View Full Version : Dreams

Mar 15, 2007, 10:08 AM
Dreams have always held a special fascination for me because they often give a glimpse on what lies within. Two areas that I have explored as a direct result of my dreams have been public nudity and bisexuality. When I was younger I used to have dreams about being naked in the school cafeteria and trying to hide myself from others view. Realizing that this was an area that needed to be addressed I became a nudist and have not had those dreams since.
My bisexual nature first appeared in my dreams as well and dealt with both the excitement of discovery and, the denial and fear of being found out. Taking those fears and apprehensions from the subconscious level and actualizing them into physical reality to understand myself better has all but eliminated those fears and resulted in acceptance.
Just curious if anyone else found themselves discovering their bisexual nature in their dreams prior to the realization of that part of themselves in the waking state.

Ambi :)

Mar 15, 2007, 1:09 PM
I did have some bisexually themed dreams in the past---I think it did kind of play a part in my wanting to figure this out---

They say that dreams show us parts of ourselves that we suppress or deny---

They are certainly interesting--I know I have always had dreams where I am in a place that is getting some kind of deadly storm coming but can't get away from the place for some reason---I think that goes back to living through those tornadoes when I was a kid.

The other dream I always had while in college--I would come to the end of the quarter or semester and had forgotten that I had signed up for a class--had only gone once or twice and did not drop it so it was going to kill my GPA.

Mar 15, 2007, 8:09 PM
Sorry to go off topic here a little here :rolleyes: But as most of you know that my dad passed away in October,06 as a result of a accident. He fell off the back of a grain trailer (semi) hitting his back on the truck and landing on his chest. As a result, his injuries were a broken back which kinked the spinal cord. Even after surgery to repair the back the surgeons said he would be paralyzed from chest down. He ended up passing away from the injuries of his chest and lungs.

Now...I had a dream the other night :sleep: (which has bothered me since). I was talking to a person and this person told me that my dad was going to come see me. I would sense when he was coming. I suddenly had this rush of warmth and calmness and I looked behind me to see my dad wheeling himself in his wheel chair through a automatic handcapped door. It felt so real. I remember looking at him and touching his face and he smiled. He never spoke but his smile let me know he was ok. He looked good.

Now......explain what this meant.. :angel:

Mar 15, 2007, 8:30 PM
Maybe you're coming to terms with his death, Mrs. F.

I had dreams about other women since the age of 5 and never was able to make sense of 'em until I was 16 or so. But, then I had my first "full dream...;)" about a man. . .

But I do know I'm a confirmed lover of breasts and Blond men.


Mar 15, 2007, 9:22 PM
Hi Mrs.F, that sounds like a wonderful dream and I agree with TaylorMade. I've read that our dreams really don't have much to with with our realities. Most psych's say they are a way for us to relieve our stresses and insecurities. Not that I give all that much credence to psychs. My dad passed when I was in my mid teens and I swear I used to see him in crouds on the street or in the market. It was very strange but comforting in a way. In your case, it might be that you are finally getting over the trauma of his death and getting comfortable with it. Believing he is no longer in pain and happy wherever he is is a good thing. If nothing else, it should allow you to get on with your life.

As far as my bisexual dreams go, they're usually very erotic in a calm way. I take this to mean I'm comfortable with my sexuality on a personal level. I'm still not comfortable enough with it to come out to everyone who would care (when I'm awake :))

Mar 15, 2007, 10:41 PM
Thank you for your thoughts Dan and Taylor. Those dreams freak me out. I cried most the next day thinking about how clear his face and smile was and how I could touch him. And the fact that he was in a wheel chair and wheeled himself in. It just was a strange feeling. :angel:

Dreams have always amazed me also and I often wonder why I have the same dreams over and over again. What do they really mean. What brings them on. And then there are the dreams that you have long before something happens....so when it happens for real, you sense that this has occured before. That's like de ja vu! :eek:

Mar 16, 2007, 6:06 AM
dreams and the symbolism that dreams entail, is awesome! not to get religious but i think that's the way that god talks with us is through dreams. sorta like the reason Jesus is written to talk in stories, an symbols.

Mar 16, 2007, 6:26 AM
My opinion on dreams is you are either processing your day's event's/ thoughts, like a computer. Or you are remembering you astral travels. It is difficult ti distinguish the two.

Mar 16, 2007, 2:30 PM
What are poems, if not waking dreams?

Once a dream did weave a shade
O'er my Angel-guarded bed,
That an Emmet* lost its way
Where on grass methought I lay.

Troubled, 'wilder'd, and forlorn,
Dark, benighted, travel-worn,
Over many a tangled spray,
All heart-broken I heard her say:

"O, my children! do they cry?
Do they hear their father sigh?
Now they look abroad to see:
Now return and weep for me."

Pitying, I drop'd a tear;
But I saw a glow-worm near,
Who replied: "What wailing wight
Calls the watchman of the night?

"I am set to light the ground,
While the beetle goes his round:
Follow now the beetle's hum;
Little wanderer, hie thee home."

William Blake, "A Dream"

*Emmet--an ant. It comes from the Old English aemette, which developed one way into our standard English ant, another into emmet, which survived as a dialect word.

Mar 16, 2007, 2:36 PM
i find that dreams are sort of precognitions. They give you an insight into the future sort of. Plenty of times i have had a dream and thought nothing of it only for the dream to happen in real life and achieve a sense of Deja-Vu. Then i remember i seen this in a dream. I have also had dreams about other guys and so i think that is when i started thinking perhaps i am bi. Just said that to keep to the topic. :bigrin:

Mar 18, 2007, 11:24 AM
Sorry to go off topic here a little here :rolleyes: But as most of you know that my dad passed away in October,06 as a result of a accident. He fell off the back of a grain trailer (semi) hitting his back on the truck and landing on his chest. As a result, his injuries were a broken back which kinked the spinal cord. Even after surgery to repair the back the surgeons said he would be paralyzed from chest down. He ended up passing away from the injuries of his chest and lungs.

Now...I had a dream the other night :sleep: (which has bothered me since). I was talking to a person and this person told me that my dad was going to come see me. I would sense when he was coming. I suddenly had this rush of warmth and calmness and I looked behind me to see my dad wheeling himself in his wheel chair through a automatic handcapped door. It felt so real. I remember looking at him and touching his face and he smiled. He never spoke but his smile let me know he was ok. He looked good.

Now......explain what this meant.. :angel:

Hi Mrs. F

I recently did a dream interpretation for someone on another site I frequent on occasion that went through a very similar experience with her father who passed away about a year ago. I offer this in no way as an intrusion onto someone else's beliefs but more as a sharing based on my own experiences. The replies you've recieved are equally valid. Dreams are many things to many people and when it comes to interpretation there is no right or wrong interpretation. It's like looking at a painting or reading a poem we each see something different. anyways...here was my interpretation.

"I've had this happen several times over the years. The first few times with a brother that had committed suicide, another with my mother who had dies very young with cancer, a grandmother, and the last with a very young acquaintance who had taken his own life.
With the members of my family, I took it as a sign that the spirit continues it's existence beyond death and found that these dreams or encounters were a way of them communicating to me what I intuitively felt to be a truth. They were healing dreams and eventually as I became more accepting that physical death is not the final chapter they gradually began to fade.
Years later, armed with this knowledge I was able to make contact with the young person I had known briefly that had taken his life. I was very lucid during the encounter and had become very experienced at frequenting the realms of non-physical reality. It took me from a point of belief, to a point of knowing. I no longer question life after death."

Ambi :)

Mar 18, 2007, 11:36 AM
The other dream I always had while in college--I would come to the end of the quarter or semester and had forgotten that I had signed up for a class--had only gone once or twice and did not drop it so it was going to kill my GPA.

.... LOL I seem to have a few similar to that from time to time. I find myself back in the Army and can't find some necessary piece of my uniform for some crazy inspection and throw myself into a panic...The military does a good job of brainwashing I will admit..considering it's been over 37 years now that I haven't had to wear that uniform.

Ambi :)

Mar 18, 2007, 11:54 AM
dreams and the symbolism that dreams entail, is awesome! not to get religious but i think that's the way that god talks with us is through dreams. sorta like the reason Jesus is written to talk in stories, an symbols.

I'm of the same opinion Solomon. It seems when I put a question out to those that guide my path I usually will get an answer back via my dreams within about 3 days. I'm not much on the bible for different reasons but it's interesting to note that there are over 387 references to dreams contained within it's pages...and most of them are where God is in fact talking to man in one way or another. Symbols are personal what an Owl may mean in some cultures will be different in another cultures. My dream symbols seems to incorporate what I find in my environment and the thoughts and feelings I attach often gives me a feel for what my dream may be revealing. Animals play a big part in those dreams I see as “needed course of action” dreams.
Does make me wonder what some native far removed from the civilized world as we know it, dreams about. They’re probably more attuned to their dreams than we are.

Ambi :)

Mar 18, 2007, 11:57 AM
What are poems, if not waking dreams?

Once a dream did weave a shade
O'er my Angel-guarded bed,
That an Emmet* lost its way
Where on grass methought I lay.

Troubled, 'wilder'd, and forlorn,
Dark, benighted, travel-worn,
Over many a tangled spray,
All heart-broken I heard her say:

"O, my children! do they cry?
Do they hear their father sigh?
Now they look abroad to see:
Now return and weep for me."

Pitying, I drop'd a tear;
But I saw a glow-worm near,
Who replied: "What wailing wight
Calls the watchman of the night?

"I am set to light the ground,
While the beetle goes his round:
Follow now the beetle's hum;
Little wanderer, hie thee home."

William Blake, "A Dream"

*Emmet--an ant. It comes from the Old English aemette, which developed one way into our standard English ant, another into emmet, which survived as a dialect word.

William Blake was ahead of his time....LOL but he was always right on time.

Ambi :)

Mar 18, 2007, 12:17 PM
My opinion on dreams is you are either processing your day's event's/ thoughts, like a computer. Or you are remembering you astral travels. It is difficult ti distinguish the two.

I think they are that and yet so much more Domino. I began serious research into dreams and astral projection after an OOBE in my early 20's. The more lucid I've become over the years in exploring the non-physical realities the more I've come to appreciate the vastness and complexity of this endless frontier that science is still light years away from comprehending. I've found that there are many theories about dreams and Science can to a limited extent tell you what or where the activity within the brain may be occurring but it still remains in the end a mystery. You can read countless books on the subject but it's always going to be an interpretation based on someone else’s experience or research. The only way to understand dreams is to go there.
It's funny that an area we spend nearly a third of our lives in is so unfamiliar. But just as everyday is an opportunity to grow, every night is an opportunity to dream. Safe Journey.

Ambi :)