I hadn't noticed he'd pulled out just a bit, "I don't think I want to."

    His hips pulled back just a bit, then he started an in-out movement, not precisely fucking, just moving. It went on for just a few minutes, maybe two or three, while the shower rained down on us, until he finally he bucked his hips two final times, and I felt him pulsing inside me.

    A second or two later, he pulled out. I felt a little splash of fluid, which was just fine, we were in the shower after all.

    He finished in the shower, while I took care of business. Once I was finished, He jumped out of the shower, and in I went.

    Once I finished, we chatted a bit more. I ended up going down on him and swallowing the small load he generated in the maybe 30 minutes. He grabbed his clothes and went to his room.

    The next morning, I met him again, but this time in the Sauna that adjoined the mens' room by the meager gym. We did a little 69ing, followed by another phenomenal rimjob on his part. Once he'd gotten me good and slobbery, I sat on his cock until he ran close to finishing, when I popped off so he could once again cum on my equipment and suck it off.

    As little as I like the Denver Airport, I guess it's not all bad.
    Tags: experiences
  4. Getting the mall

    I want to bookend my year. Last January 1st, I'd woken up a bit late with the wife in the shower, getting ready to go get all those New Years' Day deals. The day had gone pretty much as you'd expect, floating from parking lot to parking lot, store to store, counter to counter. She got a bunch of clothing...and while she'd been trying on those clothes, I was sitting, waiting and cruising sites.

    It's just a bored thing I do. I've gone onto probably a half-dozen of those cruisey sites for the last ten years, and have actually hooked up off them enough to count on both hands. If there's anything or anyone exceptional, I'll show the wife who'll throw in her opinion, "Jesus! How does he wear pants?" or "That just looks like it would hurt." or "Man, that body though. I could bake cookies on that stomach." You get the idea.

    Well, last year while I was on one site it said there was a guy <100 ft away from me. I was sitting down in the wife's changing room and mentioned it to her. She looked at the picture and then asked me to read out the description. The picture was of a fairly hairless slender-built torso and pelvic area, half-erect cock of no small stature and equally as shaven legs. The description read:

    "25, half Latin, Have to work today, New Years' Day. If you're floating around the mall and want a little break from the crowds and bustle, msg me and let's see if we can relieve some stress."

    My wife said, "You should do that." I looked at her like, "Huh?" She followed with, "Oh come on, I'm going to that candle store next. You hate that can't breathe for twenty minutes after you leave that place. Go play around, that way the next changing room we're in, you can tell me all about it."

    I messaged the posting, which had been placed some 3 hours before I found it. There was a good chance it wouldn't even be noticed anymore, but less than a minute later, my reply was answered with a "which store are you in?" I replied, he said to "Meet me in X store, grab some jeans to 'try on'. Go back to the men's fitting rooms by the suits, look for my name tag, Leon."

    I let the wife know I'd message her when I was done, she said, "Have fun."

    The store was one of the anchors of the mall, called Von Maur. I found the men's section practically devoid of life, grabbed some jeans that were in my size and went to the men's suit section.

    There were two attendants there. A young lady with a pencil skirt checking her phone and an older man moving over towards shoes. As I made my way to the fitting rooms, the young lady looked up as she saw me approaching, moving towards the entrance to the fitting area, "Can I help you?"

    "I just need to try these on." I said, motioning towards the fitting area.

    She looked at the jeans, knowing I passed a perfectly good fitting room and smiled deviously, "OK, yeah...Leon will help you out." She motioned towards the fitting areas.

    I went inside the hallway, noticing it kind of wrapped around. The first part went by large doors to a dais, where I can assume you'd try on suits for fitting. There were also doors behind a wall further beyond the dais. There was nobody here, so I continued to there.

    Very quietly, from the furthest door in I heard muffled sounds. I made my way over closer and heard that they were clearly sucking and someone trying to be quiet while they did it.

    I wasn't sure if I should wait my turn or just go in. The door WAS slightly open. I decided that the more the merrier is always good and went in.

    Leon was seated on the edge of the bench. A heavyset older man was standing in front of him, pants down to his ankles, shirt pulled up to his chest thrusting a thick, short prick in and out of Leon's mouth with a pace that said, "I'm imminently going to cum." I barely had the picture in my mind of what was going on before he pulled out, grabbed a handkerchief I hadn't noticed and pumped his load into it.

    They noticed me at that point, the older man pulling up his drawers and Leon smiling at me, "You must be blatant_bi_guy?" I smiled and said the affirmative. He had read my profile, apparently as he stood up and pulled his own pants down. The older man stopped what he was doing to take things in, casually throwing his hankie into a trash bin.

    Leon was already erect and ready to go. He was clearly a nude-tanner, his coppery skin the same shade everywhere, including the loose sack of his testes. I took his spot on the bench as I pulled down my own pants.

    He walked towards me, "Let's keep it a bit quiet." The older man shut the door to watch as I wrapped my lips around Leon's cock, taking in the body wash scent mixed with the musk of a few hours' worth of work. The texture was smooth all over, not overtly veiny like some guys or with extra loose skin, as though there was more erection to be had. His was carved from marble, the shaft an even, uniform build all the way down to a slightly smaller head, the only thing about him with a different skin tone...just a shade lighter.

    It was inside my mouth to five of his seven inches within seconds. He sat there once he'd hit my gag reflex and waited for it to subside. Once it had, he began a series of short strokes in and out of my mouth, his hands lightly cupping my ears. I let him do this, I'd be fine blowing him for however long he liked...his dick was meant for it.

    But apparently, he wasn't up for that plan. "Hey, kneel on the bench for me." I did so, noticing as I did that the older man had dropped his pants again and was stroking himself. Good refractory period.

    I pulled my pants completely off and knelt on the bench while he took up a position behind me and lowered his head. I'm personally not into PERFORMING rimming, but if a guy wants to eat my ass, oh my god, go to town.

    Leon was pretty good at it as well. He concentrated on my hole, as you'd expect, but spent some time on my perineum, on my balls and even mouthed me below a few times, all between trying to see how far into my ass he could stick his tongue.

    We didn't have a lot of time, and his internal alarm clock must have sounded at some random point. He stood up and within a second I felt the knob of him pushing against my somewhat more-willing sphincter. I bore down and a moment later, he was inside me to the base. He began a decent rhythm, not too fast or urgent. I was wondering why when he seemingly read my mind, "if I go any faster, the bench will creak."

    I chuckled to myself.

    He didn't need much time though. His hands went to my hips as he went from easy, controlled strokes to a sort of concentrated, demanded thrust. Not powerful, not hard, concentrated, as though he was feeling every millimeter of my insides as he pressed into me.

    Between controlled, even breaths he asked me, "Inside or out?"

    "Inside is fine." I said, feeling the activity on my prostate almost ready to push me over. His pace never changed, but I felt the width of him swell several times as his breathing changed from controlled to gasping.

    "Fuck me." he said, as I felt the last few pulses of his orgasm. Just shy of my own. Oh well, I'd be getting off later, I told myself.

    He pulled himself out slowly, and I felt the cool air between us I hadn't noticed earlier. As soon as he was clear, however, the older man was immediately there at my rectum. "Is this OK?" he asked me, already pressing his much thicker flesh inside.

    I grunted an affirmative as his head spread me open. I was still lubricated from a combination of the seeming gallon of saliva Leon had poured onto me along with the semen that had been deposited, but the width of the guy was staggering. I had only casually glanced at it, but now I was fully engaged.

    It took him a bit longer than the few second that Leon had taken to get inside me, but I gasped a sigh of relief when I felt the mash of his pubic hair against the hairless crack of my ass. I'd have placed him at just around five inches long but so abnormally girthy that when he was fully inside, I felt like I'd earned an achievement. He wheezed just slightly, "Tight" when he was there.

    From there, he started a thrust not unlike what he'd used with Leon, who was now sitting next to us watching. The back and forth motion took him no more than a half-inch to an inch out of me, then back inside. His unfamiliarity with the bench meant that it squeaked from time to time, but not badly.

    His size was also almost systematically built so that the bottom side of his glans hit my prostate on his backwards stroke almost every...single...time.

    I came within the first five strokes of him being in me, a huge gout that flew onto the vinyl seat of the changing booth. I kept drooling fluid as he thrust into me for what he could, maybe two minutes.

    "I'm gonna...(gasp)...I'm gonna cum." with that declaration, he buried himself in me. I felt the width of him go impossibly bigger for several thrusts, further exacerbating my drooling cock.

    He pulled out with an almost audible "Pop" a second later, another hanky, and he was out the door before I could say, "thanks." I wiped up my mess on the vinyl with a bit of help from Leon with a few of the tissues that just happened to be there, along with a few wipes to my backside.

    "If you're ever this way and need a suit, we'll see what we can fit you into, or vice versa." Leon said as I walked away. He turned conspiratorially to the young lady as I exited the area.

    I met up with the wife at another clothing store. "How'd it go?" she asked.

    "Walking's entertaining" I said, watching her slide into a blue miniskirt. I quietly updated her on what went on.

    She reached down and rubbed from my ass to my flaccid dick, "Still got some for me though, right?"

    "Of course." I said.

    Since that day, a year ago, I've hooked up off cruise sites twice more. My new years resolution? Once per month, with a goal of once every two weeks.

    I've got an invitation for a guy off squirt today..have to see how that goes.
  5. Computer help...I guess I'm Tech Support.

    I have the day off today, so my plan was to chill out, maybe do some packing for the new house. Basically just exist.

    However, at 7 this morning, when I'd rather have been sleeping in, my friend Matt calls me. Says he has an emergency computer problem and he needs a hand.

    Matt runs a handyman service with his partner, Al. They're two of the most straight-acting gay guys I know, which in Central Georgia they kind of have to be to keep a thriving business.

    Their office is a small affair. They don't spend much time there, so there's not much necessity for it to be extravagant. They have four desktops, one for each of the guys, one that just does drawings and another one for insurance stuff. Over the weekend, two of their machines had updated to Windows 10 and they couldn't network them.

    ...don't know if any of you have dealt with this yet, but if you don't NEED Windows 10 for whatever reason, just roll it back...

    I'd started the restoration process on them, and asked him what he had planned for the day. He said, "Oh, not much. Just figuring out the computer stuff, have to go over to this lady's house and replace a mixing valve on her shower this afternoon. You?"

    I explained I was thinking about going home, laying down, not doing a whole lot of anything.

    "Sounds nice," he said, "can I join you?"

    Matt and Al are great guys, but based on their outward nature, I've never pushed anything sexual at them. They know I'm bi, and they joke around about it with me, but there's never been any interest.

    My split second assessment; Matt is in his late 40's, 6'2" and stocky, but solid as well. He keeps his brown/grey hair very short, and his face shaved. His large brown eyes are usually behind a pair of tasteful wire-rim glasses. Today, he had on a grey work shirt, carpenter pants and work boots, all still with that just-put-them-on cleanliness.

    I chuckled back at him, "Oh, come on...if you got into bed with me, there wouldn't be any napping."

    "Who said there needed to be?" He grinned, "Hell, I might just rub one out here, want to join?"

    I was just wearing a pair of linen pants, kind of lounge/beachwear, a t-shirt and light hoodie. You could definitely tell that the thought was going through my head, as my pants had gone from loose lounging to tight, right over the dick area.

    The string on my pants came loose before his belt, button and zipper. He rolled his pants down to his knees, over a pair of warm grey Hanes boxer/briefs, which were straining far more than my pants had.

    I sat back on one of his chairs, rolling myself maybe a little further forward than I should have, the bottom of my asscheeks sliding off the edge of the seat a hair, and began stroking my painfully hard 5.5". I watched him roll his legs slightly, and the pants fall from his knees to the floor.

    He glanced at me then and said, "Mind if we, I don't know, do a bit more than jack off?"

    "You do whatever you like." I said.

    He knelt down and enveloped my entire prick in his mouth. It seemed about a thousand degrees, and the air around us, which had been warm just a second ago, felt frigid on my shaft as he pulled back from me. He opened his mouth and surrounded me again, pulling his head back slowly as he did, flicking his tongue madly around the whole area.

    He is brilliant at this. If I could cum from oral, I'd probably have emptied my balls a half-dozen times in the first five minutes of this.

    His mouth left me six or seven minutes in, "You've got some control" he said, still on his knees.

    "I never cum from oral...sorry....but I enjoy the hell out of it!" I added the flourish at the end, so he wouldn't get discouraged.

    He grinned back at me, stood up and pulled a boot off. I noticed that he'd pulled his shorts down, and a tan, long shaft stuck out from his groin, capped with a slightly lighter helmet. A pink circumcision scar wound around it just slightly back from the glans. Thinking about it, my tongue licked my lips.

    He must have seen it as he pulled off his other boot and ditched his pants and underwear, "Wait, you suck dick?" He asked, almost confused.

    "Oh yes," I answered, "Suck dick, fuck, get fucked, you name it."

    Matt stood up, and from my estimate, almost 7" of cock bounced in front of me, "You get fucked?" He asked in a growl.

    I scooted down a hair more on the chair, and tried to pull my legs up. He looked down at me, stroking himself lightly as he did.

    He reached into his desk and pulled out a small bottle of lube, greasing himself up. He placed a few drops on my ass, cooling off the burning I felt. "I might not last very long, that alright?" He said, and he dropped to his knees again. It was maybe a second before I felt him right at my sphincter.

    "It's just fine. I've got stuff to do today too, and...." I trailed off as he pressed slightly forward. He didn't get inside me, just pressed forward.

    He backed off again, placed a bit more lube on me and went forward again. This time, I spread open a bit and felt him roll in. I groaned just a bit as the door opened and in came Al.

    I glanced at him just as Matt pressed himself inside me til I snapped in around Matt's head, followed by a little gasp.

    "Huh" Al said, "I didn't figure Joe to be a bottom."

    Matt withdrew just a bit, then pressed in another half inch or so, "I was kinda surprised too." He grunted.

    "I...I like to think I'm versa...versatile." He pulled out, then back in twice. Now he was probably halfway inside me.

    Al leaned over me and took my dick in his mouth while fussing with his pants, a pair of canvas work jeans. Al is just under 6' tall, wiry. He keeps his sandy blonde hair a bit longer than Matt's.

    I don't cum from oral..but I can DEFINITELY cum from oral + getting fucked. Matt was inside me in two more strokes, and Al was off of me, kissing Matt deeply, which was a bonus for me, I didn't want to finish that soon.

    Al pulled away from Matt and stood up, shucking off his pants and underwear. Next to my head was 6.5" of thick, dripping meat. I didn't even need to adjust my head to take it in my mouth, just turn slightly.

    He tasted like 3 hours of waking life, clothes detergent, and the salty taste of precum.

    "Oh fuck," Al groaned, "I wasn't planning on doing anything today. I'm gonna cum pretty quick."

    Matt began a slow movement back-and-forth, adding, "I think I'm cumming quicker than you."

    "How long, baby?" Al asked.

    Matt withdrew, then slowly entered again, "Maybe a minute."

    Al looked down at me, "You gonna take his load? You want him to pull out?"

    I didn't pull off his dick, just moaned "Inside" around him.

    Matt pushed in two more times. I felt him inflate and deflate in rapid succession inside me.

    It wasn't a second after he pulled out, a cool drooling line following him down the back of my ass crack that Al pulled out of my mouth with an audible pop, lined himself up at my ass and went in.

    Where Matt was slow, methodical, measured...Al just slammed in. He pounded at me for maybe 2 full minutes, while I took the opportunity to jack myself to his rhythm.

    His cock followed Matt's and began swelling and deflating inside me, and I timed myself so that I could feel the thrumming of my prostate as I came all over my chest and stomach.

    Thank god for wet-wipes.
    Tags: experiences
  6. I hope the rest of this year is this eventful...

    Mostly, I try to stick with guys my age or older. Just a personal thing. I realize I'm not the adonis a lot of guys are looking for, and most of the older gents, like 38+, just want to have a good time, get along with someone.

    My wonderful wife tends to have a thing for younger guys, and more power to her. We do the occasional 3way, and I've brought it up in the past on here, but it's not usually anything to write home about. Most of them are a bit weirded out by me getting involved with them, so it's rare that one will be a return trip...or even a stay til they're done trip.

    I'd started up a conversation with the kid next to me on the plane back from South Dakota, on my way home to (you can see it in my profile) Georgia. I was happy to get out of the lousy weather and into other lousy weather, but less freezing my balls off.

    He was 19, a student at Mercer. We met at the gate for the connecting flight in Denver and started up a chat. I have no gaydar at all, so I just figured we were shooting the breeze. He introduced himself as "Oscar", was about 5'4", maybe 110 lbs, soaking wet. He had close-cropped brown hair, brown eyes and a constant smile.

    It was a happy coincidence that we were in the same row, and I asked the young lady between us if she'd like the window seat, so we could continue bullshitting.

    When the question came up about where he was over the Holiday, he answered, "Reno", when I asked what for, he said, "Breaking up with my boyfriend, apparently."

    He went on to describe a horror story of a closeted kid that he'd accidentally outed..He was supposed to play, "The friend", but hadn't gotten the memo. The other kid's Mormon parents had six different degrees of shit to throw on the wall about it.

    "His loss, I'm awesome." He said.

    When we landed in Atlanta, in the rain, I asked how he was getting back to Macon. He mentioned he'd wait for one of the shuttles.

    "My car is parked in multi-day...I'll give you a ride, no problem." It would be a little bit of a problem, but I was trying to be the nice guy. Not the pervy nice guy, just the nice guy. You CAN do that, I do it all the time.

    He accepted, and off we went. He had more than a little appreciation for my car, a '15 Challenger R/T+...his exact words, "This thing must be a constant erection."

    It is.

    We headed down I-75. We continued chatting, and, while I'd kept it to myself on the plane, I felt I could let it slide, when he commented about how he just could never get into being with a woman, I said, "Well, I've been bi since I was 13, so I can relate to how it would be with a guy."

    He looked at me with what appeared to be shock. "No way. I mean, you come across as an open kinda guy, but no way do you read "Queer".

    I related to him the events of visiting my friend, his SO and a friend of theirs. He kept saying, "seriously?" in an incredulous tone.

    I exited at the Mercer ramp (163? I think?) and started towards campus, taking his instructions to his place.

    When we got to the dorm, I'd planned on just letting him out at the door. He said, "Go ahead and park, come on up. Least I owe you is a soda." Except he had a look in his eye....

    It took maybe 30 seconds of the door being shut on his dorm room before he had his clothes completely off and was on his knees in front of me. He had that way that most younger guys do, a lot of enthusiasm, not a lot of technique...which is fine.

    I was sitting back on his computer chair, my pants open but not off as he knelt between my outstretched legs. He worked me, kind of more slobbery than I usually get, and pumped what small amount of my cock was still not in his mouth. More often than not, though, he completely swallowed my 5.5".

    One of the topics we'd gone over was how I usually bottomed because of my size and the fact that I don't cum from oral. He'd said he was much the same way. I wasn't sure if he'd forgotten that, or if he was just in the mood for dick, because he worked on me like no tomorrow. 30 seconds to a minute at a crack he'd spend mouthing me, bouncing up and down at breakneck speeds. Then, he'd pop off, jack me with the increasingly large amount of spit he'd produce and go down to my balls, taking each one in his mouth in turn, but not sucking. Just rolling them around, one by one.

    In terms of blowjobs, I've had better. He was awesome, don't get me wrong (heaven forbid he get on here and find me...I'd hate to have him see bad criticism...nah, fuck it...I'll be a practice dummy anytime), but I wasn't going to cum.

    I mentioned as much to him. He quickly turned around, just long enough for me to catch a glimpse of his healthy, completely bald prick. He went to his dresser, and I instead got the view of his tight, athletic little ass.

    He came back, and I could see his great cock. A bit under 7" I'd say, just about average width. His balls looked tiny in the slight cool air of the room, as they should be, but nowhere down below did he have any hair at all...not even stubble.

    Later, he would tell me, "Got it lasered off. Tired of shaving."

    From his right hand, he pulled a condom out of an Altoids tin, tore the cover open and rolled it onto me. He produced a small...tiny...vial of some lube out of the same tin and gratuitously slathered what was left inside onto me.

    Then he went back to his bed and laid down, bringing his legs up, "Just like you were on the chaise, at your friend's house? The other night? Sound fun?"

    I didn't answer. I just took off my shirt, shucked off my pants and maneuvered myself to his little pink opening.

    With me, you kind of have to be slow. I snap shut after about no more than a few hours. I learned that he wasn't the same way as I started slowly pressing in and out, building up a 'spreading open' tempo. He just grabbed my ass and pulled.

    I was buried in him in less than the time it took to type this sentence.

    He began to rock, back and forth on the bed. I looked down to see my shaft go in and out of his tight little hole, the roll of the condom backing down onto me as it was pushed down. It would vanish for a second under his balls as he'd roll completely down, then come back as he cleared it again.

    I had to watch with a scientific detachment while he did it, thinking about how the curvature of my dick was hitting his prostate...I could feel it on my head as he'd roll himself away from me, and he'd shudder from it, a thick line of clear fluid appearing, then rolling down to hit his stomach, then rolling down to his side. I needed to watch it like this, or I'd already start cumming.

    He may not be the best at oral, but he's awesome at taking cock.

    The spectacle was almost pushing me over the edge though, and before I could comment that it was about time, I felt his prostate swell, and his tight sack get tighter.

    A large glob of cum flew out of him, and I mean FLEW. It hit the bedspread about 3" to the right of his head. The next one hit his face, just underneath his right eye. He quickly grabbed himself and pointed downward, towards his chest as the next half-dozen spurts painted his hairless torso.

    I kept going, enjoying the pulsating motions of his orgasm on the head of my dick. I thought I could keep going now, for a few more minutes. That was, until I saw him take his finger, wipe the semen from his cheek and stick it in his mouth, licking it all off.

    That pushed me over the edge. Before I could help myself, I jammed into him once, twice, a third time. I leaned forward over him and brought my face down to his, my mouth on his, hard. I could taste the remnants of jizz on his tongue, and wanted more. I pulled back up a bit, realizing I'd smeared what was on his chest on the hair of my own. I reached down with my own finger, place it in the puddle above his cock head.

    SLAM, in I went again, the pulsing in my perineum was there, and I pulled out once more, taking the finger out of the puddle and putting it in my mouth.

    SLAM, I buried myself and felt my tight balls on the upper part of his crack. The taste of his cum was clean, salty, and the little bit I'd grabbed coated my tongue. The first jet of my cum flew out of my head into the bag as I pulled out again.

    SLAM, I collapsed forward onto him, my mouth finding his again, his tongue going in as I gasped, my cock gouting semen into the latex. Filling it. Creating a puddle of my own inside.

    I'm not sure how long I came. I hadn't topped in forever, and it was glorious. Our mouths fought on each other for only a few minutes before I started to feel the tingle of sensitivity hit me.

    I pulled out, grabbing the base of the condom so it wouldn't slip off my drained and going-down prick.

    Standing up, I realized I had sticky jizz all over my chest. In a fit of raunch, I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on, refusing his offer of a towel. I did, however use it on my groin area.

    We exchanged numbers and email addresses. He said he'd love to get together again. If it's worth writing about, I'll make sure you folks hear about it.
    Tags: experiences
  7. One of those... Part II

    [B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“I….uh... I thought it would” I stammered.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He looked up at my face, “Hot? How? Explain it to me?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I just looked at him, then down at my not-going-down teenage cock, “I...well, I don’t get laid a lot. And I’m kinda..well, I’m into girls and guys...and I’ve swallowed cum a few times..”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He cut me off, “You didn’ didn’t like, eat any of that…”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“OH! just thought it would be hot to rub it around on my dick. Jack off with it.” I probably blushed even further. It felt that way.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“OK...I mean, I’ve heard about people doing that...that condom’s been in the trash since last night, I don’t know what the overnight value of jizz is, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t doing anything dangerous.” He smiled, “So, how does it feel?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I kinda cocked my head to the side, “What...what do you mean?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Well, you thought it would be hot to rub it around on your dick, is it? Is it hot to rub around in?” He asked.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I looked down. Nope, still hard. “Actually, I’ve kept myself from cumming a few times already. I didn’t want to waste it. It feels really good.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He glanced back down at my crotch, “You know, I’ve used condoms just about every way you can imagine...never tried jacking off with a used one before. That one’s new to me.” He pushed the towels over slightly, and when he did I noticed he was hard, and trying to hide it.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“So...are you going to finish and shower? You’re wasting a lot of hot water.” He stood up, adjusted himself and walked out.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I don’t know if it was the anxiety or the adrenalin, but I couldn’t finish jacking myself. Maybe it was because I’d edged too many times, who knows. Somewhat reluctantly, I pulled the condom back off and threw it in the trash. The cum that had been inside left my head glistening.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The shower done, I used one of the towels Mike had brought in, dried myself thoroughly and sat on the small bench, anxious about how the little discussion had gone.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I walked out of the bathroom, down the hallway to the stairs. The path took me by the open door of Mike’s study.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Hey, bud” his voice came from the room, “stop in here real quick.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]My heart fell. I didn’t know what he’d say, but I was pretty sure it’d be mortifying.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]His study was a large room that had two large windows and a patio door, leading out to one of two balconies on the third floor. It was furnished with an antique chaise, a desk that was too large to be a reading desk, but too small to be an office desk, several bookcases and an original Bob Ross..which didn’t occur to me at the time to be cool.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He was sitting in the large, leather desk chair behind the desk. He was nude, facing a TV that was playing a gay porno. This wasn’t what I was expecting.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Sit down. On the chaise.” He pointed. Both of the seats in the room faced the TV.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The action on the screen was your run-of-the-mill 80’s gay porn. Hairy guy 1 with mustache was sucking off hairy guy 2 with mustache. They were enjoying it.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“So,” Mike continued speaking, his deep timbre trailing off at the end of the vowel, “You said you’ve swallowed cum before. How’d that go?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I explained to him the night I lost my virginity to a man, then about the one kid at school the few times we’d done things, then the one guy at the college I was attending. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]From where I sat, I couldn’t see his hand on his equipment, just the slow motion of his arm and shoulder. The desk itself was covered on 2 sides...I had briefly seen underneath the desk on my way in.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He pondered while he watched the movie and slowly moved his arm before he spoke again, “Well, I’d appreciate you not using used condoms to jack off anymore, OK?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]After our brief talk, I was sure I’d not be doing that again, “You’ve got it, Mike.” I answered him. Despite the topic of the chat and the environment, my dick was waking up to the movie.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He continued, “If you really want to get off, come on up here, turn on one of the movies in that cabinet down there, jack off.” He swiveled towards me, “If you want to eat cum, however, we can arrange that too.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Standing up, he walked towards me. Mike was a hair under 6’ tall, at least 200 lbs. His hair was well gone to silver, well, other than his body, which was still mostly brown. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I had my first good view of his cock, however. It wasn’t that it was big or small, wide or thin. Think, in your head, about every porno you’ve ever seen. Every picture of every penis. Now think of the circumcised ones. Average them all together, and that’s Mike’s.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]A hair under 7”, as wide as both of your thumbs. The shaft was a few shades lighter, and a shade or two pinker than the skin surrounding it, the head a shade or two darker purple than that. A neat, well done circumcision scar circled it an inch, maybe a bit more down from the shelf of his frenulum. His whole groin was trimmed down to a close stubble, and his scrotum, tight against his body now, was the same color as his shaft, wrinkled like the fruit of a walnut.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He stopped when he was about a foot away, “You’re a young guy, Joe. Certain rules are going to have to apply” he stroked, slowly, purposefully, “I can’t go after you, have to come to me, I’m sure it’s illegal no matter what, but I do a lot of illegal shit, and you’re old enough.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I looked up at him, wondering what he meant, what he wanted me to do.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“So, if you want to eat this cum, you have to put your mouth over the end of my dick. Do you understand? I can’t tell you to do it, you have to do it on your own.” Previously, he’d been stroking from his base until his hand went over his head. Now, he stroked the 4” closest to his body, the engorged head completely clear.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I turned on the chaise, lifted myself up and started to put my mouth over his head. “Ah ah…” he said, pulling away, “Today, we’re eating cum. We are NOT sucking cock. Keep your mouth open, right there.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The view must have been something like a baby bird waiting for dinner. Mike wasn’t watching the movie, he was looking down at my face, “Tell me, do you want it? I need to know that you want it.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“I want it.” I said, then opened my mouth back up.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Then here it is.” he said calmly. A split second later, as I stared at his slit, it opened and a huge, creamy dollop landed on my tongue, followed by another, then a third, then a dozen or so more.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]When he’d squeezed the last drop or two out of himself, he wiped the tip on my upper lip, “OK, swallow.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I did. I could fully taste it now that he’d finished, and his creamy texture was only the tip of the iceberg, it was salty, of course, and as it coated my tongue and throat, there was a sweet undertaste. It was excellent.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He leaned back against the edge of his desk, placing his hands to either side of his butt, “So, let’s talk a bit deeper, shall we?” He stretched, “How much have you done with guys?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I swallowed a few more times, “Well, I’ve sucked a few guys off, and I’ve been fucked once.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Once, huh?” He smiled, “Continue…”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Not much more,” I felt kind of pathetic, “Just a few times.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He looked straight at me, “Sounds like you need practice.” [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]And thus started my education. I spent the next 2 years living with Mike 10 months out of the year, during those times, I would go to graduate Magna Cum Laude. However, the talents and skills I learned with Mike are almost as valuable, as they’ve satisfied many a partner since..[/FONT][/COLOR]
    If you're even [B]slightly interested in having me continue, let me know and I will.[/B][/SIZE][/B]
    Tags: experiences, life
  8. One of those, "How I got started" posts, but more like "How I got educated". Part I

    [B][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I figured I'd better start with an introduction..."Hello, I'm Joe, and I'm bi."[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial](Murmured "Hello, Joe" from the uninterested crowd)[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]As someone here might note, my screen name is 'blatant_bi_guy'. That's who/how I am. What that means to me isn't that I drift around with a constant air of bisexuality, what it means is that I'm never afraid to hide it. If I'm asked by anyone, whether it be a complete stranger or a potential boss, I'll tell them straight out.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]But first I'd say, "It's none of your business".[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I hear an awful lot about bisexual erasure now and again. I hear an awful lot about how, in general, the public is less accepting about bisexuals now more than more than women.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]What bothers me about the whole thing is the necessity for exposure. A comedian (I forget which...may have been the Onion) mentioned that a recent gay pride parade pushed gay acceptance back 20 years. I get this feeling that a lot of that is part of the issue here. When the topic of my sexuality comes up with someone who doesn't know how I'm wired to begin with, I first assess how worthwhile it will be for that person to know. What are they going to use that information for? Most of the time, it comes with a judgement call.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I knew back when I was about 12 years old I saw things a bit different than the other boys. I was taught that Y is attracted to X, and X to Y, and that's how it is. Being in Western South Dakota didn't help much either...the culture there was either religious or bigot, or a combination thereof. I knew I liked boys and girls before I even knew that there was a word for it. And when I first heard the definition, it felt like it fit...better, it felt like I wasn't the only one in the world. The first person I told was my best friend at the time (we were 14), a girl. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Well, it went all over the school in about 20 seconds. Insults, slurs...even if I DID like girls, the whole 'faggot' term got thrown around like mad. Granted, it was just the kids that were doing it...back then, it was sort of...against the rules to bring adults in. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The first few years were mortifying. I endured a few hellish months, but then it blew over. Yeah, I'd let it bother me...a lot. But even these closed-minded folks really didn't care after the initial shock. When it was over, guys would give me shit in the locker rooms, girls would give me shit about the guys, but it was more of a dig at someone rather than kids being vicious...they'd got the viciousness out of their systems.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]But through all that, I didn't ever deny it. I just accepted that this was what came with the territory...some folks are just too narrow-minded.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I went away to school when I was 15, bound and determined to be closeted. I felt like that was what most men did, kept it bottled up. Until I met Mike.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He was the man who owned the rooming house I stayed in, a big, beautiful Queen Anne. One night, coming home from a late cramming session, I caught him screwing a male grad student from the college we both attended (yeah, I started college at 15). [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I’d had my suspicions from the moment I met him, but watching him rail the grad student on a chaise in his “Music Room” kind of put the last nail in the thought. They hadn’t seen me walk by (the frosted-glass french doors were behind them) but to this day, the vision is squarely in my mind.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Nothing much else happened for a week or two. One Saturday night, just after finals, things changed.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I’d been trying to build up the courage to ask him something...anything, really. Not even sexual. It just fascinated me that I’d gone from just seeing him as an older gentleman to seeing him as something sexual, and that fascination scared me.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]This particular Saturday, there had been a 5k marathon on campus, and I’d participated with gusto. I knew, being 15 that there wasn’t a single girl on campus that found me in the least bit noticeable, so I’d just done it to participate in something. My age kept me from any physical extracurricular, and I didn’t have many friends.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I came back to the house, ready to take a shower and sluice the grime off myself. However, the communal bathroom on the 2nd floor was locked, with the shower already running. One of the other housemates, an undergrad named Len’s voice said, “Occupied!”.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I went back downstairs, to find Mike in the kitchen. I stood there, in my shorts, t-shirt and sweat and made small talk with him for a little while, again, still fascinated in my mind by the view of his thick, hairy legs and butt with it’s back-and-forth movement.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“You can use the shower on the 3rd floor, if you want.” He said, “There’s a water heater for every floor, so Len won’t use all the water.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Following that advice, I went into my room and grabbed some clothes, my shower bag and headed upstairs. I’d only been up to the floor he took as his own once, to drop off three month’s rent.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]His bathroom was almost twice as large as the one on the first floor, a large clawfoot tub in one corner, a shower stall in the other, with a toilet and vanity on the facing wall. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I sat my clothes down on the sink, and in doing so, saw something down in the trash. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Reaching down, I pulled it out, gingerly, and laid it on the sink. It was a condom. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The lubricant outside was still slick. Inside, a huge amount (to my inexperienced eyes) of viscous semen lay near the tip, but trickled slowly towards the small amount of still-rolled latex at the end.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]In 1987, for a 15 year old, there wasn’t a lot of pornographic outlets. No internet. No big brothers to get me skin mags or vhs tapes. My only material at that point was a Hustler from ‘85, that I’d almost rubbed ink off I went through it so often.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]So the evidence of sex, of actual sex, here in front of me, made me instantaneously rock hard. I had a filthy idea, and decided I was going to jerk off using that thought.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I walked over to the shower with the condom in hand and turned on the water. Standing outside the door, I pulled the latex over my dick, pulling it down until the semen inside was surrounding my head.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]And then I started to rub. The slickness of the condom and cum was exhilarating. I’d had a few sexual experiences before, but my ignorance of the basics, lack of regular outlets and without anywhere to actually buy any without intense scrutiny led to not using them.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The whole sensation was new, and new usually meant that I was ready to pop in a second. This time I edged myself close, then backed off. Edged, then backed off.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I wasn’t sure what my next opportunity to feel this would be, and I wanted to relish it. Which was probably my mistake. I should have wanted to get off.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The door to the shower was angled in such a way that all the noise from inside went directly into your head, and was within sight of the door to the bathroom. Which was why I didn’t hear the door open.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I have no idea how long he was standing there. Later, he would say, “Oh, a few minutes.” All I heard was someone clearing his throat.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]My body twisted toward the shower. My head glared at the door.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Mike was standing there with several towels. He was looking me straight in the eye with an, “I caught you” grin on his face, “What’re you up to, bud?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]It was probable that my entire body was one big red embarrassment. But my hand was still on my dick, my dick was still in someone else’s cum-filled condom, and it was still painfully hard.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Mike walked over to a low bench that sat between the clawfoot tub and the shower, sat the towels down and looked down at my equipment. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Is that the condom out of the trash?” He asked.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]“Why lie?” I thought to myself. At this point, he could just walk over there. “Yeah, it is.”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]He shook his head, “What would possess you to put on my condom?”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000]...Go to Part II[/COLOR][SIZE=3][/SIZE]
    Tags: experiences, life
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