View Full Version : A Bi,Cd,Ts Story Chapter 20

tg Shannon
Jan 10, 2009, 3:28 PM
Chapter 20

Mike arrived at the house around fiffteen till five, he went through the kitchen entrance and there was Yvette and Victoria getting the drinks ready, they greeted each other with hugs and little kisses then Mike went into the dinning room where everyone was assembled and makeing small talk, they all greeted Mike as he walked in and they welcomed him int their conversation wich consisted of the upcomming football season and the weather.

At three minutes till five Thaxton walked in followed by Yvette and Victoria, he greeted everyone as the drinks were passed out, then on the stroke of five, Thaxton gave the evening toast, everyone raised their glasses and drank to the end of the day, then all were seated as the food was served.

Dinner as usual consisted of the same small talk and about the daily happenings at the estate, Sven talked about the new horse that would be comming on Wednesday, Victoria asked about an upcomming event that Thaxton was going to have at the estate, Yvette mentioned the flourist that delivered daily, all were giving their updates on the days events.

As this was going on Mike thought to himself {what do I say if he asks me about my day} {Well sir, Yvette and Victoria dressed me up like a woman last night, we had mind blowing sex and I slept till two this afternoon} Everyone was telling about their daily routines, what could he say to not look like he was a slacker in front of the group, just then his thought was interupted by the English speaking voice of Thaxton;

"And Mike!" Thaxton asked, Mike looked up, his heart raced, his mind started going in a hundred different directions at once, Thaxton continued" I trust you did that research I asked you for last night?" everyone was staring at him, Yvette and Victoria both had the look of hope in their eyes and the rest had a sly look as well.

"Yes sir!" Mike blurted out in a half cracked voice.

"Capitol!" Thaxton replied in a loud and positive mannor, "I shall be expecting you in my study to review the results after we dine!" Dinner continued and Mike felt a world of relief that thaxton was kind enough to give him an out and still not mention the current offer that was on the table, Mike felt even more confident at that moment that this really was a safe place and that Thaxton was (as the girls told him earlier) a man who cared about his people.

After dinner was done everyone said their good nights and went about their own evening agendas, Yvette and Victoria started cleaning up and Thaxton asked Mike to join him in the study, as the two men walked out of the room Mike looked back over his shoulder a seen Yvette wink at him and Victoriua giving him thumbs up, he smiled and nodded at the two beautiful women as he followed Thaxton.

Once again Mike found himself sitting in the beautiful study of Thaxton Lexington and just as it was twnety four hours before the sun was setting over the pond outside the window, Yvette Entered with drinks for the two men and exited, Mike and Thaxton sat themselves in the leather chairs and Thaxton began.

"Well Mike, Have you given consideration to my offer?" Thaxton asked.

"Yes sir I have." Mike replied

"And?" The Englishman replied with anticipation.

"I'd like to give it a shot" Mike said

"CAPITOL!" Shouted Thaxton as he shook Mikes hand, "As of this moment you are fired as my grounds keeper and tomarrow you will begin your lessons as my escort, theres alot of work to do, I should like you to be completed by the autumn season, that will be your debut at a big event that I have every year" Thaxton rang for Yvette and she apeered seconds later.

"Yes sir?" the beautiful maid said.

"My dear, Mike has decided to join our family" Yvettes eyes lit up and she smiled " I expect that you will get his agenda for him and get him started first thing in the morning, I will announce our new arrival to the rest of the group tommarow at toast time off you go" Thaxton said. Yvette left the two men and closed the door behind her. "You have made me very happy dear boy, I am looking foreword to your residency here, Now, there is one order of buissness I would like to wrap up right now," Thaxton said as he walked around and seated himself at his desk and took pen in hand "What shall we call you?, Mike is a nice name but you will need something more feminine as my escort."

"Well sir, I've been thinking about that and I thought my middle name might be a good one to use." Mike said

"And that is?" Thaxton inquired

"Well, does Shannon sound alright to you?" Mike asked

"Shannon, well done, Shannon it is" Thaxton wrote it down on a piece of parchment, Now a last name, it should be exotic yet majestic, not that your last name is bad but for identity purposes and to help you get the feel for your role I want something different, lets see, Ah I know, how does Shannon Leatherwood sound?"

Mike smiled and said "I like it, it sounds kind of sexy"

"Very well, tommarow at five oclock toast, here on the grounds you will be introduced and known as Shannon Leatherwood !" the two men drank a toast to Mikes decision for a whole new lifestyle. Thaxton once again rang for Yvette as he said "Now its off to bed for me, I have a busy day tomarrow as do you." Yvette entered the room, "My dear, will you please take Mike back to his quarters" Yvette nodded, "Mike" Thaxton said as they shook hands, "Welcome to our family, I shall look foreword to seeing you at five oclock toast tomarrow evening, good night"

"Good night sir" Mike said as Yvette escorted her new sister out.

thanks for reading all, chapter 21 later
