View Full Version : I know when I am beat

Dec 3, 2008, 12:10 AM
Well here is my story. I met someone a week ago and several romps later he wants a 3-way.I know of someone perfect...in fact too perfect. I could have gone the selfish route and not brought this other guy in though no three-way has taken place yet.But know what this guy looks like and has I know he is betert physically and anatomically and I know I would at best be relegated to second choice when the other is not available(no way to live). It was a physical thing only but I know when its time to fold the tent and made it where those two could "meet eachother"and let things go from there well rather just let the whole thing go. I went through the steps Denial,Anger etc..

But as I say I know when I am beat and accept it and blame myself for the mess. This is the reason I dont like dealing with guys very often. Always had better luck with women.

I can hardly believe this but I actually gave up someone to make them happier with someone else. Oh well thats my way always doing for others.

Dec 3, 2008, 12:30 AM
We all wish we could go back in time and fix things we did wrong..

Dec 3, 2008, 7:53 AM
In my case, I had a really good guy at one point, and he was very good to me while we were together for a few weeks. But after a few days, I knew that I was not the right person for him, and it all came to a head when I continued my plans at an SCA event to go to the seven deadly sins party. I cast aside a chance with another guy at the party in favor of the guy I was with, but he'd already turned in for the night, and when I got back, he was very upset that I'd stayed to enjoy the party atmosphere. He even told me I should have accepted the other guy. Heck I wish I had, cause I cannot go this year due to one of my other events happening the same weekend. Well after we got back to my home, I told him that I was untying my strings, trying to let him know that it was ok if he felt that he needed to part ways, but he took it as me breaking it off. We got back together at one point for a weekend, and nothing had changed as far as what he expected, and I just could not be what he wanted me to be. I try very hard to accept whom I am with for who and what they are, and that is all I want anyone to ever do with me as well. Sad that most want a person to drastically change their ways to meet an expectation that could not be achieved.

added: He started the relationship as an open one, and by rights I could have done the guy and still kept the relationship, but i'm not that big on open relationships. Sure I'll accept one if that's what the other person wants, but if I'm happy with whom I am with, I don't need to look elsewhere.

Dec 3, 2008, 9:06 AM
If he left you because of the outside, and ignored what's on the inside you are better off without.

Dec 3, 2008, 9:11 AM
If he left you because of the outside, and ignored what's on the inside you are better off without.

U quite a wise smart arse sumtimes Joe;):)

Dec 3, 2008, 11:48 AM
He has not left I just gave him up due to the fact i know it will end anyway and really why continue in something with no future.

Dec 3, 2008, 11:50 AM
U quite a wise smart arse sumtimes Joe;):)

I have my moments...they are rare, like lottery numbers :P

Dec 3, 2008, 12:54 PM
I have my moments...they are rare, like lottery numbers :P

Plenty lottery numbers. Winnin numbers like ya lil pearls tho r indeed..rare...;):bigrin: