View Full Version : Interview with Kate Bornstien, gender outlaw

Jan 20, 2008, 2:03 PM
Thought this was an interesting article.


I like Kate , she has a good perspective on things, IMO.

What do you guys think?

Jan 20, 2008, 2:15 PM
Thank you Marie for posting it here. Some people could do with educating themselves, because transgendered issues does fall under the GLBT umbrella.

Jan 20, 2008, 2:57 PM
thanx, Marie, that was perfect timing.. ..i've passed this link on because i thot it's important for some others i know:flag2:

Jan 20, 2008, 7:01 PM
I did research on Kate Bornstein for a graduate professor friend of mine and I found her to be quite well informed and insightful on trans issues.
thanks Marie

Jan 20, 2008, 11:44 PM
Here's something else I saw: http://www.myspace.com/tdocuseries

Looks interesting, I've watched the trailer. Anyone seen the whole thing?



Jan 21, 2008, 9:34 PM
I took the quiz. It said i'm a gender freak. But of course i knew that already.

I told the guys at work that i'm transgendered and that maybe i'll get a sex change so they can tell their stupid jokes to me.:upside: (I'm excluded from their jokes because i was born a girl) I'm sure that has them all in a twitter.:bigrin:

I'm just a Trill Symbiant looking for a male host and an intergalactic doctor.(Star Trek reference)

Jan 22, 2008, 3:57 AM
Well - I took the quiz - and answered as honestly as I could.
And .... I'm a Gender Freak. :eek: Is that a good thing, a bad thing or just a thing? :confused:

Oh well - whatever.

Thanks Marie - Thank you for posting this.
I am really glad I have gotten to know you.
Through your inspiration (and others on this site) I have been able to learn more about myself as well as others.

And that, is a good thing.


Jan 22, 2008, 6:17 AM
Well - I took the quiz - and answered as honestly as I could.
And .... I'm a Gender Freak. :eek: Is that a good thing, a bad thing or just a thing? :confused:

So am I , wanna get freaky with me?:tongue:;):bigrin:


Jan 22, 2008, 7:37 AM
So am I , wanna get freaky with me?:tongue:;):bigrin:


Ohhhhhhhh Baby do I! :cool::bigrin::tong: :love87:

Jan 22, 2008, 8:50 AM
Hey Marie,Thank you for posting the article honey. It has really openend my eyes. Thanks for making me more educated about it....

Jan 22, 2008, 10:47 AM
Good article :)

Jan 22, 2008, 11:40 AM
good article. thank you for sharing it with us.

Jan 22, 2008, 12:35 PM
Marie! You are such a doll!! Thank you for posting that. I would love to add that link in my Transgendered Yahoo group.

This is the part of the article that I have been trying to educate a lot of people:

----start of quote

P.O.V.: What is the difference between transgendered and transsexual?

Bornstein: Depends on whom you ask. My own take is that transgender is the umbrella term for anyone who breaks a rule of gender. A transsexual person, like myself, is someone who was born one gender and who nows lives hir life full time as something completely different from that. This can be accomplished with hormonal or surgical intervention or not.

---- end of quote

As for me, being Delilah is all I can be and want to be. Regardless what I am. I know who I am and I am content.
I always consider myself a NON OP Transsexual. I chose not to have the surgical intervention because I'm happy being "in between" or commonly used phrased "Best of Both Worlds". Having breast, looking like a woman but yet still have that "forbidden fruit" between my legs is really not a bad thing. Actually, it's a fun thing if you know what I mean :tongue:
I know a lot of my transgendered sisters who must accomplish the surgery to complete. I support them on that. But I'm a NON OP! I am just going to stay being Delilah. I live my life as a woman 24/7, I prefer nobody should know and stay discreet in order to be treated as a woman, and nothing else matters to me.

Jan 22, 2008, 2:38 PM
.... But I'm a NON OP! I am just going to stay being Delilah. I live my life as a woman 24/7, I prefer nobody should know and stay discreet in order to be treated as a woman, and nothing else matters to me.

I think there is room in this world for more than one type of transexual. I support you in your right to be as you are, without surgery. If it works for you then it works for you.

I sometimes wish some of these things were easier, but it is what it is.



Jan 22, 2008, 2:40 PM
Hey Marie,Thank you for posting the article honey. It has really openend my eyes. Thanks for making me more educated about it....

Anytime babe, anytime


Jan 22, 2008, 3:44 PM
It just goes to show that although many many people are transexuals, that a person is still an indvidual.

So Delilah- you've chosen your pathway. Good for you though! Continue to stand and walk tall...

Everyone is different, we all have our desires and wants. As long as a person continues to strides towards a healthy life then let the games continue.

Jan 23, 2008, 12:48 AM
Here's a topic for debate:

Why make up new words when we already have a perfectly good word for when we don't want to disclose the gender of a person, or they are other-gendered, or we are speaking hypothetically? That word is "they'.

Sure, English teachers would scowl at such usage, but it has a English precendent: the word "you" used to have the singular form "thou". We don't use "thou" anymore; we just used the plural "you". We don't seem to have much problem using the same word for the singular and plural.

I use "they" in this way all the time. People understand me. "Ryan, someone came in the other day and I told them that they should call you..." See...you understood that.

Jan 23, 2008, 9:01 AM
Here's a topic for debate:

Why make up new words when we already have a perfectly good word for when we don't want to disclose the gender of a person, or they are other-gendered, or we are speaking hypothetically? That word is "they'.

Sure, English teachers would scowl at such usage, but it has a English precendent: the word "you" used to have the singular form "thou". We don't use "thou" anymore; we just used the plural "you". We don't seem to have much problem using the same word for the singular and plural.

I use "they" in this way all the time. People understand me. "Ryan, someone came in the other day and I told them that they should call you..." See...you understood that.

Are you talking abou "zie" and "hir"? FWIW I haven't seen these words in general usage. I personally doubt we will ever see them used outside of certain academic/trans circles because they are made up from outside the mainstream.

OTOH I have seen/ heard "yo" being used as a non-gendered singular in street language.

Don't know if that will get much beyond slang either, will have to wait and see.

I generally tend to use "they" in conversation the same way as you did above. Its simple and understood by everyone.

(not an english prof)



Jan 23, 2008, 3:05 PM
I took the test. Surprise or what lol......... Not!!!

Gender Freak!!!

This was child's play for you, wasn't it? But aren't you delighted to see all this stuff appearing in mainstream culture? Maybe it's time for you to break into a mainstream world, as freaky as you are.

Maybe in time I might change and become who I am meant to be.... That sounds really deep i know, but I've recently got back in touch with my tom boy ish ness and like an old friend I've missed it a lot. A heck of a lot.

Genetically I am a woman. That i know for sure, physically I am of a woman... Mentally I am Androgyns. Maybe I subconciously identlify as a man.

I knew i was a freak anyways.... Now I'm proud of being one...

Ok i found this test and as its sorta related i posted it here....

My results came back 3 for androgyne and one for transexual but that was close so i identify as transgenderist.............

Heres the link...


Feb 9, 2008, 4:46 AM
So how does this actually make her a gender "outlaw" since she's an ex prostitute who is trying to pimp her book out and she's not really that insightful or telling us anything that revolutionary?

Let's not forget how Transsexual and transgendered people have the most fucked up viewpoints on human gender that are based on really bad stereotypes of the gender that they're impersonating.

Feb 9, 2008, 7:52 AM
So how does this actually make her a gender "outlaw" since she's an ex prostitute who is trying to pimp her book out and she's not really that insightful or telling us anything that revolutionary?

Let's not forget how Transsexual and transgendered people have the most fucked up viewpoints on human gender that are based on really bad stereotypes of the gender that they're impersonating.

Ignore this swine, family - VBScript is trying to get sh*t started to see the flaming arrows. Is an outsider trying to get in just like FuppedDuck.


Feb 9, 2008, 5:47 PM
Ignore this swine, family - VBScript is trying to get sh*t started to see the flaming arrows. Is an outsider trying to get in just like FuppedDuck.


I could care less what you think. I still believe what I wrote.

Trans people do have fucked up ideas of what it actually means to be the gender that they're pretending to be but actually aren't physically and biologically even with surgery, therapy, and hormones.

They're just their born gender TRYING to be the gender that they think that they are; but they're not really that gender.

A transwoman is really just a man who is cosmetically altered and he is not really a woman.

A transman is really just a woman who has been surgically altered and isn't really a man even if she takes all the testosterone in the world.

I have told this to trans people and even they agree with me.

I've met TONS of trans men and women living here in SF, and they're the way I described them in my last post.

If you don't want to believe me that's fine but I don't spend all of my time on lame sites like this like you do Dogwood and I certainly don't care if people agree with me or not.

Feb 9, 2008, 10:10 PM
........ I don't spend all of my time on lame sites like this like you do Dogwood and I certainly don't care if people agree with me or not.

:cutelaugh:cutelaugh:cutelaugh You are so amusing.