View Full Version : Why does the body do these mysterious things??

Mar 8, 2007, 12:46 AM
Why does the body jerk when your sleeping?

Lets say your sleeping soundly... all of a sudden a part of your body, this can be anywhere... your lower/upper arm, shoulder, part of leg...etc, jerks so hard you are woken up but no one is there (and your bf/gf/spouse is sound asleep and never woke up), sometimes your able to go back to sleep, other times your left wide awake.

Ive always been curious why a body part would suddenly jerk and your sleeping??

Why does it also feel like your falling then land HARD on something but when you wake up, your in your bed or on the couch where you fell asleep, you never fell. Yet the impact felt so real.

Sometimes these can be caused by out of body experiences especially if you were "out to long" (your soul is attached to a invsiible cord.... and you have a limit of time to be out... if your not back, it "jerks" you back in which could explain the falling feeling or sudden body jerk)

But I wanna know if people agree with me with the above or is there any other possiblies why this is? :)


Fire Lotus
Mar 8, 2007, 2:40 AM
I've had the falling type thing happen. Actually, it feels like I'm falling or about to fall and then I'm jerked awake. I don't know why that happens. I just know it's a feeling I really don't care for.

Mar 8, 2007, 2:59 AM
As far I can remember, and I might be a bit off mark, the reason the body jerks occur is due to the body relaxing as your brain starts 'sleep mode'. I get it from time to time and, while it's slightly annoying, doesn't do any harm.

The falling sensation is really just down to your brain. It may well be caused by your brain sorting through the days events and other things that are bothering/exciting you.

Mar 8, 2007, 6:10 AM
in fact its the point when sleep begins but sometimes it actually can wake you up. Again i've forgotten why exactly but its a muscle spasm. An ex partner of mine used to do it every night as she always fell aleep before me.

Mar 8, 2007, 10:10 AM
the leading scientists say that the brain actually doesn't know any difference between the pictures that are created in the mind vs. the waking reality of our life.

they say that our brains will respond exactly the same to pictures in our minds as the brain also responds in our percieved realities.

so if a dream triggers off a 'physical' need to run for example, then the legs would jerk. and if there's something that happens in a dream that would cause pain in reality, then the brain would feel pain.

Mar 8, 2007, 11:33 AM
I believe what Solomon said is correct--our body reacts to what is being played out in the mind's eye.

I often take care of my sister's dogs and they both "run" in thier sleep--it is kind of funny to watch them---they make sounds like they are either happy or scared depending upon what they are dreaming.

It does kind of make you wonder what goes on in the brain--while I am generally pretty much a fan of science and a neurologist would say all that goes on in the brain is simpply the electrochemical mechanisms of the firing of the neurons into the synapses---I think there is really much more going on than that----

Mar 8, 2007, 12:01 PM
Actually, I would have thought the brain does know the difference generally, except certain times, e.g.: sleep walking, something my brother used to do occasionally as a kid.

Mar 8, 2007, 12:35 PM
the mind is the most fascinating instrument ever.

they've run experiments that lead them to believe that the mind actually travels ahead in time like one to two seconds.

they apparently performed the tests using rooms sheilded from any know interference like seismology, noise, electrical, etc... by running videos exposing two people to stimuli and measuring brain wave activity. There are other testings that were performed as well. Such as with random number generators and other electrical gadgets that i have no clue lol

not to mention that there were tests run in Japan that our thoughts actually do change the physical composition of water. Not the scientific formula i imagine, but the physical structure (like snowflakes).

at least that's according to the documetory "what the bleep do we know?". Which is an absolute mind blowing DVD if you have the chance to see it.

and according to very extensive testing the brain actually responds exactly the same to pictures it 'sees' whether or not it's using the eyes to create the picture.

of course they still don't understand many things about it, but that's what they can see from results of experiments. :cool: :cool:

Mar 8, 2007, 12:52 PM
What you are referring to is: MYOCLONIC JERKS. These occur during the transition period between wakefulness and sleep and are perfectly normal. They usually occur when the body is overly tired.
Just my :2cents: worth.
Everyone have a great day.

Mar 9, 2007, 2:09 PM
i happen to love the feeling when my body jerks right before or right after you fall asleep i have asked my doctor what it is and he said it could be a number of things.... like your body reacting to a dream ....sometimes your limbs have tension in them and they are just jerking to relieve the tension as far as the falling aspect i don't know.