View Full Version : what was THAT????
Jan 22, 2008, 10:32 PM
Ok, so, i've been dealing with a case of on/off/on/off ED over the last six months or so, and finally had my appt with the urologist- we talked a bit- then he bent me over, and crammed a finger in my ass. Now this might have been fun, but it only lasted about 20 seconds, damn it! lol
Anyway, he pummelled the hell out of my prostate, made me about piss all over his exam table lol Now he said that this could possibly fix my ED- explaining that sometimes when a person cums, not all of the fluid gets left in the prostate and can build up over time, and cause ED- and this little proceedure- done 3-4 times (or more if needed) over the course of a month or so will expel this fluid, and make the ED dissappear! yeah! God i hope this works!
Does anyone know what this proceedure is called? details? is this something i could/should do myself in order to improve/speed up the process?
Although i've been bi for many many years, i've never REALLY played much with my prostate- how far in is it? what does it feel like? what should i know about prostate play?
Thanks for the advise in advance!
warrior for Truth
p.s. i must admit it was funny- the doc was fingering my ass, and i'm just taking it like it was nothing, when he comments "you seem to be taking this well" to which i had to reply "yeah, i've done LOTS of experimenting in my day" he accidentally let a styfled chuckle out, then we quiet for a second, and quickly changed the topic- i bet his face went RED! lol it was funny as hell!
Jan 22, 2008, 10:53 PM
Did you bring your own lube? ;) <eg>
That wasn't piss that came out of your penis, it was seminal fluid that gets built up but he's probably explained all of that to you.
I doubt he was embarassed, red faced, or blinked an eye. Doctors have seen everything and I've told the ones I've seen about my sexuality/sexual orientation and how I practise safer sex and how I've done BDSM with men and women, and it's not a big deal. I've even asked doctors about drinking piss/watersports, eating ass (rimming), anal sex/fisting, urethral sounds, HIV/other STDs/STIs, safer sex, and none of it is a big deal.
People shouldn't be afraid to come out to their doctors/healthcare providers, as it's best to be honest with yourself and them since it's your health, and they're required by law not to tell anyone else anything that you tell them as a patient.
You'll know once you find the prostate and touch it, and if you're one of the lucky ones you won't have to only do internal stimulation to stimulate your prostate. Trim and file your fingernails, use lube, go very slowly, and have fun!
Start out with fingers for awhile, and then move onto toys. You may find that a finger is all that you need.
Toys can work too but not everyone is even into them or into internal prostate stimulation.
Only use toys that are designed for prostate stimulation like dildos/vibrators/plugs, and ones that have a base on them so they won't get stuck inside you.
NEVER use anything that isn't designed for anal sex like fruits/veggies, bottles, broom handles, or things you just find lying around the house.
If you're too embarassed to buy a dildo/toy/lube at a sex toy/porn store order them online. Really though, don't feel weird about buying toys at an adult bookstore or a sex toy store. The clerks and owners of the stores want you to buy toys and lube there and they will answer any questions that you have about the toys or the lube since it's their job.
If you're embarassed to buy toys/lube at a store imagine how embarassing it will be when you have to go to the ER since you have something you've found around the house stuck inside you or if you hurt yourself with a homemade sex toy and start bleeding or get a fissure and have to go to the ER.
Start with a small toy and work your way up. Keep in mind that some people have tight asses that never loosen up or that not everyone is even into taking larger toys or is into anal stimulation/anal sex at all.
Use condoms on your toys since it makes for easier clean up and if you're going to share a toy with someone use new condoms when you do that. Also wash the toy afterwards with soap and water.
Here are some links that will be helpful to you:
Jan 23, 2008, 6:25 AM
Thanks for the info Dr. DD :bigrin: j/k
But really, thanks - the info you provided was enlightening and educational.
the mage
Jan 23, 2008, 10:19 AM
Ok, so, i've been dealing with a case of on/off/on/off ED over the last six months or so, and finally had my appt with the urologist- we talked a bit- then he bent me over, and crammed a finger in my ass. Now this might have been fun, but it only lasted about 20 seconds, damn it! lol
Anyway, he pummelled the hell out of my prostate, made me about piss all over his exam table lol Now he said that this could possibly fix my ED- explaining that sometimes when a person cums, not all of the fluid gets left in the prostate and can build up over time, and cause ED- and this little proceedure- done 3-4 times (or more if needed) over the course of a month or so will expel this fluid, and make the ED dissappear! yeah! God i hope this works!
Does anyone know what this proceedure is called? details? is this something i could/should do myself in order to improve/speed up the process?
Although i've been bi for many many years, i've never REALLY played much with my prostate- how far in is it? what does it feel like? what should i know about prostate play?
Thanks for the advise in advance!
warrior for Truth
p.s. i must admit it was funny- the doc was fingering my ass, and i'm just taking it like it was nothing, when he comments "you seem to be taking this well" to which i had to reply "yeah, i've done LOTS of experimenting in my day" he accidentally let a styfled chuckle out, then we quiet for a second, and quickly changed the topic- i bet his face went RED! lol it was funny as hell!
......................Well..... me who have sex with men run a far greater risk of anal cancer than the general population, among other issues.
ED and an enlarged/blocked prostate can be many things. Sticking things up your ass every few days is hardly a diagnosis or a cure.
shameless agitator
Jan 23, 2008, 2:38 PM
......................Well..... me who have sex with men run a far greater risk of anal cancer than the general population, among other issues.That's because of HPV, not a risk with digital stimulation or toys.
ED and an enlarged/blocked prostate can be many things. Sticking things up your ass every few days is hardly a diagnosis or a cure.Yes, the issue could be caused by many different things & prostate stimulation may or may not help. It can't hurt though. If your prostate is enlarged I would ask for a PSA test just to rule out the possiblity of cancer.
Long Duck Dong
Jan 23, 2008, 4:54 PM
Valkyrie_Veritech.... ED can be a multi diagnosis condition..... age, general health, blood pressure, smoking, drug use etc etc etc
and the advice that DD has shared, is sound advice
what the urologist did and explained is actually a dual position test......
by massaging the prostate, he is checking for abnormal or enlarged areas, reaction to stimuli ( seeing if there is a underlying nerve issue ), testing the penile reaction etc etc etc
its actually a common treatment that is fast and reliable and covers a good many areas in a short time
in people with ED, often they do not release fully and it can cause a back up or fuild within the body... and if the body is not backing the * waste * down quickly does in fact build up and create issues...the type of issues include pressure on the nerves and blood flow to the penile area.....dulling feeling and reaction
its actually rather common in smokers...and people that use drugs.....
Jan 23, 2008, 5:54 PM
......................Well..... me who have sex with men run a far greater risk of anal cancer than the general population, among other issues.
That's because of HPV, not a risk with digital stimulation or toys.
SA:that's an example of what I'm talking about with the wrong medical information. I just tune it out now and ignore it since if people really want truthful advice they'll go to a doctor or a testing clinic and actually ask professionals who know the right answers.
Using your own toys with yourself alone won't give you HPV or prostate cancer.
Using condoms works if you're taking a dick in your mouth/throat/ass but it's not 100% effective against HPV and other STIs (there's no such thing as safer sex as most everything carries risk and it's up to you to decide your factors/risk level/etc.) and the female condom seems to be designed better for anal sex even if they do have a higher failure rate for vaginal sex.
the mage
Jan 23, 2008, 7:29 PM
SA:that's an example of what I'm talking about with the wrong medical information. I just tune it out now and ignore it since if people really want truthful advice they'll go to a doctor or a testing clinic and actually ask professionals who know the right answers.
Using your own toys with yourself alone won't give you HPV or prostate cancer.
Using condoms works if you're taking a dick in your mouth/throat/ass but it's not 100% effective against HPV and other STIs (there's no such thing as safer sex as most everything carries risk and it's up to you to decide your factors/risk level/etc.) and the female condom seems to be designed better for anal sex even if they do have a higher failure rate for vaginal sex.
...................................hehehe just goes to show how misinformation spreads. Wasn't talking prostate cancer Anal cancer risk is higher and not due to HPV only. Interested persons will I'm sure look up needed info.
Things like Chlorine on washed toys.............
The laughable presumption and inference that any toys that is just the exact shape of a cock, as opposed to any other toys size or shape is some how healthier shows the outright stupidity of the thought train.
Long Duck Dong
Jan 23, 2008, 9:40 PM
mage are you actually offering advice to valkyrie.....or trying to massage ya own ego and stir up more trouble, in a thread that actually may help people....if it wasn't for you thread jacking it
and as for the part about using toys that are shaped like a penis ???
9 different sites that I viewed, backed up what DD said...... its better and safer to use toys designed for a purpose rather than things that may cause injury and harm and a quick couple of phone calls to my doctor and a sexual health clinic, also backed it up further.....
shoving a broom stick up ya ass can lead to internal damage and the risk is higher than with a toy designed for anal penetration, fully lubed and covered with a condom
Jan 23, 2008, 10:29 PM
...................................hehehe just goes to show how misinformation spreads. Wasn't talking prostate cancer Anal cancer risk is higher and not due to HPV only. Interested persons will I'm sure look up needed info.
Things like Chlorine on washed toys.............
The laughable presumption and inference that any toys that is just the exact shape of a cock, as opposed to any other toys size or shape is some how healthier shows the outright stupidity of the thought train.
What is this, 1984? The paranoia and doublespeak are rampant in your posts as usual.
Who said anything about how that a toy that's in the shape of a cock is somehow safer?
Toys come in all shapes and sizes from a plug that's as big as your finger to a human fist to a horse dildo that's as big as and modeled after the real thing.
Having a base on a toy helps so it doesn't get stuck in you, and it's specifically designed for anal sex.
Just because a toy is designed for anal sex it doesn't mean that you won't hurt yourself with it. I've had friends who like rough anal sex make themselves bleed by using toys on themselves. Some also used fruits and veggies and either bled or almost got them stuck.
You're the one who once suggested to a poster that it's somehow OK and safe to use a glass beer bottle as a sex toy. :rolleyes:
Using Chlorine on toys is going WAY overkill and that's your paranoia showing. You're cleaning sex toys not disinfecting a pool/spa/hottub.
If you want to prevent people from getting hepatitis A and B they should just get vaccinated for them, use condoms on toys if they share them, and clean their toys.
Condoms, soap and water, and if you need to use a mixture of one part bleach with nine parts water are all that's needed to clean toys. Even if you only use the toy on yourself putting a condom on it makes the toy last longer so it's not destroyed as faster.
This all depends on what the toy is made out of first of all. With some toys you can wash them with soap and water and then put them in boiling water, with others you can put them in the dishwasher.
Also don't use silicone lube on silicone toys, this destroys them.
Here are links on cleaning toys:
Jan 25, 2008, 8:02 PM
Thanks for the response all! lots of good information there- and the links a very helpfull too!!!!
Ok, so i've read a bunch, but i stil have a couple questions-
1. where is the prostate located? (from a finger in the ass standpoint) i've got a friend who is also suffering from ED, adn thought i might try it on him to see if it'll help. Once i got my finger in his ass, how do i locate the prostate?
2 When i find it- what exactly, is the proceedure for expelling the interfearing fluid? that is, how do i work the prostate in order to fix this problem?
I've done alot of anal play, but for some reason, i've never really explored much in the area of prostate manipulation.
Thanks again!!!!!!
warrior of Truth
shameless agitator
Jan 25, 2008, 8:32 PM
The prostate should be toward the end of your finger and to the posterior, so if he was bent over in front of you, you would curl your finger up. When you hear a sudden gasp, you'll know you've got the right spot. If you wanted to use a toy, the vibrators meant to hit the G spot should be about right, again from a doggy style position. Pushing & rubbing with gentle pressure should do the trick.
Jan 25, 2008, 11:42 PM
anatomy boo boo.
Prostate is anterior (forward) not posterior (rearward) in anal entry. Insert finger or other in anus and go forward toward belly (just above pubic bone).
Similar to uterus/cervix.
Ovaries/testes.... uterus/prostate... penis/clitoris... In our bisexual inclusiveness we understand that both sexes have nearly same equipment... roughly... just in a different arrangement that allows for sex/reproduction.
The hormones are hell, though, and have different effects.
But prostate is front wall, just like uterus.
shameless agitator
Jan 25, 2008, 11:44 PM
Oops. mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa
Jan 26, 2008, 12:18 AM
Thanks for the info, and the correction- i was wondering about that myself lol
i think i got what i need to take care of this little issue now- all i need to do is get ahold of his ass for an hour or so- course my finger isnt the only thing gonne go up in there! hehe!
Thanks all, and any other suggestions/comments will be well, recieved!
warrior of Truth
Jan 26, 2008, 1:17 PM
I would suggest Googling for "prostate massage" and "prostate milking". You will find an amazing number of links, ranging from medically sound to erotic to pornographic to commercial to just plain absurd. Plus some drawings showing where everything is.