View Full Version : ok who is the better lovers

Long Duck Dong
Mar 22, 2010, 7:49 PM
now lets be honest about this.... we all like to think that we are the worlds greatest lovers...... and aside from the fact that I am so dammed good, I can get my reflection highly aroused just by stepping out of the shower..... who really are the better lovers

I am not sure to be honest.... its a hard call.... and there have been many of them.... some harder than others and some like full.... erect... tempting.... choices.... and where was I again ???

oh yeah.... who are the better lovers... now I could narrow it it down to females and males, but lol who are we kidding, there is more than just males and females, there is that hot lil intersex lady down at the local pub with the nice big...... beer glasses...... the way she wraps her hand around that hardness and pulls it up to her lips and what she does with her tongue is......... how people drink beer with their tongue like that, I will never know.....

honestly for me, the better lovers would have to be....... drum roll please........ * looks at the note in my hand * ..... ok, I demand a recount......

so tell me people.... who are the better lovers, .. the romantic ??? the passionate ??? the slow mover ??? the jack hammer ??? the seductive lady ???
the hot stud.....

now we all know that in most cases its our partners, and making love with them is just WOW..... but in what role are they the better lover..... ???

Mar 22, 2010, 9:43 PM
hmmm loaded question for me. Obviously sex with your partner is better and OMG is a commo refrain. I thoroughly enjoyed making love and fucking you, Duckie, but did I enjoy more riding your cock, having it slam deep into me or in sliding that feeldoe into your ass and taking you from behind? I can't say. All I was concentrating on was giving you pleasure and that in turn gave me pleasure. My only concern was in you always knowing who was turning you on, me, your partner.

Mar 22, 2010, 10:07 PM
so tell me people.... who are the better lovers, .. the romantic ??? the passionate ??? the slow mover ??? the jack hammer ??? the seductive lady ??? the hot stud.....

lol All of the above and where do I sign up???? lol
Silly Cat

Mar 22, 2010, 10:13 PM
Ach! Man, sure everyone knows the Irish make the best lovers, we're the last of the great romantics. It's all that wild, tempestuous, romance, coarsing through our veins. Everyone else just has cholestrol.

You can hear it in our music, poetry, songs and laughter. We embrace Life and suck the very marrow out of her, leaving her wishing she could give us more.

We are kind, loving, generous and sensitive and I'll fight any man that says otherwise.lol

Mar 22, 2010, 10:19 PM
She stuck a Doe in his ass and asked him,'How was that for you Dear?' I'm shocked, Bambi was never like this.

Mar 22, 2010, 10:21 PM
She stuck a Doe in his ass and asked him,'How was that for you Dear?' I'm shocked, Bambi was never like this.
and a double ended dildo too :tong:

Mar 22, 2010, 10:55 PM
Mine is large enough to fill a pram, bi- explorer, but obviously not big enough to fill your gob.

Long Duck Dong
Mar 22, 2010, 11:01 PM
Ach! Man, sure everyone knows the Irish make the best lovers, we're the last of the great romantics. It's all that wild, tempestuous, romance, coarsing through our veins. Everyone else just has cholestrol.

You can hear it in our music, poetry, songs and laughter. We embrace Life and suck the very marrow out of her, leaving her wishing she could give us more.

We are kind, loving, generous and sensitive and I'll fight any man that says otherwise.lol

oh the irish, they sing and my heart melts..... they have that beautiful lilt that makes man dream and wetness in the panties of women but their whiskey sucks :tong:

I will admit to a fondness for the green eyed fire haired wild natured silken voice of a fair irish lass...... failing that..... twyla will do.... shes part irish, green eyed, fire haired, silken voiced and when i slam my cold hands on her ass at 4 am, shes also wild natured

Mar 22, 2010, 11:39 PM
side note....filling a pram doesn't mean much it all is due to one tiny sperm....that aside.....doesn't matter how big or how small it's how it's used.

Mar 23, 2010, 6:09 AM
A certain person who shall remain nameless has warned me offa sayin a word.. havn'tcha Kate?? tee hee:bigrin:

Mar 23, 2010, 6:51 AM
In my limited experience I have found that those with passion and compassion are the best. Fast or slow, hard or gentle doesn't matter to me. Those that are as interested or more interested in giving pleasure seem to get more from it and from me. I respond in kind as I want to give my partner(s) as much pleasure as possible and it is my first priority.

Twyla hit it on the nose for me..."doesn't matter how big or how small it's how it's used." I couldn't agree more.:bigrin:

Mar 23, 2010, 10:37 PM
...any of it makes for the better, providing the mood is there; if one is in for a little seduction, the other a quickie, then without the mesh, no one is going to appreciate the other's effort.

my preference is for the slow seduction, providing the time is there and each are in tune; a jack hammer quickie is also a turn-on, if circumstances enhance the moment.

so i quess, i keep coming back to what works for the moment!

Mar 24, 2010, 6:44 AM
Toss up between female English banking Acct executives and male Norwegian bush pilots!!!!

Mar 24, 2010, 7:02 AM
Toss up between female English banking Acct executives and male Norwegian bush pilots!!!!

Only way English, or Scottish bankers for that matta will get laid these days Inna is goin abroad an hopin for best or tellin peeps they r binmen.. they not very well luffed at this mo in time.. an we don wan urs ova 'ere..:tong: they not amazinly popular at mo eitha..

..jus stik 2 the Norwegians..

Mar 24, 2010, 12:17 PM
It seems to me that trying to determine who is "the best lover" is one of those things that is in the "eye of the beholder"---and while you'd sure rather like to be with the one you love-- nothing wrong with "love the one your're with!!"



Mar 24, 2010, 12:52 PM
LOL Voltie, I love that song.

Mar 24, 2010, 12:55 PM
oh the irish, they sing and my heart melts..... they have that beautiful lilt that makes man dream and wetness in the panties of women but their whiskey sucks :tong:

I will admit to a fondness for the green eyed fire haired wild natured silken voice of a fair irish lass...... failing that..... twyla will do.... shes part irish, green eyed, fire haired, silken voiced and when i slam my cold hands on her ass at 4 am, shes also wild natured

Honey, I recall it wasn't just your hands that was cold. You'd come to bed and be ice. Cold thighs, cold hands, cold feet. Reach out and grab a woman who's been sleeping for a couple hours on top of a nice heating pad on the mattress and go "mmmm you're warm", I also remember my response was usually, "I WAS warm" then did the nice wifely thing and snuggled closer realizing if I didn't get you warm I'd be freezing soon. Of course some of the heat from the lovemaking helped immensely :) :tong:

Mar 24, 2010, 1:39 PM
I don't know if you'd call it "kinky" or not--but I had a girlfriend one time---she liked to "role play" that we would meet in a public place---act like we didn't know each other----work to seduce each other---then go to our room and have a really great time---actually--I think she was really into that sorta thing since she the night we first met----she hit me up at a party I was at one night----I don't really remember how we really did get together---the only thing I really recall from that night---I had been going around chatting with my friends at the party and the next thing I know--I have this smokin' hot gal hanging all over me and we were making out bigtime---she started nibbling on my neck and ears----this was down in Florida in the summer--I had a pair of tennis type shorts on----she reached down inside my shorts and undies-- wrapped her hand on my cock--and whispered in her sexy voice into one of my ears: "your cock feels good in my hand---but I have some other places I'd rather it be!"

Well---that was all she wrote----we were out of that party---went out and found like the very last hotel room on Cocoa Beach and wound up having sex all nite long!!!

Maybe not good of me to just go and hook up with a someone I just met--but what the hell are ya gonna do when you are a single guy and have a gorgeous, hot, sexy lady who does that and tells ya something like that??? Say no, sorry, not interested??? Yeah--right!!!

Looks wise---this was long before that show and the actress she looked like was a baby then--but this gal looked a lot like Eva Longoria from Desperate Housewives!! Long and lean, long dark hair, dark eyes and skin-----Damn hot for sure!!

So maybe she was a bit kinky---she also--she was a very professional woman and we would meet in downtown Orlando for lunch when we could get away from our offices---we might find some private place to make out a bit and very often----she would wear crotchless panties!!! That was one hell of a nice surprise I can tell ya that!!!

I sure didn't have the front of her panties to get in the way of me doing some finger probing of her "warm, wet place!!:bigrin::tong::tong::tong:

Mar 24, 2010, 2:12 PM
Spike, the guinea pig (Yes, he was named after a vampire), who was very pleased to see the arrival of a rabbit, in his hutch. He must have known she was female, because he did his darndest to mate with her....going all the way around her and getting very confused. She wasn't impressed and beat him up and for over a month, he was made to sit in the corner, whilst his brother Angel (you got it, another vampire), and the rabbit, sat together and gave him really disapproving looks. In fact he was never allowed to forget his faux pas. He'd get chased around, on a regular basis. Poor Spike, little lad that he was and great lover....or at least he tried to be.

Mar 26, 2010, 10:53 AM
Poor Spike...unrequited lust.....

Long Duck Dong
Mar 26, 2010, 7:59 PM
It seems to me that trying to determine who is "the best lover" is one of those things that is in the "eye of the beholder"---and while you'd sure rather like to be with the one you love-- nothing wrong with "love the one your're with!!"



yeah, my intention was to see how others see their partner, in the role of a lover, if they like them slow and seducative, wild and passionate, meek and submissive... but I was open to lovers from different countries...

personally the only answer I can really give, is a very loose one, I love twyla in many roles depending on our moods and what we are doing.... its a lil hard to narrow it down to any * role * of her over any other * role *..... but I do know the best ones are when we both are balanced perfectly....

Mar 27, 2010, 8:24 AM
damnit babe I just snorted coffee out my nose. I remember an occasion in the shower where the balance wasn't perfect but mmmm was it good.