View Full Version : One and the same
Jun 18, 2008, 1:30 AM
Well, well, well---
Seems like someone is happy to live in a split level head!!!
Busted and BOOYAH!!! ( with h/t to Kate and bearisbare :) )
Identical twins or plagarist? You decide :):
LOL so you're a size queen with a small dick eh? You're the one that said it and put pics of your small cock in your profile. May 2nd 2008
So you're a size queen.:rolleyes: June 12, 2008
and then theres
Polyamory is the biggest sham, lie, and buzzword since 'weapons of mass destruction in Iraq'.
I know lots of people who say that they're poly and it's about LMAO "love" and 3 people living together when it's just about them having sex with people besides the person they're in a relationship with and I fail to see the difference between what's described as polyamory and an open relationship.
I think that people should concentrate on working out their relationship with their partner first, or even leave their partner first before they have an open relationship since it won't solve all of their problems and many times it creates new ones.
I think it's funny and sad that there are people who act like they need and simply must have an open relationship with their partner or else they black mail them and say that their partner doesn't really love them or want them to be their "true" self.
This just shows me that the person doesn't actually care about their relationship with their partner and doesn't care how their partner feels, they don't take any relationship seriously at all, and they're putting their own needs ahead of actually communicating with their partner about the relationship that they both have together.
3 way relationships don't work out for the most part and let's face it, it's hard enough finding just ONE person for a relationship let alone two that are attracted to you, or a relationship with 3 or even 4 people who are all attracted to each other and there's no jealousy or cheating at all.
People will say that open relationships are just as easy to maintain as closed ones between two people, and that's simply not true because in most cases the people who are already together who have a relationship and ask someone else to join them will just wind up backing out of the whole thing eventually, or they'll ALWAYS pick each other over the other new person/people who they have opened their relationship to.
Sex is one thing, but 99% of people are geared towards having one partner who they build their life around and who they have a relationship with be it closed, or an open relationship so they can have sex with other people. May 2, 2008
Polyamory is the biggest sham, lie, and buzzword since 'weapons of mass destruction in Iraq'.
I know lots of people who say that they're poly and it's about LMAO "love" and 3 people living together when it's just about them having sex with people besides the person they're in a relationship with and I fail to see the difference between what's described as polyamory and an open relationship.
I think that people should concentrate on working out their relationship with their partner first, or even leave their partner first before they have an open relationship since it won't solve all of their problems and many times it creates new ones.
I think it's funny that there are people who act like they need and simply must have an open relationship with their partner or else they black mail them and say that their partner doesn't really love them or want them to be their "true" self.
This just shows me that the person doesn't actually care about their relationship with their partner and doesn't care how their partner feels, they don't take any relationship seriously at all, and they're putting their own needs ahead of actually communicating with their partner about the relationship that they both have together.
Open relationships don't work out for the most part and let's face it, it's hard enough finding just ONE person for a relationship let alone two that are attracted to you, or a relationship with 3 or even 4 people who are all attracted to each other and there's no jealousy or cheating at all.
People will say that open relationships are just as easy to maintain as closed ones between two people, and that's simply not true because in most cases the people who are already together who have a relationship and ask someone else to join them will just wind up backing out of the whole thing eventually, or they'll ALWAYS pick each other over the other new person/people who they have opened their relationship to.
Sex is one thing, but 99% of people are geared towards having one partner who they build their life around and who they have a relationship with be it closed, or an open relationship so they can have sex with other people.
In closing, what's called "Polyamory" is nothing more than a pretty and glamourized, and more dignified way of saying that you're into swinging, fucking others, or wife swapping!
I'm starting to agree with Annika on this one :tong:
Jun 18, 2008, 1:36 AM see it too, huh Vitt? Amazing...yet seems like only yesterday when I predicted that our "friend" would eventually get confused and start to repeat themselves...hehe....
I totally agree, chook. Our troll is spreading him/herself mighty thin here lately and beginning to repeat him/herself in comments posted to the forum and items in their "profiles". I am anxiously awaiting the day that they post as one incarnation by accident under the wrong name....or maybe next time they will return as a black, hispanic, transgendered, highly intelligent, good looking, businessman/lawyer who is also a bisexual female/homosexual male who is often accused of being blunt but is really a nice person. thing they have forgotten to do a time or two is to make sure they don't list themselves as being from California early on before they go back and alter their profile and choose a new location! And it amazes me how many of them state in their "profile" that they don't like BBW's, closet cases, cheaters, and "hooking up". LOL!!! Oh what a tangled web we weave!!! All I know is it has to stop!
It sure didn't take too long for that to happen did it....and almost verbatim in the ones you posted!! LOL!!! Oh....I guess on top of being a clique, he must also think we are stupid, or that we have very poor memories....
Jun 18, 2008, 1:45 AM
Clearly our own Sybil:
how mentally ill is this (I hate to use the word 'man' because it only applies inasfar as physical appliances) guy? Why does he repeatedly need to get rises and responses on our site? How can this possibly...
Like obsessive compulsive... he can't stop.
He is so far beneath the lowest among us... striving for the intimacy, lusting for the intimacy... he must be incapable and envious of the rest of us because we are capable of intimacy... emotional growth arrested somewhere between 8 and 14 years old. He's stuck... and off his medication.
Jun 18, 2008, 1:49 AM
And may I present yet another, very close comment:
Bear-There are no new ideas/philosophies at all, what 'poly' people defend and cling to dearly isn't one of them, and who says it's wrong to use a search engine and sample?
That excuse doesn't fly unless you are admitting to being a plagarist,....which I am sure you don't meet the criteria for since they are your very own words...
Nope, you'd be surprised what you can find out using the search engine here or just going back and reading old posts. ;)
Once again, still doesn't fly for saying this is how you "know" us all so've made far too many references to people to have read that many posts to know that much in such a short time!!! I said, the true test lies in your very own profile (which I refer to as the "real" one...which for now I am keeping to myself) which I have perused many times here lately....and have seen so many traits that you have repeated in subsequent identities...
Jun 18, 2008, 1:51 AM
But I have to admit... I'm in complete agreement with ... whomever the hell he is - regarding (anti) circumcision. His arguments (that I've read) in this area are pretty solid. Other arguments... are so laced with incitement, anger, and inaccuracies - rather than the extreme logical precision (plus some anger) of his anti circumcision posts.
Jun 18, 2008, 1:54 AM
But I have to admit... I'm in complete agreement with ... whomever the hell he is regarding (anti) circumcision.
Yeah... as long as it includes circumcising his/her/its frontal lobe as well a la "The Shadow" ( or Jack Nicholson's character in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" ) ROFLMAO :tong:
Jun 18, 2008, 2:01 AM
Would someone stop feeding him after midnight? They multiply you know.
Jun 18, 2008, 2:05 AM
This thread legitimizes delusions.
I don't mean that wholesale.
Jun 18, 2008, 2:17 AM
AMAZING...I just noticed....the profile I mentioned above has been disabled....the "real" one AND the one that came so soon afterwards that shall also go unnamed....the one that is attached to a name that I have always thought was connected yet had no real proof.....I know for a fact that one of those profiles was still available as of Saturday. Coincidence? I think not!
Jun 18, 2008, 2:34 AM
now we need <<GOD>> :tong:
Jun 18, 2008, 7:12 AM
now we need <<GOD>> :tong:
Ahhh my lovely Vitt;) You know I am never too far from your beckoning call. and you are both beautiful and clever for you knew the " man behind the curtain" (and yes he is male) could not nor, would not be able to resist the opportunity to add his paltry :2cents: to this calling out.
<<God>> has watched this individual go through his many manifestations and personas. Disruptive Yes, but neither worth the time or energy of this particular <<God>>.
Place a Sherlock Holmes hat on that pretty head and pick up that magnifying glass and it's easy to spot who this individual really is. Rule number 2. prevents me from doing so, however I will share with you these two insights.
One: This all started over an argument of "Global Warming" with another member who contributes very positively to these threads.
Two: He has posted on this very thread.
Pleased to meet you Vitt:) Hope you guess his name.coocachoo coocachoo
Your Friend
Jun 18, 2008, 7:34 AM
Clearly our own Sybil:
how mentally ill is this (I hate to use the word 'man' because it only applies inasfar as physical appliances) guy? Why does he repeatedly need to get rises and responses on our site? How can this possibly...
Like obsessive compulsive... he can't stop.
He is so far beneath the lowest among us... striving for the intimacy, lusting for the intimacy... he must be incapable and envious of the rest of us because we are capable of intimacy... emotional growth arrested somewhere between 8 and 14 years old. He's stuck... and off his medication.
Is this a complete list? Or just the names that you are sure is our disruptive troll? I would welcome a complete list so that I can be sure to not respond to ANYTHING posted by this person.
Jun 18, 2008, 8:06 AM
You ladies did an excellent job of putting together a cross-examination of this guy's multiple personalities. I couldn't have done it better myself. But always remember one thing: these characters feed on the attention. They will keep doing it as long as you give them this kind of time and effort. When you start ignoring them, they will lose interest and go away.
Jun 18, 2008, 8:52 AM
Would someone stop feeding him after midnight? They multiply you know.
lmao. that's very good Delilah.
Jun 18, 2008, 11:00 AM
vittoria-When all someone cares about is someone else's dick size and that's the main thing they write about are big cocks, someone else's big cock, or how they want a partner who has a big cock I see nothing wrong with calling them a size queen since they are one.
If you all want to point the accusatory finger at me and think that I'm a troll just because I say that someone is a size queen (when they are one) when they post about the above things I wrote about in the first paragraph, well shame on you!
Jun 18, 2008, 2:28 PM
vittoria- well shame on you!
Jun 18, 2008, 4:44 PM
Its Pinky and the Brain...
Pinky and the Brain...
One is a genius--
The other's INSANE!!!
They're laboratory mice--
Whose genes have been spliced...
They're Pinky... Pinky and the Brain brain brain brain brain!!!
aka in the words of Bob Seger...
"Shake down-- break down... YOU'RE BUSTED!!!"
Jun 18, 2008, 9:39 PM
LMAO!! You got it babe! :cutelaugh :cutelaugh :cutelaugh
Its Pinky and the Brain...
Pinky and the Brain...
One is a genius--
The other's INSANE!!!
They're laboratory mice--
Whose genes have been spliced...
They're Pinky... Pinky and the Brain brain brain brain brain!!!
aka in the words of Bob Seger...
"Shake down-- break down... YOU'RE BUSTED!!!"
Jun 18, 2008, 10:11 PM
You can think that I'm a troll all you want but I'm not and I know more about myself than any of you do.
No I'm not insane, and if we're calling other people insane why not call csraKate, Annika, Delilah, Laken, and Vittoria insane since they have nothing better to do than stalk me, pry into my personal life, flip out when I write something that they don't personally agree with, and read way too much into everything that I write on here?
I've read other posts by newbies and longtime members here who don't feel welcome because of in their words how this site is a huge clique and like a cult and I can understand why they feel that way because of the above post and the people who I listed who have nothing better to do than stalk me.
This entire thread is a lot of BS and there's no actual proof at all besides the fact that I'm echoing other true statements that other site members have written about before.
Jun 18, 2008, 10:30 PM
vittoria-When all someone cares about is someone else's dick size and that's the main thing they write about are big cocks, someone else's big cock, or how they want a partner who has a big cock I see nothing wrong with calling them a size queen since they are one.
If you all want to point the accusatory finger at me and think that I'm a troll just because I say that someone is a size queen (when they are one) when they post about the above things I wrote about in the first paragraph, well shame on you!
I am the one you called a size queen. That is ok with me. It is ok to poke fun at me. Make me and others laugh at me. But, you’re not interested in laughter. You only want to make people feel bad about their personal idiosyncrasies. Why, do you so hate those that do not measure up to your view of perfection? Why do you not like real people?
You know nothing about my relationship with HIM, except what you have created in your own mind. So, to say that is all I care about him is sex is based on nothing your mental feedback. As pleasant as it is, sex is not the center of my universe. My feeling for a longtime lover, my family, and adding to the lives of all on this planet are at the top of my list. Further, I consider myself very, very lucky because I have good health, a great education and intellectual ability to accomplish all that is important to me.
To others, laugh at me and with me, I like it a lot.
Jun 18, 2008, 10:38 PM
Isn't it about time for one of the other Faces of Eve to emerge? Sybil had 16 personalities, if I remember correctly. I read the book 25 years ago or so.
How many personalities does our troll have? I think it is time for an exorcism or something like that. Maybe it would just produce more personalities.
It just occurred to me that maybe we are dealing with something more like the Hydra. With that mythological creature when one head was cut off three new ones took its place. If that is the case, suggest we just give up trying to cut its head off and ignore it. That will probably aggravate it more than anything else that has been done up to this point.
No longer will I call this person a troll!! Hydra is more appropriate, IMHO.
Jun 18, 2008, 10:47 PM
Words are the means to meaning....
"By Jove, I think he's got it" ;)
Isn't it about time for one of the other Faces of Eve to emerge? Sybil had 16 personalities, if I remember correctly. I read the book 25 years ago or so.
How many personalities does our troll have? I think it is time for an exorcism or something like that. Maybe it would just produce more personalities.
It just occurred to me that maybe we are dealing with something more like the Hydra. With that mythological creature when one head was cut off three new ones took its place. If that is the case, suggest we just give up trying to cut its head off and ignore it. That will probably aggravate it more than anything else that has been done up to this point.
No longer will I call this person a troll!! Hydra is more appropriate, IMHO.
Jun 18, 2008, 10:47 PM
haha. I laugh and now I'm insane.
Hell. I didn't need a post in a bi forum to tell me that.
People have been telling me that for YEARS!!! A little late on that one, Karma babe.
Jun 18, 2008, 10:56 PM
I am the one you called a size queen. That is ok with me. It is ok to poke fun at me. Make me and others laugh at me. But, you’re not interested in laughter. You only want to make people feel bad about their personal idiosyncrasies. Why, do you so hate those that do not measure up to your view of perfection? Why do you not like real people?
You know nothing about my relationship with HIM, except what you have created in your own mind. So, to say that is all I care about him is sex is based on nothing your mental feedback. As pleasant as it is, sex is not the center of my universe. My feeling for a longtime lover, my family, and adding to the lives of all on this planet are at the top of my list. Further, I consider myself very, very lucky because I have good health, a great education and intellectual ability to accomplish all that is important to me.
To others, laugh at me and with me, I like it a lot.
You're still a really vapid person and just only care about your male partner's "big" cock. Hence my size queen comment.
If you want to stay closted, like you said that you do, by all means stay in the closet and live your life as a complete lie to your friends and family who you care about. No comment on the rest of what you wrote.
Jun 18, 2008, 11:30 PM
You can think that I'm a troll all you want but I'm not and I know more about myself than any of you do.
No I'm not insane, and if we're calling other people insane why not call csraKate, Annika, Delilah, Laken, and Vittoria insane since they have nothing better to do than stalk me, pry into my personal life, flip out when I write something that they don't personally agree with, and read way too much into everything that I write on here?
I've read other posts by newbies and longtime members here who don't feel welcome because of in their words how this site is a huge clique and like a cult and I can understand why they feel that way because of the above post and the people who I listed who have nothing better to do than stalk me.
This entire thread is a lot of BS and there's no actual proof at all besides the fact that I'm echoing other true statements that other site members have written about before.
I am by no means "stalking"'s just that I am fed up with how you've been treating the people on this site and I am merely fighting back the only way I know confront you and to point out that you are not fooling anyone with your many identities. The so called statements that you are echoing are quite obviously your own and that is something that I will never back down from believing. I know the best thing I could do would be to ignore you...and I guess that is just what I am going to have to do since you continue to be allowed to treat us in the shabby and disrespectful way that you insist upon. My only wish for you is that someday you will find whatever inner peace you need to learn to live among others and do so in a friendlier manner than you have displayed to us all here. If I am crazy or insane for wanting that, then so be it.
Jun 19, 2008, 7:10 AM
You're still a really vapid person and just only care about your male partner's "big" cock. Hence my size queen comment.
If you want to stay closted, like you said that you do, by all means stay in the closet and live your life as a complete lie to your friends and family who you care about. No comment on the rest of what you wrote.
Karmacoma, after reading several of your posts I had been thinking that you reminded me of someone, finally thought of who it is; you remind me of one of the characters on Some Like it Hot. You are a wannabe hiding from something and afraid to come out in the open and face it.
Have a great day whoever the hell you are!
Jun 19, 2008, 9:32 AM
I am by no means "stalking"'s just that I am fed up with how you've been treating the people on this site and I am merely fighting back the only way I know confront you and to point out that you are not fooling anyone with your many identities. The so called statements that you are echoing are quite obviously your own and that is something that I will never back down from believing. I know the best thing I could do would be to ignore you...and I guess that is just what I am going to have to do since you continue to be allowed to treat us in the shabby and disrespectful way that you insist upon. My only wish for you is that someday you will find whatever inner peace you need to learn to live among others and do so in a friendlier manner than you have displayed to us all here. If I am crazy or insane for wanting that, then so be it.
Hey! No feeding the trolls!
Jun 19, 2008, 12:52 PM
I don't stalk anybody. I just slip big electric eel down their pants :impleased
Jun 19, 2008, 1:05 PM
I don't stalk anybody. I just slip big electric eel down their pants :impleased
That's shocking
Jun 19, 2008, 1:46 PM
I don't stalk anybody. I just slip big electric eel down their pants :impleased
Seems a little fishy to me...:cool:
Jun 19, 2008, 3:40 PM
He/she/it still sounds like a damn kid ta me. Ya know, its really too bad that a person's life is so boring that he has to live vicariously and start shit with good people. Sad, isnt it. *Smirk*
PS. Since I jumped down CuntLappers throat one night, he/she/it hasnt bothered me any further, either.:rolleyes:
Yer Cat
Jun 19, 2008, 7:22 PM
He/she/it still sounds like a damn kid ta me. Ya know, its really too bad that a person's life is so boring that he has to live vicariously and start shit with good people. Sad, isnt it. *Smirk*
PS. Since I jumped down CuntLappers throat one night, he/she/it hasnt bothered me any further, either.:rolleyes:
Yer Cat
The aforementioned denizen whose "throat" you "jumped down" is one of the many incarnations of the "Masked Marauder"!
Helps sharpen the detective skills --maybe its all that CSI :tong::cool:
Jun 19, 2008, 9:02 PM
The aforementioned denizen whose "throat" you "jumped down" is one of the many incarnations of the "Masked Marauder"!
Helps sharpen the detective skills --maybe its all that CSI :tong::cool:
Don't you feed the trolls either!
Jun 19, 2008, 10:51 PM
JudeQuinn---you keep saying you were someone that I used to chat with both in public and private--I have to say--I have no recollection of that being that case, but I can't deny that we did not since I don't recall.
You have also said that when we chatted and cybered--that you always "fucked me"--I guess that can be so--in the years I have been here--I have chatted and cybered with many people---and in all of those cases--have been both the "fuckor" or the "the fuckee" or both depending upon the circumstances of those I have "played" with.
I am not embarassed that you said I was the "fuckee" in the case of our cybering---if it did in fact take place--but I take great exception to the fact that you chose to---without any disclosure to me of the fact you were going to do express publicly what we may or may not have done in our cyber sessions--that is very bad form and I can tell you--if I had recalled our sessions together--even now after you have said what "we did" --I would not disclose what we did at this point--and to anyone I have been "with"--I would never disclose what we did even if all it was, was cyber sex---
I will say to my fellow members on here--those who know me and those who don't--you can decide for yourselves the nature of my character and that of someone who would disclose such activity without discussing such disclosure to the other---unless it was a mutually decided upon disclosure!!!!
I have done my share of cybering on here--and have no problems admitting that--those times I spent doing that served a purpose for me--these days I rarely do it since I "passed through that phase"--and when I do it now--it's because I like the person and he or she likes me and we just want to have some virtual fun--even if we will never meet in the real world.
But I can say again--whether you were somone who I did do something "with" or you are merely--"playing head games" on me and you made this up---in both instances---you are someone that I cannot call a friend.
Jun 20, 2008, 12:23 AM
OOOPS... I think someone just did. It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! :eek:
Don't you feed the trolls either!
Jun 20, 2008, 1:17 AM
So who are the trolls so I'll know to watch out for them? Welickit acts like one.
Jun 20, 2008, 1:29 AM
Jude Quinn who ever you are....this is directed toward you and the comments that you made earlier in this thread and perhaps others. Is the site based only upon sex? For many, I guess it is...but for many of us it is a place to come and explore ourselves, our partners and the world of bisexuality be it our own or our partners. I came for understanding, knowledge and hoping to gain insight into the world of husbands. I have chatted, spoken with and met nearly thirty people from this site in the last three years. I have cybered, spoken on the phone with some and have been in the company of many from this site. Throughout the entire time here I have never ever had a worry as to the integrity of the people I have gotten to know....Do you know the phrase...."What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"...I wish you had heard that phrase before you made the comments about Voltman. How dare you share what may or may not have been two concenting adults with out the concent of the other person. You have really reached rock bottom when you speak of one of this sites most upstanding and most admired men. Shame, shame on you. As each day passes, your presence here is not one which I would say adds to the overall worth of the site.
Jun 20, 2008, 2:09 AM
My doctor was very happy that I had lost 3 pounds. He asked what kind of diet I was on. I told him that I was not on a diet but that the lady I was stalking had taken up jogging.
Jun 20, 2008, 4:38 AM
Volt...You don't have to explain a damn thing. I personally do not believe you are trans-phobia at all. I have known you and you are my friend.
Jun 20, 2008, 4:41 AM
Oh hello... welcome back to the site. Do you really like it here? I love it here! What I really love the most is how Drew polishes his boots. Have you seen it?
So who are the trolls so I'll know to watch out for them? Welickit acts like one.
Jun 20, 2008, 6:32 AM
Gee Mike/Voltman, that's funny! We used to chat together for a year almost daily and many times when we didn't cyber we'd talk about life and how I then worked selling medical supplies.
Funny that you lie and deny all of this when you replied to the email/private message that I sent you, so you do know who I am and you may be fooling everyone else but you're not fooling me:
Private Message: Re: hi
Re: hi
Originally Posted by JudeQuinn
What's up? It's ______ I used to post here as _____ and we chatted. Yes it's really me.
hope all is well with you.
-_____, now _______.
It has been awhile-----glad to know that all came out Ok---
Doing fine here----
Voltman Mike should be the one who feels ashamed since he is a liar and tells the truth only when he feels like it, when it suits him, he's very subjective about the actual "truth", and I don't respect him as a person anymore since he lies.
He's also Transphobic since I was once a man and I'm now a woman and now he lies about knowing me or in his words it was all hypothetical, and he's got a bad memory, when something embarassing like cybering with me in the past comes up as a topic, and he denies that we were friends when I was male.
Belle/Onewhocares-This doesn't concern you at all. So back out of it.
After all, Mike/Voltman and I are two consenting adults and this isn't any of your business at all.
So you and your husband sleep with a lot of people from this site and you're popular only on an online sex site yet lonely and have no life and no friends in your own personal life and have posted about this. Congratulations! I'm proud of you!
You keep saying that you and Voltman have done whatever yet it states that you joined this site June 2008? Why do you feel the need to hide and take on many different screen names? Why are you adult enough to be who you really are and stop your hide. Be man enough, or woman enough, or it enough to be yourself? Like I stated before, you are like Jack Lemmon or Tony Curtis in Some Like it Hot, you are a wanna be, hiding from the truth and don't have the guts enough to be yourself! I have not posted in a long time, however, honestly I am sick and tired of reading your slanderious posts, seeing your dishonestly, being downright rude to decent people on this site, so why don't you find another place in cyberspace and fly over there and maybe those individuals will accept you as you are. Pretty obivious your are not really accepted here. Most people would get the hint sooner or later! Have a nice like somewhere else! :bigrin:
Jun 20, 2008, 11:34 AM
Gee Mike/Voltman, that's funny! We used to chat together for a year almost daily and many times when we didn't cyber we'd talk about life and how I then worked selling medical supplies. . .
Voltman Mike should be the one who feels ashamed since he is a liar and tells the truth only when he feels like it, when it suits him, he's very subjective about the actual "truth", and I don't respect him as a person anymore since he lies.
He's also Transphobic since I was once a man and I'm now a woman and now he lies about knowing me or in his words it was all hypothetical, and he's got a bad memory, when something embarassing like cybering with me in the past comes up as a topic, and he denies that we were friends when I was male.
If you think any of us beleive that bullshit, or that fabricated private message you must really be dumb.
Jun 20, 2008, 11:43 AM
Voltman Mike should be the one who feels ashamed since he is a liar and tells the truth only when he feels like it, when it suits him, he's very subjective about the actual "truth", and I don't respect him as a person anymore since he lies.
He's also Transphobic since I was once a man and I'm now a woman and now he lies about knowing me or in his words it was all hypothetical, and he's got a bad memory, when something embarassing like cybering with me in the past comes up as a topic, and he denies that we were friends when I was male.
You know...cybering on this site is really no big what if Volty DID cyber with you in one of your previous incarnations??? So what if he doesn't acknowledge it? What if...just a mighty big IF...but most likely more in keeping with the truth....YOU JUST WEREN'T THAT MEMORABLE??????
I don't believe your story, but in the event that it did happen, none of us really give a damn. We're far more interested in that chip on your shoulder as well as that giant stick up your ass...the things that make you unable to form true bonds with your fellow humans and makes you so unpleasant to have around!!
Jun 20, 2008, 11:58 AM
I don't believe your story, but in the event that it did happen, none of us really give a damn. We're far more interested in that chip on your shoulder as well as that giant stick up your ass.
Such unladylike language....Oh my.....J/K!!!!!!!
Seriously, don't give him the satisfaction of showing that he is got under your skin.
And by the way,if it did happen, I am sure Volty would remember. You don't see one-inch dicks every day!
Jun 20, 2008, 12:35 PM
Volty is far from transphobic
Hes a good friend, a great shoulder, and a wonderful guy.
FWIW I dont care who did what to who. When you are cybering (or in real life) that stuff is entirely between the two people.
In addition, its really bad form to publicly post something and then tell folks to mind their own business. Speaks of troll behavior to me.
I have news for you- this site is part sex site, but that is not all it is. If it doesnt suit, go find somewhere else to play. Plenty of places out there for trans folk that dont have anything to do with sex.
Jun 20, 2008, 12:45 PM
Belle/Onewhocares-This doesn't concern you at all. So back out of it.
After all, Mike/Voltman and I are two consenting adults and this isn't any of your business at all.
So you and your husband sleep with a lot of people from this site and you're popular only on an online sex site yet lonely and have no life and no friends in your own personal life and have posted about this. Congratulations! I'm proud of you!
Well are you not just the perfect person to turn words around. Had you read my thread CAREFULLY, you would have noted that I used the words " in the company of" many. That DOES NOT mean I had sex with them. It is your mind that is allowing you to think that. I am many things, but I am not a loose woman. I am tall, blonde, curvy, open minded, honesty, caring, thoughtful, interesting, patient, loving and kind....Not your neighborhood slut. Since your presumed that I am a whore.....I actually counted up the people that I have met on this site....and 37 is the number...guess how many I have slept with? I can count them on one hand and have a spare....and for your information those people are still part of my life and I treasure the relationship we have, one built on a strong foundation of friendship first. How DARE you make the comments you have.
I have stood by and watched you make comments about some very fine people from this site and have resisted in responding as it only feeds your fire. But your inexcusable comments about 12Voltman have broken the camels back. Comments about Kate, Mrs. F, Joe 69 and others are also uncalled for. The time has come when I had to reply and then YOU turn the tables.
Perhaps as others have said, you really are in serious need of professional help. You speak of me being lacking in friends....oh how WRONG you are. I have many many friends. I attract people because I am honest, open and caring...and these are not just casual friends, but ones who have become special parts of my life. So therefore, you should look within your life and see what is lacking before you start commenting on others. You are a shallow person, far more lonely and demented than anyone I know. Go back to the hole you crawled out of and take your insulting comments, accusations, insults, sarcastic behavior and go back to hell where you came from.
Jun 20, 2008, 12:46 PM
In addition, its really bad form to publicly post something and then tell folks to mind their own business. Speaks of troll behavior to me.
I would think it is worse form to post that you cybered with someone than it is to tell them to mind their own business. :)
Jun 20, 2008, 1:53 PM
I would think it is worse form to post that you cybered with someone than it is to tell them to mind their own business. :)
Both are bad form, I agree.
Jun 20, 2008, 2:24 PM
Being a person who has a mini-degree in English has taught me one small thing: No matter what persona a person brings forth, then still speak/write the same, and this is their own personal signature.
Now I'm in no way defending all of the Trolls, Weasel's, and Wannabe's, but it looks as if they were Compelled to live this vicarious life, that they would at least try to write differently each time! You can pretend to be whoever you wish as many times as you please, but you cannot disguise your own innimable style. We can see You. You think you are sly and slick, but guess what? Your arent, so get a grip on reality and go get yerself a life.
Nuff said
Yer Cat
Jun 20, 2008, 2:32 PM
ROFLMAO! You Go Kate! You tell 'im, Girlfriend.
Giant stick up the it.
PS I wasnt feeding the Troll..I was high 5'ing She doesnt lose her cool often and I'm so proud of her when she
Hugs Sweetie
Jun 20, 2008, 2:38 PM
Heres a song for all said personalities :tongue:
Jun 20, 2008, 4:42 PM
You guys...I ate a hamburger for lunch today.
But even though I posted it on this forum...nobody talk about it!! It's none of your business!!! *sob*sob*sob*
Jun 20, 2008, 4:47 PM
Voltman Mike should be the one who feels ashamed since he is a liar and tells the truth only when he feels like it, when it suits him, he's very subjective about the actual "truth", and I don't respect him as a person anymore since he lies.
He's also Transphobic since I was once a man and I'm now a woman and now he lies about knowing me or in his words it was all hypothetical, and he's got a bad memory, when something embarassing like cybering with me in the past comes up as a topic, and he denies that we were friends when I was male.
I read what Voltman said and he didn't deny anything. He said he doesn't remember. He says that all of the cybering that you two may have done is totally within the realm of possibility. You had fun in the past. Now get over it.
I think that he is also trying to be nice and say that he doesn't want to have anything else to do with you. After busting him with your alleged conversation to the entire site I don't blame him for not calling you a friend if indeed that is what your relationship was in the past. It feels more like you are desperately trying to air a grievance or rejection in order to get attention and not to further anything positive. Go see a therapist; don't bother the rest of us.
You don't have the cred on this site to insult people without your words being challenged.
Jun 20, 2008, 5:42 PM
ROFLMAO! You Go Kate! You tell 'im, Girlfriend.
Giant stick up the it.
PS I wasnt feeding the Troll..I was high 5'ing She doesnt lose her cool often and I'm so proud of her when she
Hugs Sweetie
Hey, I have been telling her for months to get mad and tell someone to f*** off (myself excepted)! And even if it may be 'feeding the trolls,' I'm happy to see it happen!
Jun 20, 2008, 5:52 PM
So who are the trolls so I'll know to watch out for them?
If the shoe fits, wear it.
Jun 20, 2008, 6:46 PM
Heres a song for all said personalities :tongue:
A second Napoleon the 14th song in this thread!! :cool:
So very very appropos!
Jun 20, 2008, 9:50 PM
Light the torches, sharpen the pitchforks and form hunting parties.......we have multiple trolls here.
Has anyone noticed that it seems to be the same handful of people that the trolls take particular delight in making trouble for?
Jun 20, 2008, 9:53 PM
You know...cybering on this site is really no big what if Volty DID cyber with you in one of your previous incarnations??? So what if he doesn't acknowledge it? What if...just a mighty big IF...but most likely more in keeping with the truth....YOU JUST WEREN'T THAT MEMORABLE??????
I don't believe your story, but in the event that it did happen, none of us really give a damn. We're far more interested in that chip on your shoulder as well as that giant stick up your ass...the things that make you unable to form true bonds with your fellow humans and makes you so unpleasant to have around!!
Jun 20, 2008, 11:38 PM
I'm sorry but I have to weigh in on this one....
You say that you are a "woman" now.....
I'm just wondering what you think a "woman" is.
You have done nothing but insult Volty, Kate, Onewhocares as well as others on this site and thread. If there is anything that is a lie it is that you are a "lady"
I have been on this site for sometime and have had personal interactions with everyone you criticize and call liers, etc. I have even met several people personally (and am one of the people Belle has been "in the company of" and that doesn't mean having sex with) and found every one to be incredibly interesting, supportive, and truthful. So no matter how much you rant and rave about how "bad" these people are, we who are on this site know better.
I have one question for you which I find perplexing: If you find this site and its people to be full of liers, homo and transphobic individuals as well as just disguisting people, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE????
Perhaps you would be better off just signing off and leaving us "bad" people to ourselves. . . .sound good???
If you don't believe me about the private message I got from Mike/Voltman where he did say that he knew who I am when I was male, that's too bad.
I'm not the one lying here, do you want to see screen shots of the message? I'm not going to do that but the private message correspodence between us does exist and Mike/Voltman does know who I am.
It's funny how the established members of a message board jump down someone's throat and gang up on her when she exposes that one of the longterm members is a complete bald faced transphobic liar!
Scubaman pay more attention, I once posted here as Tom (that's how I know Mike the Voltman because we cybered here in the chatroom and on YahooIM) and now I'm Sarah. Like I told Belle/Onewho cares this isn't her business and it's not yours or csraKate's.
Mike/Voltman knows who I am since we chatted/cybered on here and on YahooIM and I was living in Colorado then, and his name on Yahoo was mpgarr859. He's going to lie about this too, just to save his public face and reputation.
However Mike/Voltman, you can lie all you want here but we both know that I'm telling the truth no matter how much you want to lie about it and deny it here.
CherokeeCat-For someone who in your own words has a "mini-degree in English" you write as though you're in junior high school. I guess that's your maturity level and mental age though. :)
Jun 21, 2008, 12:04 AM
And what cred do you have on this site?
*cry* My girlfriend left me! *sob* I wanted an open relationship but I told her that it was "polyamory". *sob* *cry* She's not letting me be bisexual or be myself! *cry* *sob* *cry* *sob* I've come to the realization that the philosophy of polyamory is a complete lie, it's all about sex, and just nothing more than an open relationship! *sob* *cry*
Voltman/Mike is used to lying because he was a journalist and he has horrible writing skills and his arguments can't hold water at all and it shows in his posts on this site.
Dude, you're the one who needs therapy.
With this kind of venomous response, I don't need to say anything else. Your bitterness and heartlessness speaks for itself.
You waste my time and energy!!
Jun 21, 2008, 6:36 AM
My my my...
This just goes to show....
And I do agree with Falcon Angel :eek2: ---
It IS remarkably the same people each incarnation bullies. Wonder why...
Jun 21, 2008, 7:00 AM
You guys...I ate a hamburger for lunch today.
But even though I posted it on this forum...nobody talk about it!! It's none of your business!!! *sob*sob*sob*
Admitting is the first step. We are here for ya baby. I know you didn't mean to eat that hamburger, and that you were over come with desire. Things happen ! We all do it ! Sometimes, a thick , fat , juicey , melt in your mouth burger is the only answer. (((((((( Laken )))))))) Were here for you, always !
LynnAnne :)
Jun 21, 2008, 7:55 AM
WHAT???? NOOOOO WAY! Someone give this woman some professional help! Hurry! Oh wait...
I had a Sonic Conie! Two big loooooong chillie dogs!! hehehehe..
no wait...
*sob* *sob* *sob* bigirl, I'm with ya too :cool:
You guys...I ate a hamburger for lunch today.
But even though I posted it on this forum...nobody talk about it!! It's none of your business!!! *sob*sob*sob*
Jun 21, 2008, 11:02 AM
Im a lil hungover from the wine last night so I think I'll just come to the point.
Jude Quinn dude, I like volt, I like Kate and I like most of all the people here.
So I respectfully ask that you just go to hell and take your clones with you.
Jun 21, 2008, 12:24 PM
Clearly our own Sybil:
how mentally ill is this (I hate to use the word 'man' because it only applies inasfar as physical appliances) guy? Why does he repeatedly need to get rises and responses on our site? How can this possibly...
Like obsessive compulsive... he can't stop.
He is so far beneath the lowest among us... striving for the intimacy, lusting for the intimacy... he must be incapable and envious of the rest of us because we are capable of intimacy... emotional growth arrested somewhere between 8 and 14 years old. He's stuck... and off his medication.
"for this are a dumbass,,you hate america...fine, you love terrorism...fine....just be honest and state what you really mean...i pray the terrorists that you love don't ever sucker punch scotland like they did us...cuz you'd simply let them rather then kill them first, the way, learn how to both talk and spell, makes you look like the real dumb ass you are being perceived as!"
Am on a wee break away an don usually cum in2 .com wen enjoyin mesel.. but this didn haff gimme a belly laff wich wos in me inbox this afty wen we got bak from shoppin... sent 2 me by MusicPirate6969. Dunno wer e gets is ideas from...up is arse me thinks...
The coward bit is funny.. wos in rite hysterics.. wots more cowardly than attackin peeps wen the attacker knos they cant get caught...
Jun 21, 2008, 9:58 PM
Admitting is the first step. We are here for ya baby. I know you didn't mean to eat that hamburger, and that you were over come with desire. Things happen ! We all do it ! Sometimes, a thick , fat , juicey , melt in your mouth burger is the only answer. (((((((( Laken )))))))) Were here for you, always !
LynnAnne :)
No, no. To paraphrase a great lady: Eating a hamburger on this site isn't really such a big deal.
Jun 21, 2008, 10:09 PM
Do you happen to enjoy being a kept woman Kate?
Enjoy being a trophy wife?
How about being a freeloader to your husband?
Does your husband know how much time you spend online with random strangers who don't give a damn about you, him, or your own life and well being?
Like I told your fellow troll/alter ego: Kate is a smart, accomplished woman and not some pathetic loser like yourself. And I know of what I speak, also. So back off from insulting people who are better than you.
Jun 22, 2008, 12:54 AM
Im a lil hungover from the wine last night so I think I'll just come to the point.
Jude Quinn dude, I like volt, I like Kate and I like most of all the people here.
So I respectfully ask that you just go to hell and take your clones with you.
lol! How nice of you to ask respectfully :bigrin:
Jun 22, 2008, 8:04 AM
So Kate's a...
You know noting about Kate, her background, education, marriage, work history and so on, and I do, so if I tell you to shut up, you should just damn do it.
Since Kate's husband is a better man than you are, he has more appreciation for what she does and has done for him.
curious married m
Jun 22, 2008, 8:24 AM
OK, Jude, this is my 1st and last reply concerning your rude behavior toward many people here and for some reason Kate in particular. You seem to be looking for a character debate concerning her. Well, that debate was over before it got started. What has she done that you seem to have such a need to attack her. Let's see a trophy wife, you do have that right, she is definitely at the top when it comes to being a good wife. You mentioned you have an EX-wife, enough said on who has the better track record on loving relationships. What work do women like her and your mother do? Simple, yours gave birth to your sorry-assed excuse of a human. And their JOB is to raise and educate the next generation to be a positive contributing member of society. And some point, that JOB became to overwhelming for your mother as I look at the end product that you present here. You say you have cybered and chatted here before but your too chicken shit to post the screen name ya chatted under in 2006. I can't say I would remember it if you did, but at least we could go back and see if it is still in the Members list and why your so afrid to use it . As far as I know, the only way a name gets removed is when Drew removes it. So you were either banned at that time and you now seem obsessed to create a negative atmosphere among for the most part are a supportive and positve group of people. You speak of not respecting people like Kate, so be it as most of us who KNOW her, which you obviously don't, don't give a rat's ass about who you do or don't respect. But I can say with certainty most of the stuff you have posted,under whatever various profiles, reflects on what a sorry piece of work you are. So lay off attacking fine people like Kate and if you really want to be a woman then start acting like a lady.
Jun 22, 2008, 8:49 AM
JudeQuinn, Let's talk shall we? Me, Transgender Woman and you, Transgender Troll. If you are a Transgender Woman, you better get some professional help. Because therapist will reject HRT and SRS to people who has some serious mental problem.
Now challenge me, insult me. Bring it on babe! Let's have at it and leave our Kate alone. Ok, Mz Trans-Troll?
Jun 22, 2008, 9:07 AM
OK, Jude, this is my 1st and last reply concerning your rude behavior toward many people here and for some reason Kate in particular. You seem to be looking for a character debate concerning her. Well, that debate was over before it got started. What has she done that you seem to have such a need to attack her. Let's see a trophy wife, you do have that right, she is definitely at the top when it comes to being a good wife. You mentioned you have an EX-wife, enough said on who has the better track record on loving relationships. What work do women like her and your mother do? Simple, yours gave birth to your sorry-assed excuse of a human. And their JOB is to raise and educate the next generation to be a positive contributing member of society. And some point, that JOB became to overwhelming for your mother as I look at the end product that you present here. You say you have cybered and chatted here before but your too chicken shit to post the screen name ya chatted under in 2006. I can't say I would remember it if you did, but at least we could go back and see if it is still in the Members list and why your so afrid to use it . As far as I know, the only way a name gets removed is when Drew removes it. So you were either banned at that time and you now seem obsessed to create a negative atmosphere among for the most part are a supportive and positve group of people. You speak of not respecting people like Kate, so be it as most of us who KNOW her, which you obviously don't, don't give a rat's ass about who you do or don't respect. But I can say with certainty most of the stuff you have posted,under whatever various profiles, reflects on what a sorry piece of work you are. So lay off attacking fine people like Kate and if you really want to be a woman then start acting like a lady.
On second thought, you and I also need to stop feeding the trolls.
Believe me, I know you would love to choke this bastard as much as I would, and that if we could actually do it, you would be pulling on one end of the rope around his neck and I would be pulling on the other end. But we have to resist the gut reaction to punch this bastard's face in, too.
Jun 23, 2008, 1:57 AM
I was just thinking that maybe we can all find common ground and get along... along those lines.
Everyone likes nachos. What to put on Nachos? The best Nachos are the Nachos you make yourself.
Ground Beef
Jalapeno or Serrano chiles
More Tomatoes
Beans (Pinto, like god intended)
Green Onion slices
And a tiny bit of cheese and a little dab of sour cream.
Jun 23, 2008, 8:28 AM
Oh wow, so you want to choke and punch a transsexual eh? Way to be transphobic! You said it not I.
I believe he said he wanted to do those things to a troll, not a trans. The fact that the troll CLAIMS to be a trans is irrelevant. A very sophomoric attempt to twist things. Are you sure you are old enough to be here?
Jun 23, 2008, 9:31 AM
Oh wow, so you want to choke and punch a transsexual eh? Way to be transphobic! You said it not I.
ClosetedMarriedMale-Yes I do know Kate I used to go on this site years ago and I'd sneak on at work and she would be in the chat room here all day long. Mike/Voltman knows who I am because we used to chat and cyber together.
Are you a transsexual or some guy who claims to have cybered with Volty? Make up your mind which story!
Anyone who believes that this guy is really a transwoman should call Mayor Bloomberg and inquire about buying a bridge downtown. And even if he/she/it really is trans, he/she/it is still a troll and a total piece of garbage.
Jun 23, 2008, 11:41 AM
I was just thinking that maybe we can all find common ground and get along... along those lines.
Everyone likes nachos. What to put on Nachos? The best Nachos are the Nachos you make yourself.
Ground Beef
Jalapeno or Serrano chiles
More Tomatoes
Beans (Pinto, like god intended)
Green Onion slices
And a tiny bit of cheese and a little dab of sour cream.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm Nachos. I like Nachos. Cheesy nacho goodness.
Jun 23, 2008, 11:56 AM
We can kill the trolls by putting them on our ignore lists and not feeding them.
When we do that, it stops being fun for them and they will die off.
Jun 23, 2008, 12:55 PM
I was just thinking that maybe we can all find common ground and get along... along those lines.
Everyone likes nachos. What to put on Nachos? The best Nachos are the Nachos you make yourself.
Ground Beef
Jalapeno or Serrano chiles
More Tomatoes
Beans (Pinto, like god intended)
Green Onion slices
And a tiny bit of cheese and a little dab of sour cream.
Hmmmmm not much on Nachos usually but......Maybe we could all get naked ...smoke a couple ....and give like this really cool group then I'd have the munchies and could groove on the Nachos:cop::stoned::cop:
"All we are give Peace a Chance.....:flag4::three::flag4:
Annika L
Jun 24, 2008, 2:07 AM
No I'm not insane, and if we're calling other people insane why not call csraKate, Annika, Delilah, Laken, and Vittoria insane since they have nothing better to do than stalk me, pry into my personal life, flip out when I write something that they don't personally agree with, and read way too much into everything that I write on here?
I am so amazingly honored that Kali had sufficient regard for me to mention me *by name* in a post! *beam* I wouldn't have thought that I'd merit her attention, but so clearly does she demonstrate her love. Nor do I find it insignificant that the thread she chose to honor me in is the thread that begins with vittoria claiming to agree with me (presumably about Kali's presence on this site)! 'Tis a sign...of what, I'm not sure, of course...but a sign's a sign, and I'm willing to assume it's a good one. :tong:
Jun 24, 2008, 2:59 AM
For anyone who is interested...
People have been talking about the global warming thread that some believe started this whole thing...
But if one reads THIS particular thread:
... and I do mean the WHOLE thing... theres 2 people in there commenting who I think the culprit(s) are..
May the reader use discernment :)
Jun 24, 2008, 12:26 PM
Hmmmmm not much on Nachos usually but......Maybe we could all get naked ...smoke a couple ....and give like this really cool group then I'd have the munchies and could groove on the Nachos:cop::stoned::cop:
"All we are give Peace a Chance.....:flag4::three::flag4:
Actually, I think that we are all saying "Give cheese a chance" :bigrin: