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  1. fun guy

    Im 33 and I can't stop thinking about sucking cocks did it when I was like 14and have not been with. A man yet I was just a boy last tebut all I want to do is suck dick don't do anyfucking or kiss
  2. Why do some guys lie?

    Why is it that no matter what site I'm on some guys hit on me and then i find out they only want to talk about themselves and what they want, rather then just meet up with someone and do it. Talk is cheap meeting is fun, that's my motto. Just venting, haven't got anything in 2 weeks and I'm a little down. :(
  3. becoming more sissy

    years ago I was straight and dom and a bull then over the years of swinging and playing I became a switch and then more submissive and now I am a sissy cocksucker cd and crave to suck cocks and feel like a pussy being used.

    Share your feelings with me.
  4. Chat Room Info

    If the chat room is going to be down for an extended period of time , then we should chat on skype or yahoo
    gunslinger113 on both , always up for chat and more with anyone.
  5. Picking a hotel for my first time

    I've been chatting with a very sexy dude for awhile now. I have decided that it's time to get together and get some hot sex going. Neither of us can host, so comes the idea of a pay by the hour motel. Sounds seedy, I know, but any ideas on this? I appreciate your feedback.


  7. Bi Married please read..I would like your input

    I am bi of course and unmarried but I have been asked by a close friend to be a third sort if lightly. No real commitment but just to play on occasion with both. I feel honored they asked but I do have a question I was thinking about related to this for all you bi married straight or gay.

    In your marriage, how many of you are you open about your bisexuality and to your mate and have explored either with someone else or together with your mate. Or, are you in a sort of don't ask don't tell policy, or does the other half actually know about your bi side and how is it working out? ...the good bad and ugly. I kindly appreciate your answers since this is new ground for me. I have learned so much from all of you and appreciate reading your posts.

  8. Changed Days.... And Biggest Change On Way

    Those who know me or have been regular readers of forums know Fran is married to another girl called Kate... sometimes known as Naggy Knickers... luffliest bootie I know.. among other things! We had probs, espesh in the early days when Fran was a bit foot loose cos really she has nev felt monogamy summat she wanted or wos up 2... I have often written about the fact that my wife and partner is instinctively monogamous and that I would prefer it other.. between us we often talked of opening things up but one thing is more important than me fucking around.. that is the person with whom I am in love! I've seen life without her.. endured it.. and it wos awful..

    In a relationship between one who believes in monogamy and one who would rather be much more liberal with her favours, there can be no compromise... that couple either is monogamous or it isn't so someone has to lose... although an honest change in one or t'otha partner's own stance and belief can mean both win.. although I am not sure I would call it winning.. it does mean neither can lose.. but only if the partner whose stance and belief alter is a sincerely held change. Just such a change has occurred to one of us and it has freed us both up to much more full and enjoyable life.. We are no longer a monogamous couple.. and Kate has undergone a transformation both as a woman and as a human being.. she now has more understanding as 2 why I have always felt as I do...

    For over a year now we have brought others into our lives sexually. I had always felt a little guilty about Kate depriving herself of men .... what men offer is so different to what I am able to and have thought her in error since I can offer her only so much.. emotionally, everything but sexually? Not all her bisexuality craves. She is now free to enjoy this aspect of her sexuality and is doing so.. not with a plethora of men although if that's what she wanted who am I to stand in her way? She also is expanding her lesbian side and this too I encourage although any casual sex which has entered her life has been my responsibility... and so that has all been with other women... tho most of that side has been with one other woman since even although she has freed her mind and loosened up, just going out to get laid by someone she meets in a club or at a party isn't yet her thing.. and it may never be.

    What has surprised me is that 2 me own surprise most of my naughtiness outside of my primary relationship has been with 2 women... one an older former work colleague.. the other an old friend who I have panted over for almost a decade since the day she walked into my life... unlike Kate I have, with her blessing, gone out with or gotten off with and slept with others... and will do again. She is free so to do, but she remains a little inhibited as yet but is making real changes in how she thinks and feels about sex within and without our relationship.. 2 my suprise I haven't had as much casual sex as expected I s'pose in part cos of my life wiv Kate, and the other two women who are in integral part of my life..... but I have had some.. more than Kate anyway... but then I think I always expected that would be the case..

    We do occasionally share one of my "fuck buddies" although she is more than a fuck buddy to me and I dont think of her in those terms.. m8s always mean a lot 2 me and just 2 consider 1 as s fuck buddy is a bit contemptuous...... and also very occasionally if less often the other woman in her life... but I don't with her guy.. ..... I am a lesbian ffs.. I haven't even met him... and don't feel the need to have to... sharing the guy is not something I am prepared to do and the older woman in mine? Well, it just hasn't occurred even if they do know each other slightly and like each other...

    One or two of my friends on site have an inkling of this.. and a couple know most of it... but also know yet another even more important development in my life... Fran is pregnant.. or as me big bruvva an' the luffly Gear sez.. "Up the duff". No, it did not involve allowing a man to roger me as me bruvva wud put it..... the NHS kindly did the dirty deed (for nowt peeps... triff thing the NHS!!)... on 11 August and confirmed a week ago tomoz... an' no man wos ne wer near at time (tho 1 wos required to supply tadpoles...)... I do know the father .. and he will be involved in my child's life even if she (hopefully she.. but health is more important than gender) will not know who her father is until much later in her life if that is her wish...... my choice principally.. but his too... soooo... in May, Fran will b a real mummy... though she is 2 her adopted daughter who is now a teenager, quite the young lady and making her own way in the world and doing her own thing... triff grades in her exams this year so a bright an' wise girl for her age cos no babbas for her.. not yet.. and even Kate's younger child who she is not able to adopt for reasons stated in the past.. but I just feel like I am her second mum and think she looks on me in that light... we have brought and are bringing up both girls bettern that.. mayb not natural mum 2 either or legal to 1.. but very real 2 both for all that...

    Really none of this is ne 1's biz but our own, but I have always been open on this site or as open as a could be. About the pregnancy it is my decision, but about the other thing, only now does Kate feel ready to allow me to tell more openly on .com of the change in our relationship... I have always felt it is how we learn... it is wy we have chat, forums and blogs... not just to find out whose cock we most wanna suck or whose puss we wanna lick.... if at all.... rather than suppressing things and keeping quiet.. and 1 or 2 of u have known some of it.. a little mostly.. and feel it time that I tell just what has been going on me lickle life..

    Updated Sep 1, 2014 at 12:25 PM by darkeyes

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