
All Blog Entries

  1. My First MM Experience (part four)

    I sat on the sofa and it was his turn to get down on his But this is another story..

    Updated Jun 19, 2019 at 3:10 AM by Robocock

  2. My First MM Experience (part three)

    He was sat In a chair as naked has the day he was

    Part 4 will be posted soon..

    Updated Jun 19, 2019 at 3:12 AM by Robocock

  3. My First MM Experience (part two)

    I walked out into the garden, he was just coming through his gat

    Part 3 cumin soon.

    Updated Jun 19, 2019 at 3:13 AM by Robocock

  4. My First MM Experience (part one)

    If you want to hear the rest then please comment below.. and if I get enough interest I will tell you what happened over the coming weeks..

    Updated Jun 19, 2019 at 3:15 AM by Robocock

  5. "Don't Stick It In Too Far!" - Part II

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Of course, "accidents" would happen and, kinda rarely, some guy would bullshit you and say he wasn't gonna stick it in, start out not sticking it in and, "oops" - it goes in and he's not of a mind to pull it out and I know that would piss me off when a guy did it deliberately but, well, okay, he's in there so just let him stay there; it's still a win/win because you'd get fucked and creamed either way.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]There were even some girls who wanted you on top of them, humping away... but ya better not even think about sticking it in, even a little bit and if they weren't of a mind to have you fuck them in the ass (and a lot of them preferred this over having their cherry busted), you just stuck it somewhere between their legs and went for it until you squirted your stuff all between their legs or you "pulled out" and squirted on their belly or butt cheeks.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]It was better than not being able to fuck or be fucked and for those who were concerned about being "clean down there," this was easily taken care of simply by washing before the fact and the soap itself could be used to provide that slippery medium to prevent friction burns and if you've ever had a friction burn, you know they don't feel good at all.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Even as an adult, I ran into a lot of guys who wanted to screw like this or be screwed like this; like I said, they wanted the experience of being humped but not penetrated and by not being penetrated, they felt that their manliness was being preserved when, really, nah, not the case at all because some guy is still fucking you and busting a nut "in" or on you. Just a matter of doing what one's sensibilities would allow but I'd often find it funny to hear a grown man say, "I want you to fuck me... but don't stick in me, okay?"

    Or the reverse: "I wanna fuck you but I'm not gonna stick it in there!" Okay, dude - whatever; let's do this. When it was being done to me, I really did find it to be good and relaxing and more so if he was pushing against my hole and maybe just a bit of the tip was slipping in there, not enough to cause the usual discomfort of entry but just enough to make it feel really good. I'd even tell guys, "Before you cum, put it right up against my hole..." and I'd ask for this because I just loved to feel his cock pulsating against my hole as his cum was flowing all over the place.

    Besides, clean up after the fact was easy and you didn't have to worry about leaking cum or spending some time sitting on a toilet and getting rid of it that way. Add in some cock sucking before this happened and you had a good sexual experience without worrying about your ass hurting for some time after the fact.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "Don't Stick It In Too Far!" - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Back in the wild, crazy, sex-filled days of my youth, there were a lot of guys who'd utter these six words or tell someone that they wanted to be fucked - just don't stick it in at all. Somebody would say this as a requirement and it would sound like the guy was a chicken because everyone knew that if you wanted to be fucked, ya had to stick it in and as far as you could get it, right?

    Then there were the guys who wanted to fuck you... and seriously didn't want to stick it in you - again, sounding like they were scared to put it in and maybe they were but if you wanted to be screwed, well, okay - let's see how that works. Everyone's favorite position in this would be to lie on their stomach, keep their legs closed as tightly as they could - sometimes crossing your legs worked well for that - and the other guy would use spit or whatever was handy as a lube and slide it in between your butt cheeks or even in that space where, when he started to thrust, would slide across your taint - that space between your balls and your asshole - and making contact with your balls and sometimes a guy would just position his knob at your hole and fuck against it and, hopefully, without it sliding in or, with equal hope, if it started to slip inside, it wouldn't go that far.

    All the fun of being fucked without the discomfort and even I got to a point where getting screwed like this was nice and comforting to not be worried about having your hole stretched out when you didn't really feel like having it stretched out.

    There were some guys who you just couldn't get your dick in their ass no matter how much Vaseline you used or how hard they tried to relax; their mind is telling them to relax and let it in... but their body wasn't hearing any of it so doing it to him without getting it in him was the only alternative.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Cocksucker - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I could fight with the best of them but my best weapon were words so when someone would be miffed with me because they could dish it out but couldn't take it and say something like, "Aw, man, suck my dick!" I'd come back with, "You offering?" or, "You wish!" or "Damn! You promised you wouldn't say anything!" or some other snarky, biting thing. Sure, they'd get pissed off and want to fight... then change their mind about that.

    I resolved, over time, that even if someone figured it out, I wasn't gonna get stressed out about it, like the one guy in our group who did find out and, one on one, said - not asked - "You really do suck dick, don't you?"

    "I've been known to," I said and without feeling panicky, worried, or even stressed. "It is what it is and, really, I'm not ashamed of it." And apparently he wasn't either since we spent almost two hours sucking each other off after we finished talking.

    He did say, "You're pretty brave about it..." and I just shrugged and told him that if anyone else figured it out (or someone outed me) and they had a problem with it, they could take it up with me and, being truthful, all they could do is not like it.

    He said, "We both know they ain't gonna do that; you're way too serious when you fight!"

    "I know that among us, I'm not the only cocksucker," I said. "But I'd never out anyone - that's just seriously fucked up. And, no, I'm not gonna tell you who the other cocksuckers are so don't ask."

    And it never failed to amaze me that the guys who always had something to say about sucking dick were also the guys who were sucking dick like champs - go figure. I realized that image and reputation is everything when you're hanging with the fellas and it's the "perfect" [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]camouflage to rant and rave against cocksuckers... when you're a cocksucker, too.

    Silly... but that's just guys being guys, I guess.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Cocksucker - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Calling someone a cocksucker was fighting words - probably still is. Just like a lot of guys, if you wanted to start an argument or a fight, just utter those words and I wasn't any different - call me a cocksucker and you'd better be ready to defend yourself...

    Until, one day, I asked myself what I was getting fighting mad about because I was, indeed, a sucker of cocks and at the time of this "revelation," I'd long since lost count of how many cocks I'd had my mouth on so it made sense for me not to get pissed off about what was really the truth of things.

    Still, there were guys who were, for all intents and purposes, stupid. In the space of a day, I went from being ready to fight over this to not getting all riled up about it; one guy said, "If you're not pissed off, it must be true, huh?"

    Without revealing the truth - because those assholes didn't deserve to hear it - I said, "No, this is just me proving that I'm a better person than you are; you're looking for a fight and I have better things to do other than putting you in the hospital over some dumb shit..."

    They were reminded that I was a black belt holder in two martial arts discipline and they'd seen me fight and just as recently as the day before; needless to say, that guy never called me a cocksucker again... and no one else did, either.

    But it was really about facing the truth about myself and a truth that, oddly enough, was shared by a lot of the guys I'd hang around with. I saw it was one thing to be yanking someone's chain about it and in that weirdly good-natured way but you always knew when someone wasn't joking and was making an accusation and it taught me an important lesson in life: What you suspect is one thing but what you can prove is something very different.

    I could always tell who the other cocksuckers in our group were, not just because we'd been happily sucking each other off every chance we got; it was because they'd get really quiet whenever some offended guy was ready to fight and, equally strange, some of the guys who'd say this offense word were, themselves, cocksuckers... and that didn't make a lot of sense to me except, maybe, to deflect suspicions about what they were doing when they couldn't get any pussy.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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