View Full Version : Build a perfect mate.

Mar 5, 2010, 11:09 PM
This thread is not about physical attributes, though I'd assume you'd want your mate to be attractive to you.

This is to list the top five qualities you look for in a mate.

My list

1) Integrity
2) Faithfulness
3) Intelligent
4) Compassionate
5) Humorous

So come on and list what you'd like to find as far as personality in a mate.

Mar 5, 2010, 11:49 PM
1. Common sense.
2. A sense of humor similar to my own.
3. A sense of beauty.
4. Rationality.
5. Really, I just like a sensible person.

DB :flag2:

Mar 6, 2010, 12:46 AM
My GF has all the attributes I've always most wanted in a lover and mate.

They are:

1. She's intelligent

2. knows what she wants, needs, and tells me what it is.

3. open and very honest

4. great communicator and listener

5. Vivacious, energetic, sensuous

6. We share many mutual interests

7. Can function alone, as well as a team, not clingy

8. Not jealous, but expects us both to use common sense

9. Empathetic, but no push over.

10. Last, but certainly not least, she loves me the way I need to be loved.

Mar 6, 2010, 4:31 AM
Can go 'long wiv mosta those things.. spesh the common sense bit Donkey burger came up wiv.. need sum 1 2 keep me feet on ground.. me own common sense is gettin betta but still is kinda airey fairey a lotta the time..

Jus add...

Is undastandin an forgivin an not mean spirited..


arty farty..


soft wiv a hard edge..

cares bout moren jus ersel' an those 'round 'er..


triff legs..

cootie bootie..

gorge skin..

5'3" an bout 8 stone..

smilin eyes..

chipped left bottom front molar..

auburn hair colad deep red..

whose politics r so wishy washy it gives me chance 2 hav gud argy bargy..

bigga boobs than me (who hasn dammit)...

is a Jam Tart...

likes as well as luffs me..

dusn play 2 me vanity but still spoils me..


Mar 6, 2010, 5:20 AM
Maybe a bit of a giveaway there Fran?

Mar 6, 2010, 7:04 AM
Maybe a bit of a giveaway there Fran?

On contrary Heph..me not givin 'er way for all tea in China!!!:tong:

Mar 6, 2010, 9:52 AM
cootie bootie.. :)

*blinks @ Fran*

naggy has cooties?

Mar 6, 2010, 2:30 PM
I've seen most of them here I would agree with, but mine would be:
1. Honesty to theirselves and me
2. Warped sense of humor
3. No fear of trying something new
4. Wild in bed
5. Love of kids
6. Laid back

When I started thinking about it, my mind blanked! I guess I am sex addled!

Bisexual Explorer
Mar 6, 2010, 3:58 PM
Excluding physical attributes, my top five:

1. Wants to be treated as a complete person - emotional, intellectual, sexual
2. Treats me as a complete person - emotional, intellectual, sexual
3. Communicates openly and honestly
4. Has a sense of humor
5. Values people more than things


Mar 6, 2010, 4:31 PM
1. Honest
2. Thoughtful
3. Faithful
4. Happy

Annika L
Mar 6, 2010, 7:07 PM
I think if I was limited to my top five, they'd have to be:

(1) values harmony
(2) intelligence
(3) sense of fun
(4) rational/reasonable
(5) open-minded/-spirited

...happens to sum up my partner fairly well too! Go figure! :tong:

Mar 6, 2010, 9:45 PM
I enjoy a mate who is:

Intelligent but not Pretentious
Humorous but not Silly
Self Confident but not Conceited
Honest and Sincere
Sensual but not Promiscuous


sexy couple
Mar 6, 2010, 11:25 PM
My husband is truly my perfect mate! We've been together for 11 years and every year gets better. I really am blessed... He is:

1- Unconditionally loving, passionate and affectionate
2- Perfect balance of strong and masculine, gentle and sensitive
3- Incredibly artistic, creative and talented
4- Honest and open - we can (and do) talk about anything
5- Happy - he lives every day to its fullest, sexy and confident

Of course, loyal and trustworthy are important attributes as well. Our goal this year is to 'be sexy and fearless' and 'no worries'!


tg Shannon
Mar 7, 2010, 1:46 AM
1. Open mindedness
2. Common sence
3. Sence of humor
4. Hygene
5. Faithfull

Mar 7, 2010, 4:40 AM
*blinks @ Fran*

naggy has cooties?

Nope only 1.. a bootie of extreme cootieness...:bigrin:

Mind u.. 2 ifya take each luffly lil bubbly cheek as seperate...:bigrin:

Mar 25, 2010, 1:17 PM
All of the above + a good looking woman with a cock. LOL