View Full Version : A Question about "TESTING" & "PREP"

Aug 25, 2019, 10:58 AM
I have a dilemma or say a question. It might sound weird and naive to ask, but it is better to ask a stupid question than to not knowing.

When a person gets tested, how latest should that report be?

I could have SAFE sex with a person who got tested 8 weeks back - would you consider that safe? This person (if one is doing it with him the first time and is not a regular) could have caught the bug after the test?

I have bottomed twice, using condoms. Each time I got tested and the tests were negative. Is that common where one uses condoms - and yet gets tested?

About PreP

1) what are your views about PreP? I understand it is expensive, even for those with a good insurance plan. How does one go about asking a doctor for a prescription (wouldn't that not mean giving out the fact of being bi?)

Aug 25, 2019, 11:19 AM
I have a dilemma or say a question. It might sound weird and naive to ask, but it is better to ask a stupid question than to not knowing.

When a person gets tested, how latest should that report be?

I could have SAFE sex with a person who got tested 8 weeks back - would you consider that safe? This person (if one is doing it with him the first time and is not a regular) could have caught the bug after the test?

I have bottomed twice, using condoms. Each time I got tested and the tests were negative. Is that common where one uses condoms - and yet gets tested?

About PreP

1) what are your views about PreP? I understand it is expensive, even for those with a good insurance plan. How does one go about asking a doctor for a prescription (wouldn't that not mean giving out the fact of being bi?)

A person can show as HIV positive on a test within 4-6 weeks after exposure but it can take up to 3 months.

Use of condoms and testing is a good idea but if you are using condoms ALL the time for intercourse I would probably only worry about getting tested twice a year.

A good Dr is a professional and won't give a damned who you sleep with so be as honest as you can so the clinician has all the information they need to properly advise you.

I like to go bare when possible so I use Oraquick home HIV test kits ($40) and test 4 times a year in addition to selecting and testing my partners.


Christopher South
Aug 25, 2019, 4:23 PM
It is possible for someone to test clean and catch something between the test and hooking up with you. As I said in a previous post, understand the risks.

Using a condom for anal sex is pretty effective in preventing AIDS or STI's, but you can still get herpes since more thn likely there will be some skin-to-skin contact.

As Neonaught said you should really be open with your doctor. But if you aren't then look into Parkland Health or Nelson-Telebo clinic for health services.

Aug 26, 2019, 11:08 AM
It is possible for someone to test clean and catch something between the test and hooking up with you. As I said in a previous post, understand the risks.

Using a condom for anal sex is pretty effective in preventing AIDS or STI's, but you can still get herpes since more thn likely there will be some skin-to-skin contact.

As Neonaught said you should really be open with your doctor. But if you aren't then look into Parkland Health or Nelson-Telebo clinic for health services.

Since it takes a month to 3 months to seroconvert so you would show on a test then yes, one could get infected between tests. I can't speak to how common that is.

Aug 26, 2019, 12:20 PM
FWIW: It seems to me that PREP is a like a "free pass" for promiscuous play. I see people on various sites fill in the space for "tested" with "on prep"....like they are somehow immune...I won't play without condoms, period. Unless and until I have a long-term situation with someone I feel I can trust implicitly, I won't take the risk. I've passed-up some nice looking cocks from guys who said they "cannot stay hard with condoms"...sorry bud, your loss....scary world.

Aug 26, 2019, 7:03 PM
FWIW: It seems to me that PREP is a like a "free pass" for promiscuous play. I see people on various sites fill in the space for "tested" with "on prep"....like they are somehow immune...I won't play without condoms, period. Unless and until I have a long-term situation with someone I feel I can trust implicitly, I won't take the risk. I've passed-up some nice looking cocks from guys who said they "cannot stay hard with condoms"...sorry bud, your loss....scary world.
First thing, I refuse these guys who seek for right NOWs and blo n goes, I wont even bother with them. I want someone who wants friendship and a regular, I got to get to know the guy first! Which on any of these sites, that is IMPOSSIBLE to find.

Aug 26, 2019, 11:42 PM
If you play the statistical odds and hope someone is in fact negative while testing negative while they have ongoing unprotected sex with multiple partners, do not be surprised if you eventually pick up a bug. Knowing that seroconversion can take three months or more, if the person showing a negative test is still having unprotected sex they may have HIV, can pass it along but not yet showing positive with antibody tests. Prep like birth control pills is pretty effective if compliance is absolute, but how many do you know who were on the pill but still got pregnant? My wife was one who got pregnant on the pill, I will not roll the dice with my life with prep or barebacking with anyone on prep. Put a helmet on the soldier before you send him into battle unless you are in a long term monogamous situation.

Christopher South
Aug 27, 2019, 9:07 PM
One other thing about tests... years ago I had this same back and forth on craigslist with a guy who insisted a guy show him the test results before they hooked up BB. To prove how careless that was, I created my own test results... clinic logo from the internet, professional sounding results (I grabbed them from my own test), etc... It looked real enough yet there wasn't a bit of truth to it. You are better off going into this assuming a guy has something and following the necessary protection(s).

Aug 27, 2019, 10:03 PM
It's always tough trying to trust a person to be clean and safe with. I wouldn't get tested every time you have sex with someone (with a condom). Condoms are not 100% guaranteed to prevent infection. Once every 6 months should be fine and give you a piece of mind. If you can establish a sexual relationship with the guy and remain exclusive to each other, that could help ease tension and anxiety. As far as Prep is concerned, I have read recent reports that using Prep regularly can cause bone and kidney disease. I personally don't have a full knowledge about Prep, but consulting a doctor as to using it occasionally might help. I myself prefer bare, but the most difficult thing in this world is to trust someone to do that with. Testing and developing a trust would help.

Aug 28, 2019, 10:14 AM
I know there are no easy solutions. I have come across guys who have been with their male wives or husbands for 20 plus years, and now are on the lookout. What I mean to say is that for some, being monogamous in a male-male relationship is difficult for some, for reasons such as "he's lost interest in sex". Now the next question would be - is there transparency where the two of them can sit and talk and let the other person have safe sex? The answer is a resounding :"NO" because the usual answer is "He doesn't know".

Back to square one - its hard to be gay and bi-sexual and be a 100 safe from bugs. I know this sounds like a pessimistic note , but is reality. It's more so, when one says condoms won't prevent STI's or HIV a 100 %.

Stupid as it sounds, can one suppress one's bisexuality and channelize their sexual energies into anything constructive?

It's always tough trying to trust a person to be clean and safe with. I wouldn't get tested every time you have sex with someone (with a condom). Condoms are not 100% guaranteed to prevent infection. Once every 6 months should be fine and give you a piece of mind. If you can establish a sexual relationship with the guy and remain exclusive to each other, that could help ease tension and anxiety. As far as Prep is concerned, I have read recent reports that using Prep regularly can cause bone and kidney disease. I personally don't have a full knowledge about Prep, but consulting a doctor as to using it occasionally might help. I myself prefer bare, but the most difficult thing in this world is to trust someone to do that with. Testing and developing a trust would help.