So I have a major desire to suck my youngest Stepson's cock. I've always had a feeling he was either Bi or Gay as he rarely has a girlfriend and is always hanging around guy friends.
In the last year I've discovered he has an account on Grindr. Infact we have chatted 3 separate times sharing pics of our cocks. His pictures show parts of his bedroom so I know it's him plus when he was online a few times it showed he was a foot away from me.
2 of the 3 conversations were initiated by him. He wanted me to suck his cock and I told him I would love to. A few days after the 2nd Grindr conversation, I was sitting on the couch watching TV. He was upstairs getting ready for work and came downstairs to leave. He comes into the living room and stands there looking at me for a couple seconds without saying a word and leaves the house for work. Not exactly sure what that was all about. I have a good feeling he knows it was me he was chatting with the 2nd conversation on Grindr but not exactly sure. So I sent him some more pics to his account and the next time he was heading out the door I stopped him and told him I sent a couple messages to him, he thanked me and left the house. He hasn't logged back on that Grindr account since our 2nd conversation.
3rd Grindr conversation he used a totally different account when he initiated our conversation. He sent me the same exact pictures to me again so I knew it was him. This time I told him during the Grindr chat that I had sent him a couple messages and told him I told him when he was leaving for work. He said he forgot. He was pretty adamant about getting a face pic of me, I never sent him one. He either has deleted that latest account or has blocked me. His other account is still there but he hasn't been online with it in several months. I have sent a few pics that expire in 10 seconds to him. 1 is of me sucking a cock. Security measures is you can't screenshot any of the expiring pics so I'm not worried he'll show anyone.
He comes home pretty late most of the time normally 1-2 am and if I'm awake I call out is that you ***** he always answers yes. This would be perfect time to suck him off. The wife and I don't sleep together anymore, been 2 years now. I sleep on the couch in the Den.
During the summer I was leaving the blinds open to the den as you have to pass the den windows to get to the front door. I sleep with the TV on so you can see into the room from the outside as you walk by. I've tried jacking off during the times he would be coming home in hopes he would catch me but that hasn't worked yet.
I'm pretty sure he knows it was me he was chatting with after the 3rd conversation. I just don't know how to initiate the conversation with him face to face.
Any suggestions?