View Full Version : I cried today

Mar 19, 2006, 4:26 AM
Dear friends,
My tears today were not out of sorrow, or sadness. They were tears of joy, and heartfelt love. A young man telephoned me this morning, just to say hi and to tell me that he loved me.

This young man (who I affectionally call my step-son) is a United States Marine serving with the Third Marines in Afganistan. He called me via a satellite phone from a green valley, somewhere "in Country". To my fellow Veterans, you know the term.

James is well and safe! Bored, grumpy, and a little home sick. But that goes with the territory. As a Vietnam Vet, I know. The bottom line is that he is safe and doing well.

For those of you that have written him through moto mail, he sends you his thanks for your words of support, and care. And, I thank you, my friends!

So my tears today were out of joy. To hear his voice, and talk about fishing and all the stuff we shared together since he was ten years old. He'll be 21 this June. Gosh how time flys.

To those of you that have loved one's serving in the combat zones in the Middle East, you can write them via email. Go to http://www.motomai.us
It's a web site that is free of charge. You must know the service man/woman to send a message. That means you need to know their snail mail address in order to register and log on.

My tears also provided me the courage to continue with my charity work with http://penpalsforsoldiers.org Our goal is not political. We send care packages of goddies along with letters to our soliders all over the world. The Mantra is that no soldier will be missed out on Mail Call.

On the bumper of my SUV, and my work truck at UCLA, I proudly display the sticker "Bring our Troops home safely".

Thanks for letting me share this with you. Take good care.


Mar 19, 2006, 8:33 AM
Although I am not a veteran, I do my best to stand at attention and salute James.

My next salute is to you Sparks. I honor you for taking the son of another and bringing him up as your own.
His display of love for you was touching to me.

ur ever luvin

Mar 19, 2006, 8:42 AM
My greatest reapect to all who have served, do serve and will serve, God bless them all. They don't get near enough support!
Tx. (D)

Mar 19, 2006, 9:14 AM
You are a good man Sparks, a good man.

To adopt a young man serving in the fighting forces is something rather special.

And I am glad to hear of you tears and I hope that you can hear my cheers for his save return.

21 - that is no age for a youg man to risk laying down his life for the interests on an un-caring govenment and I say this as a Brit who has family on "reserve" two of whom have had to tours out there.

And your truck bumper says it all!!


Praying for peace

Rupe, London , UK :)

Mar 19, 2006, 10:34 AM
My thanks to all of you that have emailed me and posted a response. BTW, motomail works for all the coalition forces. Sub us for uk and you can find your loved ones unit.

As a Vietnam Vet, I agree Rup.

Bring our troops home safely


Mar 19, 2006, 10:57 AM

I lust for you...not as a sexual appetite (at least, for the moment, LOL); but rather as an ardent enthusiast for the melodious love that you express in this post. You speak, with intrinsic knowledge, of love contrasted against an enviroment embodied by the ultimate expression of hate -- we call it "war".

Thank you for your piercing missile, your compassion, and your grace.

With love and light,

Mar 19, 2006, 11:09 AM
My the Great Spirit deliver James back to his loved ones safely. I was in the military when the "incident" in Beirut took the lives of sleeping Marines on that awful Sunday morning. My friends brother was one of the casualties. I also salute you, Sparks, for being the man in your step-sons life. Semper Fi, Marines...Semper Fi... :paw: :paw:

Mar 19, 2006, 11:26 AM
Hello Sparks,I like the others want to commend you for keeping in touch with your "son" :) . Ihad an uncle that served in the viet nam war,i saw how he was treated by some after he returned. Iknow some people are against war, but our soldiers are just doing a most dangerous job,that only a few of us would do. They should be given the utmost respect and honor that they do deserve,,Love,,,Charles...

Mar 19, 2006, 3:02 PM
I cannot begin to understand how it feels to have a loved one in a warzone
i had grandparents fight in ww2.But had a young man (only 20)from my home town die in Iraq.I am fiercely anti war but not anti soldier,i pray that they all get home safe

meteast chick
Mar 19, 2006, 5:02 PM
I am not a veteran either, and allthough I don't agree with the war, I ardently support the people who are over there, fighting for us. My dad was in the Air Force during Vietnam, and doesn't talk about it. My mom, during high school, dated several of it's casualties, including one who returned home safely but couldn't take the pain and took his own life. I can only hope the same fate doesn't wait for today's military heroes. It's heartwarming to hear a man, any man, express his feelings so well.

I have friends, one of them also a young man named James (not yours) serving in this "conflict". This James is in Iraq doing one of the most dangerous jobs that could be available, and I pray often for his and all others safe return home.

Blessed be to you and yours,
luv and kisses,

Mar 19, 2006, 8:12 PM
I'm so pleased to hear your news sparks, that James is safe and well. I'm not surprised you had a few tears!

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to UK, US and all Coalition forces where ever they serving. You do an amazing job Guys being given more and more commitments with fewer resources from the powers that be!!!

I havent been in the services although I was In the Cadet forces for a number of years. I doubt I could do what you have to do, and I take my hat off to you.

I wish you all a safe and speedy return home to your loved ones!!!

Lest We Forget.......

Love & hugs

Mar 20, 2006, 2:57 AM
its so great that u got that call,
I can imagine that it meant the world to u
thanks for sharing with us