
All Blog Entries

  1. Pussies - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]And all because I was bisexual and, as such, learned some shit about sex that a lot of guys and gals didn't know; well, let's truthfully say that they knew about us mythical switch-hitters but never had any experiences of their own. While a lot of girls would look at me with disgust because I could suck dick, some of them came to, ah, appreciate my experience with dicks when it got applied to them.

    I still think that had I not been introduced to dick, I wouldn't have had the... push to find out and do everything about having sex that I could learn and do. To be bisexual, to me, meant that one had to know and learn not only about how to have the sex but how to be in a frame of mind that made having sex "easier." I wouldn't admit to "everyone" that I went both ways and, unlike a lot of guys, I learned not to make promises I might not be able to keep.

    A married woman I knew stepped to me one day and said, "I hear you're really good at eating pussy - any truth to that?" I had a few scant seconds to either confirm or deny this... and kinda backpedaled by saying, "I haven't had anyone complain about it to my face." She nodded and said, "I need to find out so let's go."

    WTF? She's married! Off-limits! All the horror stories about pissed off husbands looking for revenge and retribution! But there I was, ten minutes later, with my head between her legs and eating her like it was my last meal - and if we'd gotten caught, it just might have been. She came god only knows how many times - I lost count after eight times - and she was lying there gasping and said something really relevant to me:

    "You eat pussy like I suck dick," she said as I prepared to enter her. "You suck dick, don't you?"

    No point in denying it, huh? I said that I did and have been for the longest time - then fucked her to the best of my ability. Okay, why did I get to eat her? Her husband flat out refused to go down on her. How did she hear that I was a pussy-eating fiend? Damned if I know. But my bisexuality scored some major points with her so I could get that pussy two more times before shit started to get more serious than it should have been.

    I reasoned that if it didn't care about the dick I was sucking - except those fugly uncut one - it didn't matter when it came to eating pussy - any pussy. Young, old, married, single, race, color, body shape, etc. - none of that made a difference. And this mindset got me more pussy than I can account for, from one-night stand kinds of things to being married myself and, yeah, being in an open marriage didn't hurt one bit.

    Did my bisexuality matter? Not so much most of the time. Sure, some women avoided me like the plague and, sure, it was hurtful having to hear what they had to say about it but, I guess I was lucky to be able to get pussy from women who didn't care that I could suck a dick, you know, as long as I was willing and able to pleasure them. Why could I eat pussy as good as I could? Years of practice... and I can suck dick.

    Do you know how it feels to have a guy tell you than you can suck dick better than any woman they know? Major ego trip, to be sure... but if ya think I'm that good at it, it's because I'm also a pussy-eating fiend so in my mind, the two things are most definitely related.

    I often laugh to myself to think that when I die, people are gonna say a lot of things about me but the one thing they couldn't say is that I didn't know how to have sex. One woman told me that I was an obnoxious asshole... but I could fuck and eat pussy like it was nobody's business. Another told me to my face that when it came to actual fucking, eh, I could use a few lessons... but I could eat pussy and better than anyone they knew.

    You know you're at the top of your oral sex game when women who have never been eaten wants you to eat them, or women who say they've never had an orgasm like that - and couldn't - find out that they could have mind blowing orgasms... and because I know it isn't always easy to get a guy to bust a nut so you just gotta keep at it until they either bust or you just wear them out.

    You learn to "master" this, you learn to "master" eating pussy... and for me, it got me a lot of pussy. And it still does.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Pussies - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Being bisexual actually made it "easier" for me to get pussy, not totally because I really was a fiend about eating pussy but because it changed my whole outlook about sex - period. I learned what girls liked and I could easily compare it to what guys liked and while a lot of guys lied like rugs to get some pussy, I didn't have to - well, not as much as my peers had to. Sure - I had to beg and plead just like any other guy had to but, more often or not, I got the pussy because, I think, I could do two things that the majority of guys couldn't and wouldn't do:

    I could suck cock [B]and[/B] eat pussy. I even had an... advantage that I'd say most of my peers didn't have: Two people living with me that I could practice and hone my skills on. I never spoke about that, of course, but whenever I was asked about eating pussy, all I'd say was that I had a lot of opportunities to practice.

    And because of that... advantage, I learned that outside of the obvious physical differences, sucking cock and eating pussy used a lot of the same techniques and especially when you wrapped your lips around a girl's clitty which is, simply put, a girl's dick. My sister was a tough taskmaster when it came to going down on her and I lost count of how many times she'd slap me in the head and tell me I was doing something wrong... and wouldn't let me stop until I did it right. Hell, I went down on her six times one Saturday because she'd think of something she wanted me to do with my mouth and tongue and, a couple of times, got mad at me because I couldn't quite get whatever she wanted as right as she thought it should be.

    It just made sense to me to apply the things I was being "forced" to learn about eating pussy to sucking dick - and with spectacular results most of the time. Guys were busting huge nuts and sometimes a lot faster than they would have liked... or I could prolong their pleasure beyond what they expected. I'd learn some shit while sucking cock... and apply them to eating pussy... and would have girls looking at me like I tried to kill them or trying to escape as I chowed down on them, having multiple orgasms and literally begging me to stop and fuck them.

    It would be my pleasure... because of your pleasure, my dear.

    I was getting pussy even when I "didn't want to;" I'd get to eat and fuck girls who normally wouldn't give me the time of day. It was, I think, a combination of what being bisexual taught me about having sex and what I was understanding about sex and my very open attitude about it. A lot of my male peers thought my "successes" in this was just because I was willing to bury my face between a girl's legs... but that was only part of the whole story and a part many of my male peers didn't need to know about... and sometimes they'd find out why I was getting more pussy than they were and, often, from girls who kinda/sorta didn't like me... but I could and would eat pussy and, yeah, I'd do it without getting to put my dick it them.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. Pussies - Part II

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I've always been of a mind that if my... induced bisexuality had never happened when it did, I wouldn't have been all that prepared to eat at the Y and with great enthusiasm and purpose. Oh, I would have eventually learned it - we all pretty much do - but having a leg up on the other guys? Priceless... and fruitful. I was getting pussy and I didn't even have to work hard or beg to get it. I'm not going to pretend to know how damn near all of the girls in my 'hood found out that I could lick pussy really good but they did.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I did suspect that my sister had something to do with that but she never confirmed or denied the allegation.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Some of the girls knew I was doing it with boys, too... and they found it exciting or, at the least, interesting. Some would be of a mind that if I was doing it to boys, I didn't, couldn't or even wouldn't do it to a girl - but they'd give me a chance to prove them right or wrong... and found out that they were wrong and, I think, delightfully so since I not only had a rather big dick... but I could eat pussy like a fiend.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Later in my life, a woman asked me why I was so good at eating pussy; she knew I was bi and I told her that one of the things that, as she said, makes me good at it is because I know how to suck dick. She sat there and thought about that for a moment before she said, "Shit... every dude should suck dick so they can be better at eating pussy!"[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I tended to agree. By the time I got to high school, um, my reputation preceded me and there wasn't a time in my high school life that I suffered "the drought" like a lot of other guys suffered through... because I was more than willing to give a girl head. My peers would tease the shit out of me and gave me the unflattering nickname of "Taster's Choice" and thanks to a sexually-themed patch I wore on my Wrangler jacket. My birth sign in Libra and the sign on the patch clearly depicted a woman sitting on a man's face. Man, they ragged my ass about it and I'd sometimes wind up fighting behind it.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Until I started "fighting back" by saying, "Yeah, I eat pussy... and I'm getting more pussy than you motherfuckers are getting!" It didn't take being as smart as I was to understand that if a girl would let me eat her pussy, fucking her was gonna happen even if they started out saying that I could only eat them. The more pussy I ate, the more pussy I got to fuck. I'd have girls I didn't know approach me in the hallways and ask, "Is it true you, um, eat at the Y?" and I'd say that it was true... and I'd get that pussy sooner if not later. It used to bother me hearing the whispering going on when walking the hallways or sitting in class; I had a reputation that spread through the school like wildfire and, to most, it wasn't a good rep.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]But I was getting pussy. Lots of pussy. And, again, because I was bisexual which increased my sexual knowledge and, yeah, because I was really good at sucking dicks. Now, some of my high school peers knew I could have sex with guys but they didn't hold that against me so much and, I guess, because they were more focused on my reputation of being a fiend about eating pussy and, in this, I was either a nasty motherfucker for being so willing to put my mouth on a girl's pussy... or the luckiest motherfucker ever born.

    Shit... I still remember my father telling me to never do that...[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Pussies - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Here, in this place, we are a group of bisexual men talking about being bisexual men and pretty much everything related to things M2M... but now's a good time to talk about the other side of us:

    Women. Pussy. Just like I said in my last writing, I've lost track of how many women I've had sex with. Sometimes I can remember their names or I just see their faces; sometimes I can't remember how or why we wound up having sex but I can, oddly, remember that we did.

    It's known that when we're young, bleh, our impressions of girls ain't what I'd call favorable... until we get to a certain point in our lives when we realize that girls ain't as yucky as we first thought and now we're on a mission to get between their legs and by any means necessary. Maybe I, like other boys, thought girls were a pain in the ass - my sister sure as hell was - but I really don't remember that period of time before the day a girl taught me how to fuck her and my life changed forever... well, until a short time later I got introduced to dick.

    That just made my interest in that sex thing even greater and greater still when, a scant two years later, I found out - with the help of my sister - that girls liked having their pussies licked and sometimes more than being fucked and just as I had when I learned that sucking on a guy's dick was a whole lot of fun, I ran with it like I was The Flash. What does this have to do with being bisexual?

    Everything since, um, ya can't "bat from both side" without pussy being involved. It's the thing that, these days, people who are hating on bisexuals don't even think about since they're more focused on the gay things we can do. Probably unlike a lot of guys, I had few problems getting a girl to open her legs for me: All I had to do was tell them that I'd give their pussy a really good licking and those panties would hit the floor so fast it wasn't funny and, for me, eating their pussies wasn't all that different from sucking a guy's dick... so it made sense to me - even at the age I was - that if I could be good at sucking a dick, being good at eating a pussy was a skill set I had to learn.

    I'd learn that anyone with a dick could fuck a girl silly... but not every guy was good at eating pussy and if they even did it at all.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Dicks - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I'm "very old school" about dicks and cum. Unless I decide otherwise, the cum goes in me and never on me. That means you don't get to take the dick out of my mouth and cum on my face - I will hurt you for that. I can forgive accidents; I've had guys blow their load before I've gotten my mouth around them. I've had guys lose it before they could get it in my ass. Once, I had a guy lose it... and I was only sucking his balls as a warm up.

    It happens. That facial thing? Ain't feeling any of that. If you feel the need to jerk yourself off, okay, I understand that... but you'd better not aim that thing at me when you bust. You can cum in my mouth and I might spit it out - it's still an acquired taste and all that.

    So if busting a nut in someone's face is your idea of fun, you've got the wrong guy. Condoms...

    Okay, I've sucked a few dicks with condoms... and I fucking hate it. I don't like the way they taste and most condoms are lubricated... and the lubrication contains a spermicide and, well, my mouth doesn't like that shit one bit; it makes my mouth numb and it's irritating to me. Flavored condoms? Tried them, too... nastiest shit I've ever tasted because most contain an artificial sweetener and that's a taste I've never gotten close to getting used to. I've had guys fuck me with one and that's fine but using one to suck a dick with?

    Not gonna happen. Now, I understand some guys wanna be safe but I can assure you that you're gonna be very safe with me because I do get tested but if you have doubts - and I won't be offended if you do, well, nothing is going to happen because me and condoms - when sucking dick - just don't get along with each other and, yeah, if you do pull out a condom, you just might get me thinking there's something wrong with your dick that you neglected to tell me about. I can and will accept the risks of sucking on your dick without one and, besides, dicks taste better without one and feel better in my mouth because the taste and feel of the dick just works for me.

    So lose the condom - you won't regret it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Dicks - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've probably had as much dick as I've had pussy... and I've had a lot of pussy and there's a lot of similarities between sucking cock and eating pussy and I learned early on that if you can suck a dick, you can eat a pussy and, likewise, if you can eat a pussy, it's not that much more difficult to suck a dick. And, yeah... I've sucked on clits that were just fucking huge and very dick-like. Heavenly... just fucking heavenly.

    One of the things I learned about dick is that sometimes, their owners have... issues about their dick. Too big, not big enough, looks ugly or even fugly to them and, sometimes, just not a dick a woman wants to be bothered with for some reason. Getting dick online can be a cluster fuck and more so when a lot of guys are looking for really big dicks to play with and those with big dicks seem to believe their size and girth is a major selling point but experience has taught me that size doesn't matter and I've yet to come across a dick I couldn't suck or, when I was heavily into it, take in my ass. It makes me frown and make other faces to converse with a guy and during the negotiations, he says he doesn't have a huge cock... and like that really matters. Let's see: You have a dick, right? It works? It's healthy? Okay - what's the problem here? Do you wanna get together so I can suck it or not?

    Dicks. More of them than I can count. All kinds of dicks. Great owners and some owners that need - or needed - to be punched in the face or otherwise put in their place. Does the guy matter? Sure he does... but not all that much. Fell in love with a guy and his dick was, well, perfect and the good part was that I think I loved his cock before I realized that I loved all of him. Loved to touch it. Loved to suck it. Had to get rough with him to get him to fuck me with it and talked to him for untold hours trying to understand why he wouldn't want to use his perfect dick and as it was meant to be used... other than to be sucked and fondled.

    I've sucked dicks that the owners didn't want to be sucked... because I can be assertive like that. I've "coerced" guys to cum "too soon" and, wow, were they unhappy or what? I've patiently - but usually impatiently - waiting and worked to get a guy to cum and I've rarely failed to get a guy to cum but, yep, couldn't manage it with some guys... but I still got to touch it, to suck it, even tried to get it in my ass because maybe that'll make them lose their load.

    I have what I think is the simplest requirements: Is it clean and healthy? Does it work? Is he my idea of an asshole? Is he of legal age to consent to sex? I've had to add one, sad to say: If you don't suck dick, don't even ask me to do anything with yours and, really, once you tell me that you don't suck dick, the conversation is over. I'm primarily a cock sucker; it really was my very first "love" because it was the first thing I experienced. Not many guys can meet my more... detailed requirements to be able to fuck me but I think that given how long I've been playing with dick, I've earned the right and paid my dues to be picky about that.

    Fifty-five years of playing with dick and pussy... and I've never had an STD and, to be honest? Worst thing I've ever "suffered" was getting the runs after swallowing down the load of certain guys. Yeah... that's not fun but since I know why their stuff gave me the runs, eh, I don't worry about it. Are there some things I won't do with a dick? Sure! I won't even try to get two of them in my mouth or my ass - there is a point even I won't go beyond. I've been spit-roasted and gang-banged and if you've never had a dick in your mouth and one in your ass, well, ya should try it at least once in your life; it's quite the experience. You should also try fucking a woman and with a dick in your mouth and another in your ass - it really and seriously fucks with your ability to concentrate and focus like you wouldn't believe.

    Share a dick with someone? Been there, done that. In fact, if there's something that can be done with dick that I haven't done, it's probably because I didn't want to do it. I'm an "old school" cock sucker, which means I don't need your help sucking your dick so that face fucking and choking/gagging thing? Don't even think about it because I will hurt you and hurt you bad. Still, I'm an equal opportunity cock sucker; I don't care where you're from, don't give a fuck about the color of your skin, and I sure as fuck don't give a damn about the size of your dick.

    Does it work? Is it clean and healthy? You old enough to legally consent to this? Do you suck dick? We can do something... as long as you're not my idea of an asshole. The bad news? Not many men can pass that last thing because if nothing else, playing with dick has made me an excellent judge of character, that and I know a sick dick when I see one.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Dicks - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I once sucked off nine of my friends in a kind of round-robin suck fest; I once had those same nine guys fuck me in a round-robin fuck fest because, um, it was fun and we didn't have anything more constructive to do. I've participated in quite a few orgies that got so involved that I would be having sex with a woman and dealing with a dick at the same time.

    I've been in threesomes and foursomes that started out with the guys "keeping their hands to themselves" and then having that rule thrown out the window; it's pretty surprising but cool to be in the moment, mouth open and gasping for air... then a dick you didn't even think you'd do anything other than seeing it slides into your mouth or a guy grabs your hand and wraps it around his dick. I've teamed up with someone to suck a dick, which is fun and not so much since one would prefer to be the only one sucking it but, okay - teamwork makes the dream work and makes a guy cum anyway.

    I've tasted cum that has been beyond delicious... and cum that, given a choice, I'd rather eat liver than to taste that spunk again. I've swallowed more than I've spit out and sometimes I haven't let the guy cum in my mouth, not because I was worried about being safe but I get a kick out of watching a guy shoot his load sometimes.

    I can't begin to put a number to the times when I've turned down a dick and when I needed to play with one, not always because the owner's health was questionable but because he just didn't feel right, that thing you can't put a finger on but you know something ain't right like you know your own name, teaching me something very damned important: Dick is good and wonderful... but some guys are just total assholes.

    I've sucked dick or have been fucked just to stop the guy from bugging me about it and, as such, I can't begin to put a number to the many times I've been in such a situation and found myself wishing he'd hurry up and cum while kicking my own ass for going along with it in the first place. Hell, I even got raped once; drugged and tied up and used all kinds of way before recovering, escaping, and trying to kill the guy... but the dick was very good and if that sounds crazy, I'd agree with you but, yeah, the dick was very good despite the situation.

    My greatest disappointment about dicks? Taking 41 years before sucking an uncut dick. I've jerked them off, have had them in my ass... never sucked one and, truth be told, had I been more... attentive, the guy I did wind up sucking off wouldn't have gotten sucked because his uncut dick would have been a deal-breaker. But, okay, sure - an uncut dick is still a dick and you can make them hard and soften them with your mouth... as long as you get that foreskin out of the way and I do kick my own ass for taking so long to get over my dislike - and a dislike I still have but have learned to ignore.

    Gay dick. Formerly straight dick. Bi guy dick and, once, she-male dick; talk about a shock to your system? To me, it's just a guy with tits who might even look like a girl... but it was still a dick and I know what to do with a dick.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Dicks - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One guy was a whopping 13" and, yes, I did measure him. Sucking him was an adventure as much as a challenge and I was quite proud of myself to be able to swallow pretty much all of that dick without choking, gagging, or passing out due to lack of oxygen. The good part is he just laid there and let me do it instead of "helping" me. Later, when he was fucking me - and something I was really worried about - wow; I barely noticed that I had 13" of dick buried in my ass because he was so gentle. But, okay, let's not do that again.

    One guy was a whopping 3" fully erect and, well, let's say that I had the best time ever sucking dick since I could eat all of his dick [B]and[/B] his balls in one gulp. Size doesn't matter; he brought a huge load when I did him in and it was so good that instead of releasing him, I went back for seconds and would have gone back for thirds had he literally not passed out.

    Dicks belonging to guys I knew and some I knew very, very well; dicks belonging to total strangers and sometimes the moment didn't allow for us to find out each other's name. I can't begin to list the places I've had dick, both indoors and outdoors, in cars, trucks, and on buses as well as a couple of times, 35,000 feet in the air. Indeed, during a very long flight to Japan (my second visit there) I managed to suck three dicks while my women (two of the three of them) slept, not because I was starving for dick or sex but there's not much to keep yourself occupied during an 18 hour flight.

    Sometimes I was in the right place at the right time, sometimes I was minding my own business and not even thinking about dick; sometimes I'd find myself hoping that the vibe I was picking up on what the right vibe and sometimes I've been taken totally by surprise to get a dick I would have never dreamed its owner would let me - or any other guy - play with.

    Experienced and inexperienced guys; young guys, older guys, guys my age give or take a year or so. Of course, growing up, I had a lot of dick from friends, "strangers," adults and even relatives because I had learned early on that you can suck any dick (and have it in your ass) if its owner didn't have a problem with it... and you kinda get surprised at how many dick owners don't give a fuck about anything other than having their dick played with in some way and busting a nut.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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