View Full Version : How common are actually the "itches"?

Jan 19, 2020, 11:25 AM
You know, the thing that makes many heterosexual and homosexual people not wanting to date us. On the other side it's only a stereotype, but on the other side, these "itches" aren't that much rare at all. Like when you are in a monogamous relationship, how common is it for you to miss and desire the other gender than the one of your partner?
I have never experienced both so I personally cannot imagine how it is to desire two partners of each gender. And are there any particular reasons to these "itches"?

Jan 19, 2020, 3:20 PM
You mean other than it's just the urge to have sex and, as a bisexual, you're just thinking about pussy? We say "scratch the itch" because, I guess, way back in the day, being horny made someone "itchy," nervous, keyed-up, etc., and just like a literal itch, it feels good to scratch it. A lot of bi guys say that once you get the taste for dick, ya get hooked on it so sometimes it's not missing one or desiring the other - you want to have sex, you're hooked on having sex with men - but if your partner wants to have sex, that works, too - now it's a matter of availability: Who can scratch your itch and make it feel really good?

Straights and gays get miffed with us because we - bisexuals - aren't of a mind to just have a single source for itch scratching.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 19, 2020, 6:14 PM
hard question to answer, to be honest cos it depends on each person..... like some people desire more than just the genitalia while to others its more just a desire for cock or pussy.....

in my younger days, I had the " itch " worse but at times that was not a sexual itch, it was caused by a depressive shift, often times it was a desire for human contact...now that I am older, the itches have changed and being in a closed group with a intersex partner, two females and a male, there is a lot more scratching of their itches lol so I do not really notice my own itches...... but still there are times when there is the desire for certain types of sex that can scream out " scratch me NOW!!!!! " lol

If I tried to do what I did when I was younger and just scratch the itches with cock or pussy with a random person, it would not work but I am the type of person that wants more than random hookups, I want the emotional and mental connection with people, not love but that intense " I want you now, I want your kisses, your arms, your mouth, your hunger, your desire, your passion " I want to feel it... and yes it can be addictive, like a drug or like an itch that just needs to be scratched but its one of those itches right where you can not reach, yourself so you need the other person and their way of scratching that itch is just perfect lol......

I do have itches for sex in places, like shower sex, lounge sex, outdoor sex lol....but beachs ? take a towel lol... sand can be a mood killer lol

Jan 19, 2020, 11:01 PM
Years ago, I was dating a woman, and she knew I was BI. She told me that she would give me so much sex, that I would not even think about having sex

with a man. WRONG! One night I just needed sex from a man, and I drove to Danbury Ct. where there was a Gay Bar, and I made eye contact with a T-

Gurl. I started to chat her up, and before I knew it, we were in the stall, in the ladies room, and me getting a BJ.

MY GF kept texting and calling my cell, and I ignored it, when I saw her the next day, she was trying to interrogate me, asking where I was ect. I just told

her to mind her F-ing business.

Jan 20, 2020, 1:53 AM
I have a high libido so for me, common and I control the itches via masturbation, which allows me to be me for a couple of hours. It's enough at the moment.

Jan 21, 2020, 1:40 AM
You mean other than it's just the urge to have sex and, as a bisexual, you're just thinking about pussy? We say "scratch the itch" because, I guess, way back in the day, being horny made someone "itchy," nervous, keyed-up, etc., and just like a literal itch, it feels good to scratch it. A lot of bi guys say that once you get the taste for dick, ya get hooked on it so sometimes it's not missing one or desiring the other - you want to have sex, you're hooked on having sex with men - but if your partner wants to have sex, that works, too - now it's a matter of availability: Who can scratch your itch and make it feel really good?

Straights and gays get miffed with us because we - bisexuals - aren't of a mind to just have a single source for itch scratching.
What you said is worth thinking about

Jan 21, 2020, 12:09 PM
@loverhush - That's the best way I can describe it. We're men - we're hard-wired to want to have sex, to always have that itch that needs scratching... and for us, it doesn't make a difference whether a woman scratches it or a man does as long as the itch gets scratched. If a hard dick really scratches the itch, then it's all good, right? I think so. Sure... being in some kind of relationship matters since it's well-known that having sex in a relationship makes it better but the reality is that anyone can scratch the itch and if it's not due to being in a relationship, well, the itch got scratched, didn't it? I know that some gay dude don't like that is isn't likely a bi guy is gonna be their main squeeze and I don't know how many times a gay dude has told me that I should leave women alone and just be gay.

I could be... but where's the fun in that? It's not my fault that I like women and pussy and most gay guys don't. Some of us are just about getting that itch scratched and if no relationship is gonna happen, oh, well - the itch has been scratched just the same. End of the day, does it really matter how you get it scratched - and who does it - as long as it gets scratched? I don't think it should but, yeah, it does for some.

Jan 21, 2020, 1:58 PM
It's entirely possible to be monogamous and bisexual, ffs.

Asking about itches you may as well ask anyone else "how often do you want some strange and go have an affair?" It's the same thing. Bisexuality is not JUST SEX! There's the whole field of love and emotion and what not as well. Being bisexual does not automatically make you a slut or mean you simply have no will power or control over yourself. Nor does it necessarily mean that you simply MUST have both sexes to play with.

It's every bit as likely to mean that you are just happy loving people regardless of their sex.

The weird ass hypersexualization of bisexuality online is annoying as hell. We are not a separate species, we are not mentally ill, we are not addicts.

I mean I'm sure some are mentally ill and/or addicts, but that's besides the point.

Jan 22, 2020, 11:05 AM
If you have the "actual itches" you should probably go get immediately checked for crabs! ;>P