View Full Version : I'm afraid!!

Jan 3, 2009, 8:48 PM
of putting my picture on here.

I'm afraid that someone that knows me will find my picture then ruin my whole life.

Jan 3, 2009, 8:54 PM
don't be too afraid if people don't like you for who you are then they can go jump. There's always someone who will find you attractive.!!!

Jan 3, 2009, 8:58 PM
If they did "ruin your life", the real question would be why were THEY on a bisexual site looking at pictures?

Jan 3, 2009, 8:59 PM
There is nothing wrong with being afraid of coming out because the penalty, socially, is extreme. Maybe someday you will feel comfortable coming out. Do it then and not before then. Don't allow others with "political" viewpoints and sexually political agendas to push you into a direction or act you do not wish to go or do. Come out when you want to and only then. When you think you know, wait; when you know you know, act.


Jan 3, 2009, 10:37 PM
i say that if you feel that uncomfortable then don't. don't do anything that makes you feel bad ya know.

Jan 3, 2009, 11:12 PM
Well i just did it.
oh well hopefully i'll be okay

Jan 3, 2009, 11:18 PM
Okay I chickend out and took it down.:yikes2::yikes2:

Jan 3, 2009, 11:31 PM
Okay I chickend out and took it down.:yikes2::yikes2:

it's ok don't go jumping in just do it in your own time and if somebody has an interest in you then they should understand how you feel about it.

Jan 4, 2009, 1:23 AM
lol Its ok Sweetie, one cant see who you are from that one pic anyway! :}
If you're not comfortable putting a pic on here, then dont. Its your perogative. :}

Jan 4, 2009, 2:27 AM
I'm always amazed that women don't seem to care more about where they put their face, uh, so to speak. I'm on several different dating sites, and I see a lot of women putting their faces on ads that i know they'd never want people they know to see. It's Murphy's law that if you don;t want people to see this stuff, they WILL see it, even if you only posed as a thrill. So, if you're not comfortable or ready for your family an neighbors to know what's going on in your pants, don't post.

It is pretty hot to expose yourself to an accepting audience, though, isn't it? I'll occasionally post or send naked shots that DON'T include my face, adn when I hook up with a woman through a dating site, if it's some sort of extreme sex thing, like joining me and another girl, or meeting for a panking or something like that, I'm always a little concerned if they send face pix, since it seems to show a lack of judgement.

Now,the same women who will respond to the foulest sex-ads with a cheerful face-pic ("this is me and my sister and mom at the beach.jpg") will nevr post a body shot or nude shot. What's that all about?

There are many beautiful parts of your body that very few people will ever trace back to you. Share those, and you'll have a thrill, attract other men and women, and still maintain your safety.

Jan 4, 2009, 11:35 AM
send your picture to people privately via MSN/Yahoo or email.

Jan 4, 2009, 12:04 PM

Peg has it right (I think)...For the same reason, I do not post my picture and only send to those that I have spoken to here. Don't do anything you are not comfortable with.

BTW...I did happen to see your picture for the brief period that it was up...you're an attractive lady!


Jan 5, 2009, 8:57 PM
OMG!!! Why can't I take my picture down???
I deleted it and its still there.

Never mind i got it

Jan 5, 2009, 9:30 PM
Do what I did.

hat. Glasses. Proper use of Shade.

Hell, I don't even recognize myself! But watch someone recognizes my horse!

Jan 6, 2009, 2:03 AM
OMG!!! Why can't I take my picture down???
I deleted it and its still there.

Never mind i got it

OMG! Lucy, I know you! Remember me? You like girls?!

Just kidding!

On the other hand, I do wish more members wouuld post some kind of a picture on their pages, so I have an idea of who I'm talking to. Dunno about you guys, I do get a rush out of having my body & penis pix out there, being looked at by strangers. I love getting mail from guy & gals who look. Don't we all have a little exhibitionism in us? Kinda wish I had some pix or a videoof me and a partner (girl or guy), for people who want to peek, but the faces ouwld have to be obscured pretty well.:cool:

Jan 6, 2009, 10:20 AM
Actually Lucy---from the pic you have----you really cannot see that much detail and unless someone you knew just somehow happened on this site and had also seen that same pic by some chance----they would not be able to tell its you!!

I don't think you have much to worry about.

Jan 7, 2009, 12:03 AM
Do what I did.

hat. Glasses. Proper use of Shade.

Hell, I don't even recognize myself! But watch someone recognizes my horse!

You mean that is not you dancing?
I am not very good at recognizing horses. I am just happy to recognize my car in a parking lot without using GPS. I guess it would be easier to find a horse.

Jan 7, 2009, 3:07 PM
Both can run on corn in a way too!

Jan 7, 2009, 10:22 PM

I also think that there's nothing wrong with not posting your picture if you're not comfortable with it. Of course, I have posted my own picture online - and yes, my ears and my muzzle really are that furry..... :tongue:

But seriously, I hope you're not ashamed of being bi, either! It's just a part of who we are - no more, no less, and as natural as your height or your hair color. (I'm hoping I'm preaching to the choir here, of course!)


Jan 8, 2009, 3:54 AM
dont be afraid. i think you are really quite gorgeous. and judgmental people are just assholes anyway.

keep your chin up and dont do anything you arent comfortable with

Jan 8, 2009, 6:55 AM
I was scared too but did it, and today i just posted my profile....not much but i did it lol

Jan 8, 2009, 6:22 PM
I would like to post some flicks on this outta-site web-site, if I could. But I can not. I do not have a camera (it blew up when somebody took pic of me one day) however I plain to buy a new one soon. I think that I'll buy one of those heavy duty industrial models thats tuff enuff to endure the abuse. I also have the problem of being new to computers, and I really don't know how to post a flick anyway. Count on it everbody, I plain on learning how & will do it, when I git around to figgureing it out.

I myself am kinda in the closet around here to. I really don't talk about my sex life & private life around the people at work & my straight friends. Cause if I did tell everbody or they found out, then it would mean a lot of bullshit that I would have to put up with. You understand? So staying in the closet makes life simple-er for me and besides I do a lot of my "cuttin loose" out of town anyway. So nowdays instead of bein scared, I just keep quiet. You understand?

Hey there Lucy, I have one of those clip on mustache, big nose, big rimmed glasses thing-ey. If you wished I could send it to you. Me I don't need it anymore cause "I ain't skeered anymore" and don't need it anymore. It really works good cause people would come up to me and say "hey I saw some really goofey lookin guy driving your car the other day". I would laff and make up something so you could do the same. OK?

Thats just my:2cents:worth. (with inflation it ought to be $2.00, ya know???)

Your friend........Doggie........:doggie:.............: flag4: