View Full Version : save the gay sheep

Nov 6, 2006, 10:22 AM
worth a laugh:


People are crazy.


Nov 6, 2006, 10:32 AM
Oh boy. Nothing like modern science to pose new challenges to one's own sense of ethics.

- Drew :paw:

Nov 7, 2006, 2:13 AM
loved the "CIVIL UNIONS FOR SHEEP" blurb in the comments section... seriously, they just need to get a life.. .

Nov 7, 2006, 1:50 PM
Yup...has hints of X-Men III written all over the experiments there. Next thing you know they'll be thumping each other on the back as having found the reason for homosexuality, then the way to CURE it. Yhen jumping over logic to sensationalistic mumbo jumbo in order to gain support, they will begin am anti-homosexual crusade and lump us into it screaming their heads off about how we are to blame for AIDS. And VOILA! Here's their cure for that, too.