View Full Version : London,UK's first transexual mayor.....

May 25, 2007, 3:42 AM

Cambridge swears in nation's first transsexual mayor

Thu May 24, 11:28 AM ET

LONDON (AFP) - A female councillor who was born a man and fathered two children has been sworn in as Britain's first transsexual mayor.

Jenny Bailey, a 45-year-old Liberal Democrat became the civic leader of Cambridge City Council on Thursday.

Bailey -- who fathered two children during a marriage before having a sex change operation in her 30s's -- was joined by her transexual partner Jennifer Liddle, who will now become the mayoress.

"This is fantastic," she said to loud applause, donning her mayoral robes and posing for photographs with Liddle.

In an interview with the Times newspaper before her investiture, she said becoming mayor was a great honour.

"I'm proud that I managed to get through something which was quite difficult and managed to come out of it a better person. If you ask me what are the things that define me, I would say being a parent, an engineer, a woman.

"When you go through transgender experience and come through the other side, you are just happy to get on with normal life, normal problems, so this is a wonderful opportunity. I certainly do not want it to eclipse being mayor."

Bailey had been Cambridge's deputy mayor. Her term in office as mayor lasts one year.

"People can take me as they want. But for transgender people, all we want is to disappear and become normal, so I don't want to let it define me," she added.

May 25, 2007, 9:14 AM
I think your title's rather misleading. It's not London's mayor (that's Ken Livingstone, who is most definitely not transexual). This is about Cambridge, which is an entirely different city!

May 25, 2007, 12:20 PM
I think your title's rather misleading. It's not London's mayor (that's Ken Livingstone, who is most definitely not transexual). This is about Cambridge, which is an entirely different city!

I couldn't change the title after I posted that. Sorry.
It was 1am and I was tired but wanted to post it before I went to bed.... and now this morning I saw the mistake but you're not allowed to edit after an hour :(
Maybe Drew can change if it he sees this? At least the title was inside the thread :) "Cambridge swears in nation's first transsexual mayor" is what was on the Yahoo News as the title.

May 25, 2007, 2:21 PM
One of the remarkable things has been how almost all the press coverage of this has been surprisingly friendly - barring the Guardian.

May 25, 2007, 8:04 PM
How was the Guardian unfriendly? They're the last paper I'd expect to react in a bad way to such a thing!

Oh Yeah
May 27, 2007, 3:26 AM
Ha! That's pretty cool. I'd love to see Canada get a transexual PM!