
All Blog Entries

  1. A Surreal Moment - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I had just successfully and delightfully gotten a guy to dump a load of cum into my mouth and was now settling in to enjoy him returning the favor when I became hyper-aware of what he was doing and as if I had "stepped outside myself" and watching and the conversation in my head went something like this:

    Brain: Hey, good job sucking that dick! He tried to resist but we showed him what's up, didn't we?

    Me: Yeah, that was fun... but he's sucking my dick now... and why am I paying so much attention to that?

    Brain: You're asking me like I know but, okay, let's watch him anyway!

    I'm lying there and getting my dick sucked and like it didn't have anything to do with me and I'm paying attention to a whole lot of shit that, normally, I wouldn't be paying attention to, like how much he was sweating, how hard it seemed for him to breathe as he worked his mouth up and down my shaft and just the fact that there was a man sucking my cock seemed to be some "strange" thing.

    Me: Shouldn't this be feeling really good? I mean, he's really giving me his best effort even though I noticed he almost gagged when he went deep.

    Brain: Oh, it's feeling good - I'm just not letting you feel it because you need to see what he's doing and figure out why he's doing it.

    Me: You picked a fucked up time to get all analytical...

    Brain: Sue me... and get back to watching him.

    So I did. Now, in reality, it wasn't that it wasn't feeling incredibly good but as my traitorous brain pointed out, actually paying attention to what he was doing to me had all of my attention, from the way he was varying what he was doing to the way he was cupping and lightly - and carefully - fondling my balls. I could see, by the look on his face, that he was deeply concentrating on what he was doing; his eyes were closed but I could see them moving around behind his eyelids as he thought or, perhaps, seeing some stuff in his mind's eye.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Hot Hot weekended

    The wife and I decided to invite some like minded friends to our cabin in the remote north woods this last weekend, no cell service, no internet, no TV just nature. We invited our friends who are couples and bi as we are, and everyone had a wonderful time. Funny though that when it is just us guys we are all about sucking cock and anal, but with the women folk there it’s mostly about sharing our wives. We still suck a little dick, lick some cum from their pussies but it’s all about enjoying the experience. All of us our mature late 50s in age so we just take our time and enjoy ourselves with no boundaries and lots of personal respect. This was the 12 time we have gotten together and we had an awesome time.

    All of us have maintained our bodies and still look hot naked, that being said I pounded a lot of pussy and ate a lot of pussy as did the wife enjoy lots of cock. Angela and Eric are the only couple that isn’t married but let me tell you she is a wild one. She and my wife are close friends and enjoy each other often, but show her some dick and she is all over it. Having 4 men all alone in the north woods was more than she could take. All of us guys fucked her multiple times and she just wants more. On the ride home my wife said she was sore and hurt a little but it was a good hurt. My cock is almost raw but my ball sack is empty and useless for a few days as I recover. She said we need to do this more often, who am I too argue.
  3. Assume the Position - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]At the time, I just couldn't understand how girls could do it and there were quite a few guys who could as well and that's when I learned that a woman's hips and pelvic saddle were designed for this kind of movement, that and women always just seemed to be more flexible. It didn't really explain why guys could do - other than being flexible but, shit, I was flexible, too, so how come I couldn't?

    Eventually I gave up trying to figure it out and to prevent some unnecessary drama ruining the sex, I'd just get on my knees or whatever and wait for the feeling of the dick spreading my hole open. Even though I never figured it out and just chalked it up to my body not being one that could do it as easily as others could, sure, I'd try it because, sometimes, I wanted him on top of me and having him all wrapped up and even so I could look at him while he fucked me... just don't start trying to twist me up like a pretzel and we'd be good.

    When a guy would get me in this position and wasn't trying to "make more room," I'd be within my comfort limits and I did like being able to look down between us and see his dick going in and out of me - if you've never seen yourself being fucked, you should give it a try - it's quite surreal.

    Adding to the problem were those guys who didn't know how to fuck in any other position. I'd have guys trying to stick it in from the back or even when spooning and they just couldn't do it like that... and I'd wind up on my back, legs splayed open to the limit of my ability to do so, and they were happy even if I wasn't all that happy about it.

    You learn that, sometimes, you gotta do some things you're not really fond of in order to get the dick the way you want it. You also learn why some women don't like being all twisted up and why they'd give you the evil eye whenever you tried to twist them up; you had a good time with them but her thoughts were anything but good. You learn to never ask someone to do something you can't or won't do yourself and that lesson got me into the habit of asking someone how they wanna do it or how did they want to do it to me... then hope they didn't want me on my back but, if so, it was just something to be endured and dealt with after the fact.

    We used to poke fun at anyone who got fucked and was walking funny after the fact but when it happened to you, it sure as hell wasn't funny at all trying to walk when your joints, muscles, and tendons were raising all kinds of hell with you and because they got pushed beyond their physical limits.

    I'd rather ride a guy's dick before getting on my back and trying to make my hips and legs do something they're not gonna like; it can sometimes be hard on your knees to be on them for a long period of time while homey is trying to bust a nut in you... but that's better than having to deal with a lot of pain in your hips later on.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Assume the Position - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]When you grow up playing with dick, there are a lot of things you wind up learning like (of course) how to suck dick and how to not get your gag reflex triggered - could be messy; you learned how to swallow cum and especially when there was a lot of it and if it tasted kinda yucky, you learned how to get rid of it without removing the dick from your mouth and maybe offending the guy by obviously spitting it out. You learn how to relax so that dicks of all sizes can go into your butt with the least amount of pain or discomfort... and you learn what position works best for you when it's time for the dick to go in you.

    Spooning, lying flat on your belly, and being in that face down/ass up position and, sure, being on your hands and knees; you even learned how to be fucked standing up, either leaning against a wall or something or being held upright as the dick is working away inside you. But the one thing I learned and never really could do was being fucked in the missionary position.

    Even though I got to be quite flexible because of my training in judo and karate, if a guy wanted me to assume this position, my hips just didn't want to work that way and I'd learn to just hate it when some guy would pounce on me like that and before I could tell him I didn't like that position, I'd be in it and the pain in my hip joints was worst than the pain of him banging my ass like his life depended on it.

    On one such occasion, I actually punched the guy in the nose, not hard enough to break it but enough to draw blood and when he asked why I punched him I said, "I told you I didn't like doing it like that!" I got untangled from him and turned over, raised my ass up and told him, "Now, do it to me!"

    It wasn't that I sometimes wouldn't do it like that - I just learned what my limits were in this and I'd take care not to let some guy push me past those physical limitations. If a guy wanted my legs up on his shoulders, okay, I could handle that well enough but when a guy wanted my legs drawn up and now he's trying to press my knees further apart and back, well, that shit hurt! Worst, I'd be squirming because of the pain and the guy would take that to mean I was really liking what he was doing...

    And would find out I really wasn't.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Giving Into the Urge - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I lost track of how long he'd been fucking me because I was in that place where time didn't matter; I wanted and needed him to keep fucking me but, at the same time, I wanted him to cum inside me and if it happened right now, that worked. I knew he was on his second wind and that it would take him a little longer to cum and that was both fine... and not so much, if you know what I mean.

    Finally, I felt his dick getting thicker inside me; I heard him say, "Oh, shit!" then felt his dick pumping away like crazy inside of me and it was just heavenly and exactly what I strangely wanted to feel. When he pulled out, he was looking like he was embarrassed or something and I asked him what was wrong and he started apologizing for cumming too fast and again for not having a big dick.

    When he said he came too fast, I looked at the clock and my brain figured out that he'd only been fucking me for about five minutes or so - but it felt like he'd been inside me for much longer than that! I told him not to worry about it - he did exactly what I needed him to do; I thanked him and told him how much I appreciate him stepping out of his comfort zone and more so since I'd kinda stepped out of mine or, really, stepped back into a zone that was par for the course for me being with a guy.

    We got washed up and before we got dressed, we spent some time in a 69 and I very much appreciated the fact that he could not only get it up for a third time but deliver another load of spunk for me to feast upon. Afterward and before he was ready to go, he thanked me for being so patient with him and not really putting any pressure on him to perform. He even said that he was going to rethink the whole thing about being the guy who got fucked because he really did like fucking me.

    He left and I went back to work and it didn't take long before I got the urge for some pussy - but I'd have to wait until one of the girls got home and whichever one got there first was going to catch a bad break when I pounced on them![/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Giving Into the Urge - Part II

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Fifteen minutes later, he's still sucking away on my dick but not really getting me any closer to busting a nut. That didn't bother me... but I could tell it was bothering him; not only could I sense his growing frustration but I could feel how tense his body was becoming. I wasn't deliberately holding back on him and he was doing a good job sucking me - my nut was just taking it's own sweet time about showing up, that's all.

    He stopped and looked at me and said, "I'm sorry you haven't cum yet but, um, how about you fuck me instead?"

    Not really my favorite thing to do but, okay, it'll get me off and would also make him less frustrated. I got the lube and applied it to us both; he got onto his knees and in the face down/ass up position and I slid my dick into his ass until my belly was up against his backside. After checking to see if he was okay - and he said he was - it didn't take me long to bust that nut in him and as much as I didn't really like fucking a guy all that much, yeah, it felt very damned good.

    But I wasn't finished with him because as I fucked him, I was thinking about how much I really needed to be fucked even though this, too, was unusual for me. I told him what else I wanted from him and he was hesitant, telling me that he usually doesn't fuck a guy but he'd try. I went down on him to get him hard enough to get his dick in me and after a few tries, I felt that delicious but uncomfortable feeling of his dick sliding into me and after a few strokes, I could feel his cock getting fully hard inside me. One part of me was telling me how much I missed this feeling while another part of me, well, just wasn't happy about it so I ignored it and settled into being fucked.

    I could tell that he really wasn't used to doing this and it showed in how gently he was screwing me. Now, I don't like having my ass pounded but I told him that he could do it a bit harder if he could and while he didn't go all that much harder, he did go faster and that was fine - it felt very good.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Giving Into the Urge - Part I

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I was sitting at my desk, working from home, when I thought, "I need some dick!" That this thought came out of "nowhere" didn't surprise me one bit but it came on so strong that I opened A4A on my browser and started looking for a guy to scratch my itch with.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Usually, I can look for days and not see or find a guy I find interesting but this day, it only took me about five minutes to find a guy and one who could come over right now and give me what I needed. He was about my age, give or take a couple of years and while he went on and on about his dick not being all that big, I kept telling him that the size of his dick didn't matter to me - just bring it over and let me do something to it.

    He agreed and said he'd be there in twenty minutes so I went to give my crotch a good washing but to also make sure I had stuff available if he wanted to wash or even shower with or without me first. After thirty minutes, I didn't think he was gonna show up and after deciding to call the cell number he gave me, I learned he had gotten stuck in traffic and was just now entering my development.

    He arrived and we talked for a few minutes and I had to explain to him that if my pager went off, I'd have to stop whatever we were doing so I could deal with it; the pager goes off and that means the shit has hit the fan. Anyway, after some talking, we went to the bedroom, stripped down, and I pretty much pounced on him; I was starving for dick and I was going to feed my hunger.

    True, his cock wasn't all that big - about average, I'd say, but it didn't matter. He kept trying to get at my dick but I wasn't feeling that yet and lost myself in sucking his dick until he cried out that he was gonna cum - then filled my mouth with lot of the gooey stuff. I thought about doing my "keep it going trick" but decided to cut him a break and laid back to be sucked and ignoring what he was saying - again - about always wanting to suck a Black guy's dick. I did remember, as he began to suck me, that he'd said that he didn't think he was all that good but like his size, I didn't give a fuck about that so much - just do what you can do because I'm very happy that you want to suck my dick in the first place.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Married, Bi and Open - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]When the girls started eating each other, I thought he was gonna have a stroke or something, thinking that if he hadn't believed whatever she'd been telling him, he was seeing the proof. We finally got into the game, eating our own wives and each others and reveling in the two of them sucking our dicks. We were kinda taking a little break for some water when his wife whispered something in his ear and I wasn't sure what it was but he had a surprised look on his face for a moment, then nodded and I remember not thinking much of that until he shoved me onto my back and started sucking my dick!

    The women joined him and I managed to find his cock and sucked him until he exploded in my mouth and things kinda went "out of control" after that but by the time we got done wearing each other out, that couple was now as bisexual as my wife and I were and we spent some time talking to them about how they could be as open as we were.

    And life went on as usual. We'd settled down to the point where we didn't always invite other couples to our bed - although a lot of them were coming out the woodwork and from unexpected directions - but when we did, I can say that I'd never had more of a good time having sex when we could do it together, even when one couple who wanted to experience this was my brother and his lady.

    But that's for another time...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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