View Full Version : Happy National Coming Out Day!!

Oct 11, 2009, 6:55 PM
Today was/is National Coming Out Day! I didn't know if everyone knew this, so I decided to share. I was wondering if anyone came out to anyone today? I didn't :( although quite a few of my friends already know. Anyways...Happy Coming Out Day everyone!! :bipride:

Oct 11, 2009, 7:17 PM
ummm I didn't know that.
are we supposed to come out?? I guess that's why i joined this site, heheeh so that I didn't have to come out just come in and meet people just like me...
if anyone came out, congratulations...

Oct 11, 2009, 7:39 PM
No coming out for me. My husband knows, but other than people I've only talked to online... no one knows. I suppose I can answer honestly, if anyone ever asks, but it seems like an awkward thing to just bring up out of the blue.

Oct 11, 2009, 8:41 PM
No coming out for me. My husband knows, but other than people I've only talked to online... no one knows. I suppose I can answer honestly, if anyone ever asks, but it seems like an awkward thing to just bring up out of the blue.

Yeah, I guess I'm the same way. If somebody asks, I'm not going to be all like "I'm straight, no, I have no attractions to females at all." But I'm not ready to "initiate" the coming out.

I have a lot trouble initiating conversations, or at least, verbal conversations. That complicates things.

DB :flag2:

Oct 11, 2009, 8:54 PM
ok here it is.... I'm coming out here I come ok
hey guys guess what.. "I like dudes too" heheehe
there, i feel much better...
