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  1. Dicks - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One guy was a whopping 13" and, yes, I did measure him. Sucking him was an adventure as much as a challenge and I was quite proud of myself to be able to swallow pretty much all of that dick without choking, gagging, or passing out due to lack of oxygen. The good part is he just laid there and let me do it instead of "helping" me. Later, when he was fucking me - and something I was really worried about - wow; I barely noticed that I had 13" of dick buried in my ass because he was so gentle. But, okay, let's not do that again.

    One guy was a whopping 3" fully erect and, well, let's say that I had the best time ever sucking dick since I could eat all of his dick [B]and[/B] his balls in one gulp. Size doesn't matter; he brought a huge load when I did him in and it was so good that instead of releasing him, I went back for seconds and would have gone back for thirds had he literally not passed out.

    Dicks belonging to guys I knew and some I knew very, very well; dicks belonging to total strangers and sometimes the moment didn't allow for us to find out each other's name. I can't begin to list the places I've had dick, both indoors and outdoors, in cars, trucks, and on buses as well as a couple of times, 35,000 feet in the air. Indeed, during a very long flight to Japan (my second visit there) I managed to suck three dicks while my women (two of the three of them) slept, not because I was starving for dick or sex but there's not much to keep yourself occupied during an 18 hour flight.

    Sometimes I was in the right place at the right time, sometimes I was minding my own business and not even thinking about dick; sometimes I'd find myself hoping that the vibe I was picking up on what the right vibe and sometimes I've been taken totally by surprise to get a dick I would have never dreamed its owner would let me - or any other guy - play with.

    Experienced and inexperienced guys; young guys, older guys, guys my age give or take a year or so. Of course, growing up, I had a lot of dick from friends, "strangers," adults and even relatives because I had learned early on that you can suck any dick (and have it in your ass) if its owner didn't have a problem with it... and you kinda get surprised at how many dick owners don't give a fuck about anything other than having their dick played with in some way and busting a nut.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Dicks - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I can't begin to count the number of dicks I've had in my hand, in my mouth, and/or in my ass (or close enough for government work). Big ones; fat ones; small ones, skinny ones; long, stupidly long, amazingingly short; white, Black, Hispanic, Oriental, cut and uncut.

    I can't begin to put a number to the amount of sperm I've caused guys to release, from a tiny bit to, whoa - where did all of that come from! Last week, I sucked a guy off and he "cheated;" he had jerked off before my arrival so when he did bust, well, I felt cheated to put in all that work for such a small return. But he was happy with everything and, in turn, made me happy as I fed him my load.

    I can't begin to add up all the time I've spent sucking a guy off but it's been anywhere between thirty seconds to an hour and a half. Sometimes it's been time well spent while, at other times, fuck - why did I even bother to do this? Oh, that's right - I love sucking dick and I'm never gonna know how it's gonna turn out until I suck it.

    I think about this... and I'm sometimes tickled pink about it or somewhat "appalled" at how many dicks I've gotten hard and then made soft in some way since I first had a hard dick in my mouth but from first to last, my experiences with dick has spanned decades.

    Decades. From a lot of places in the US to the UK to Japan; for that last country, it's amazing how you can get into something with someone who doesn't speak your language and you don't speak theirs... but dicks work the same way no matter of country of origin. I've jerked guys off, sucked them off, had them cutting loose inside me and even making a mess between my butt cheeks and so many times that when I get to read, hear, or listen to others talking about dick and their preferences, eh, it makes me roll my eyes because if there's nothing I've learned over the fifty-four years I've been dealing with dick, it's that size doesn't matter... but the dude attached to it does.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. What This Taught Me - Part VIII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]To tell you there is no shame in being bisexual and no matter how you became bisexual. It's sex and we are biologically driven to have sex. The rules say who we can have sex with, when we can, even why we can and while the rules do serve some people quite well, for bisexuals? Eh, not so much, do they?

    I've spent so much time having sex - and particularly with men - that if there's something two guys can do and I haven't done it, it's probably because I didn't want to. Sucking dick? The only thing better is eating pussy. Getting screwed in the ass? Yeah - strangely pleasurable when it's assumed there's no way it can feel good... except some of us have screwed women in the ass so, in theory, screwing a guy in the ass shouldn't be that big of a deal... and being screwed, well, if nothing else, you find out why women like being screwed... and why they kinda hate it, too.

    Maybe you didn't learn about sex like I did and maybe ya didn't start digging deep to find out why you got that taste for dick. Maybe the "I" word was involved; maybe a "grown up" introduced you to this and maybe you even feel some kind of way about that. It's sex and, again, in its purest form, where it doesn't matter if you have it with a man or a woman as long as you're doing it and continue to find it pleasurable.

    I have no shame and no regrets about any of what I learned and how I learned it. I'm still a little miffed that this knowledge wasn't laid on me early on and that I had to find out on my own about sex. Yeah, some of the ways I learned wasn't fun but even in that, I still learned something about sex and people that continues to be so very important today. I'm not really an amoral person: There are some sexual things I just will not do... but there's a lot of sexual things I will do like giving a guy a blow job and just because we're both there and it can be done... then turn right around and get some pussy and revel in it... and turn around again and bask in the feelings of having a hard cock in my ass and feeling him busting a nut in me... because what's the point in having sex if you're not gonna enjoy it or feel bad about it?

    Does this make me... weird? Probably in the eyes of some... and I don't let that bother me. Man or woman doesn't matter but having sex does and since it can be done regardless of the "partner in crime," then why not? NSA sex? Nothing wrong with it other than it's frowned upon - it's supposedly empty and meaningless, right? But it really isn't and that, too, is something I learned a long time ago now. Is it risky? Sure it is... but sex is and always has been risky even if you just have it the straight way and, yeah, even with someone you know well since ya can't be 100% sure if you're the only person they're having sex with and even what they're doing to themselves when they pleasure themselves. Should one worry about it? Yes... and not so much. Always be aware and employ some common sense: If ya gotta do it, do it as safely as you can with condoms and if you can't, well, don't.

    Duh. Don't be ashamed of being bisexual or anything you've done or might want to do. It's having sex and we need to have sex so anyway you can do it, well, it's got to be a good thing, right? And then you learn some shit that you might not have learned had you not become bisexual.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. What This Taught Me - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My mother's lecture that night revealed that she never asked me if I'd already been having sex with other boys; maybe she just assumed that I was and, in that moment, wasn't the point so much. I found it... laughable when she said that the next time I felt the need to have sex, I should use my hand... and this was after her and my father strenuously said that I shouldn't do that - hairy palms, going blind, you've probably heard this, too.

    She just didn't want me having sex - period... but even she assumed that I didn't know "anything" about having sex, let alone doing it in a "responsible" way. Except, I did know and, again, I knew it way before I was supposedly old enough to really understand it: I just understood it in ways that no adult or parent wants their child to ever know about. I understood it in its purest form: People need to have sex and there's no "certain age" when this need shows up and, yeah, you can have sex with both boys and girls... any boy or girl.

    I listen to my wife ranting and raving over sex stuff she reads in her urban books she loves to read, most of which is as illicit as anything you can imagine and lots of incest and homosexual sex happening. I mean, she gets seriously offended to the point where she'll ask me why guys do this, that, or the other just to bust a nut... and I tell her... and she gets even more pissed about whatever she read.

    This is the same woman who knows I'm bisexual and has seen me having sex with men and women and, oh, yeah, I've seen her eating pussy and taking the dick, too. It's not like she doesn't know about sex like I do because she does - but the fact that she - and others, really - can be so offended at sex being done in its purest form just baffles me at times.

    If you know people can have sex and in all the ways it can be done, does it make sense to be offended by it? I know why but, yeah, I don't see the sense in it. I am, like many of you here, bisexual... because it's pretty normal to be bisexual and no matter how you got to be bisexual. Am I ashamed of how I learned about all of this? [B]Not one bit[/B]. I understand the morality just as well as everyone else does... I just don't "give a shit" about it because I know it is, at best, incorrect and incomplete. I learned that it's designed to stop us from having sex the way we can have sex and, yes - I learned that the rules don't work the way they're supposed to.

    Why tell y'all about this?[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. What This Taught Me - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]At this point, let me backtrack a few decades, if you don't mind. I've told you about the time my brother and I got caught having sex and one of the things I wondered about after that incident was what made my mother come to our room when she did? We'd gotten good at being very, very quiet when we'd decide to go at each other in the dead of night and that time wasn't any different. I figured that the law of averages would suggest that if you're doing something like this over a given period of time, you're eventually going to get caught. Now, I'm not saying that she had been suspicious and I can't confirm nor deny the fact that maybe she just woke up and did hear something. But let me tell you something I thought was important as she read me the riot act.

    She said that she knew that something like this would happen and had hoped (and prayed) that it wouldn't. [B]She knew it[/B]. She said that she knew that my wanting to have sex would make me force my brother to have sex with me and, well, she got that part wrong but I wasn't going to try to correct her perception. And while I kinda tuned out a lot of what she had to say, I couldn't get over or pass the fact that she knew we were gonna have sex with each other. Again, here's an adult telling me they knew about something that they didn't want us to know about even though, yeah, I already knew about it and probably more than she was aware of... or maybe she was and just never said anything until she busted us that night. My mind asked that if she knew we were gonna do it at some point, what's the big deal about it? A rhetorical question, of course, because I knew what the big deal was... but, again, I was learning something about sex and the attitudes about it.

    It wasn't as much about the "I" word as it was about having sex and that push to make sure that boys only had sex with girls and then only under specific conditions. Well, okay - the "I word" stuff was mentioned - it's a sin - but I was... offended hearing her telling me that I didn't know what I was doing and even more offended because she didn't get into why screwing my brother was a sin - even if I already knew why.

    I learned that it's what we're not told or taught about sex that gets us in the most trouble. I learned that when it comes to sex, we can be pretty ignorant about it and seriously "funny" about it, too. And I wouldn't have learned this when I did were I not already quite bisexual and in a position - literally at times - to experience sex in a great many ways.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. What This Taught Me - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]In understanding my bisexuality, I understood that if I hadn't been introduced to dick when I did, I probably wouldn't have "discovered" it until much later - if at all. Likewise, my understanding of sex itself would have shown up way later - if at all. I learned that while sex comes with a boatload of risks, to all the adults I grew up around, it wasn't really about having sex - it was who you were supposed to have sex with or, in my case, only with girls. Once I started going to church and reading the bible, holy crap - all those rules and forbidden things really started to make sense; I understood that there was a purpose to having sex and only with girls and, bluntly, any sex that wasn't about making babies was forbidden. My love of science taught me that, wow, if you did it to your sister and she got pregnant, all kinds of bad shit could happen with the baby... but if you did it to one of your female cousins and she got pregnant, eh, that bad stuff might not show up.

    And, of course, doing it to a boy wasn't ever gonna make a baby and, besides, boys doing it to boys was a mortal sin and punishable not only by death but spending the afterlife burning in the fires of hell. Yeah... no wonder homosexuals were so very much hated on, beaten up and sometimes murdered or wound up committing suicide.

    And I firmly believe that had I not become bisexual, I wouldn't have understood any of this as well as I do; my [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]curiosity would not have led me to reading everything I could get my hands on about having sex - not so much what we do but [B]why[/B] we do it. Learned that we're all hard-wired to have sex and men more than women; learned that we - humans - don't just have sex to make babies - we do it because that shit is too much fun to do and, yes, most definitely, it doesn't matter whether you're having sex with a boy or a girl because it's obviously possible to have it.

    The biggest thing I learned was that I got mindfucked... but everyone gets mindfucked about this. I learned that, duh, some of us get "un-fucked" when it comes to this and we learn that when it comes to sex, you can do it with anyone - and literally anyone and no matter what the rules and even laws say. I read a lot about homosexuality and how it's been around since like forever and how, in some cultures, an older man having sex with a younger boy was expected but, eh, I was of a mind that the desire to have sex was just being "covered up" under the guise of it being a rite of passage. Today? You're looking at a life sentence in prison for going in this direction.

    Girls having sex with girls? Just a way to learn some stuff about sex without worrying about having babies, for the most part, but under the guise of holding women in very high esteem and understandably so because were it not for women and their ability to have babies, none of us would be here so, okay, if they wanna have sex with each other, that's fine.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. What This Taught Me - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was learning some very important shit about the rules covering sex - when to do it, who to do it with, why you could do it - stuff like that. It was confusing; adults would tell us not to have sex with someone we didn't love but you couldn't have sex with, say, your sister no matter how much you two loved each other. Yeah, I learned why and, yup, makes a whole lot of sense but it's like my sister told me while we were making love one afternoon: "As long as you don't get me pregnant, it's not a big deal."

    This sex thing was way bigger than what any of us were being told. And when you could have sex with both boys and girls, well, not only did it not get any better than that, you also began to learn that a lot of the stuff you might have been told about sex was... bullshit. I didn't know about anyone else but I wanted to know why there was so much bullshit about sex, why adults weren't telling us [B]everything[/B] about it and what was the point in them telling us not to do something they good and damned well knew we were going to do... and usually because they told us not to?

    I don't think I would have learned about eating pussy when I did (I was ten) if my father hadn't told me to never put my mouth on a girl's pussy. As I've related already, I mentioned it to my sister because I was confused and she said, "Let's find out!" and, well, um, okay - today, I know eating pussy can be risky but it sure as shit is a lot of fun to do. Just like the day my mother told me to never let a girl put her mouth on my penis, a warning that came all late and wrong because both boys and girls were having a field day putting their mouth on my penis and, boy, did that ever feel good!

    Between my experiences and my innate curiosity, by the time I did turn 16, I knew more about sex than a lot of people I knew - I understood what sex really was, why the rules were the way they were, and why a lot of people would find reason to ignore them. I even understood why I/we were being told not to go anywhere near sex until we got older and knew that the adults who'd tell us this [B]knew[/B] we were going to have sex in some - or all - ways it was possible.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. What This Taught Me - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The "I" word. Incest. Worst sin and crime ever. Many of us - and not just me - learned that we could have sex with anyone and having sex with someone who was related to you was known to be the worst thing ever and if you ever got caught, oh, man, the punishments were severe and that's being nice about it.

    Those of us who learned that pretty much everyone was fair game knew the risks and we were doing it anyway. I learned how to eat pussy by eating my sister's pussy and fucking her just went right along with it; doing it with and to my brother? Just made sense - using kid logic, of course: If you couldn't have sex with your brother, sister, cousin, whomever, who could you have sex with? And ya didn't have to be "all grown up" to figure this one out and the fact that all kinds of hell could descend on you if you ever got caught doing it just made doing it even more exciting.

    I learned that parents were, indeed, very aware of this and I learned that this was one of those sex things that they knew we'd discover... but didn't want us to especially where brothers and sisters were concerned. Oh, man... I remember the day I got my ass beaten twice for screwing my sister... and I hadn't. First my grandmother beat my ass; imagine my surprise to have her suddenly start wailing away on me and I didn't know why I was getting my ass kicked! When my grandmother got tired, my mom took over and I remember asking over and over what did I do and I was told that I was getting beaten for having sex with my sister while the two of them were out shopping or something.

    I remember looking at my sister, who was looking at me with that, "I don't know what they're talking about!" look. Yeah, we were fucking but what I was being accused of in that moment? Never happened... but as I sat in my room licking my wounds, I realized it was a "preemptive strike" - I got my ass beat as a warning not to even think about screwing my sister. And, later, she confirmed that she had not said a word to any adult about what we were doing.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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