View Full Version : Been gone too long; wanna say hello to my old friends and potentially new ones

Jul 30, 2018, 1:52 PM
I thought the site had crashed, because I kept getting warnings from my security provider that this site had "bugs" attached to it and not to open it again!

After Drew's death, the site had really gone down, anyway, so I gave up coming here.

Yesterday, a friend told me the site was back up and HOLY SHIT, it was! So, I checked in to see many messages from nearly 2 years back, awaiting me!

I will try to respond to everyone, in time...... happy to be back!

Hope you are all growing and learning, as well as finding yourselves!


Jul 30, 2018, 5:59 PM
Good to see somebody that I never knew coming back; and, thanks! I actually found myself yesterday....such a strange experience, since I usually avoid mirrors.

Jul 30, 2018, 7:58 PM
hey realist great to hear from u! i haven't found myself yet but getting closer lol.

Jul 30, 2018, 9:08 PM
Hey, Avalokita. I never thought I'd see this site again. Nice avatar, by the way...love the chubby view!

Sysper, if you can't find yourself pretty soon, just don't pay your taxes next year. The IRS will locate you pretty fast! I can see by your posts that you've been very busy.

It's good to be back. Who's running things, now?

Jul 30, 2018, 9:34 PM
Hi Realist, I hope life has been good for you while you were gone. I do not visit this site too often lately. But, I am glad it is still up and running.

Jul 30, 2018, 9:47 PM
Hi Realist,

Yes there are some of us that are still alive. Sorry to say the the site is no longer the same. The meaningful conversations of yesteryear are absent.

Jul 31, 2018, 12:04 AM
realist good advice :bigrin::rotate:
maybe i've been busy but only in my mind, unfortunately i haven't gotten busy with anyone else :|

Jul 31, 2018, 7:36 AM

As you know, it's sometimes difficult to find the person you can really connect with. I understand your plight, but you seem to be seriously looking for a certain lifestyle, with a particular type of guy, and you know what you want. Good for you! If you ever settle for less than you want, you will never be fulfilled.....I know!

It's been said that the hunt is part of the fun, but I know when the right person comes along, the hunt is soon forgotten and something wonderful takes it's place.

Good luck in your endeavors!

Jul 31, 2018, 7:46 AM
Hi Bity!

I'm glad to see you and your sweet lady are still here! I remember some of the discussions we've had in the past and I hope to continue that venue.

Sometime in 2016, the site began getting warnings from my security provider that there was a "bug" attached to Bi.com and I was no longer able to sign on. Losing my sensual friends was a big loss to me, but man does not live by the Internet alone!

I'm doing well, still have both genders in my life, and trying to age as gracefully as possible.

Thanks for responding!

Jul 31, 2018, 8:13 AM

It's great that you're still here, too! I've wondered how many were still here, when I heard the site was still up! It's good to hear from you.

I hope to reconnect with some of my old friends and maybe some new ones, too. I've had some interesting conversations, here and actually met some members in person. My GF of 10 years is one and a couple of great guys, too!

Yes, I'm doing well and living a content and relaxed life.

It's good to hear from you!

Jul 31, 2018, 11:07 AM
welcome back

Jul 31, 2018, 2:30 PM
thanks so much for ur words of support! u understand i'm not looking for just any encounter. i guess ur right, i never really realized it. i do know what i want. the hunt is a weird mix of anticipation, nervousness, pride (not just like lgbt pride but pride in myself that i'm interested in a new experiance & going for it) & still a little bit of self doubt.
great to hear u have been with someone u met here for 10 years! plus some guys here & there. lucky bastard ;)

Jul 31, 2018, 2:39 PM
Hi Realist you’re wit and wisdom have very much been missed.

Jul 31, 2018, 9:01 PM
Hey, Chub

Thanks, Buddy, glad to see you're still here!

I've missed you guys so much and thought the site had self-destructed.

In about November 2016, the trolls were getting really bad.......about that same time, I began getting warnings from my security folks, not to attempt to sign into Bisexual.com. When I did try, I was blocked with a full-page warning! So, though distraught, I quit trying.

Then, day before yesterday, a long time friend, who I also met here, wrote me that the site was up and working! I was really happy to hear that!

So, who is running things now and are things much different than before? Guess I'll find out.

How are you doing? I remember us chatting a few times....I've missed that. Hope you're doing well.

.................................................. .................................................. ..................................................


You're right, I am lucky! The funny things is, some of the best relationships I ever had, just happened out of the blue! One of the best relationships began after meeting someone soon after I joined this site!

Here, in 2008, the most improbable thing happened to me. I joined this site because I was bi, just divorced, and lonely. I'd moved back to Florida, after being away for 50 years, to take care of my mother, who had Alzheimer's.

My original goal was to find a nice, compatible guy, close to my age and attempt to develop a lasting relationship with him. I'd just gone through my 3rd failed marriage and, even though I love the ladies, I figured I was never cut out for marriage.

I began to meet some guys with similar interests and actually began an intimate relationship with a gay college professor. But, my luck with gay suitors has been about as ill-fated as with the ladies, so we were soon destined to part ways.

In October 2008, a bisexual female member and I began writing privately back and forth. We had some similar experiences with both genders, but we had both married straight people. My last marriage had failed and hers was in the process of failing.

We wrote back and forth until December. Then, regardless of the vast differences in our ages (I was 68 and she was 33!) we agreed to meet after the 1st of January 2009. We met, hit it off, and have been together ever since!

What in hell was I thinking all these years? I should have never settled for a straight woman! Being with a bisexual girl, who understood the desire for both genders and also feeling we could love more than one person at a time, has absolutely been the best decision of my life! Last year, I began a parallel relationship with a wonderful bisexual guy, with my GF's and his wife's blessing!

So, yes, you're right.......I am a lucky bastard, you can bet your bippy on that!

Jul 31, 2018, 11:34 PM
now i'm wondering, hypothetically if i got married or got serious with a gf, is it a good idea for her to be bi? no matter my sexuality (besides being sure to like at least women of course lol!) i would like to be with a bi women. there's a certain openess & approach to sex when ur bi & i would appreciate that in bed & everywhere else. maybe that's why i wanna be bi too lol!
and i'm not betting my bippy, it hasn't even been used yet :tongue:

Aug 1, 2018, 6:44 AM
Hello old friend 💗 I’m glad to see that the site is back up and there are still a few familiar faces around!

Aug 1, 2018, 9:20 AM
Hi Folks, Realist let me know the site was available again, good to be back!


Aug 1, 2018, 9:38 AM
welcome back lizard!!!!!

Aug 1, 2018, 11:14 AM
welcome back lizard!!!!!

Thanks! Good to be back!

Aug 1, 2018, 12:00 PM
I too am glad that this site "came back from the Dead...I it is good to see Sysper, Lizard, and Still_Shy, and realist, just to name a few.

Aug 3, 2018, 5:40 PM
Hello Realist--surely a "Long Time, No See!"

I hope all is well with you-----glad to see that you found your way back to this limping, creaking, leaky ship.....

Aug 3, 2018, 7:37 PM
Hey Volty-Buddy! I sent you a private message.

Who's running the show, now?

After Drew died, it really went down-hill fast. (His suicide was so sad) I'm sure his brother had little, or no, interest in it and it showed. Then the troll interference became so destructive. I noticed the ladies began to leave, first.

I'm sure it's not easy to run a site, like this. I don't blame Drew's brother, though, if he wasn't into it.

Anyway, as long as I'm still ticking, I will return and enjoy some of my old favorites.


Shy....I sent you a private message.

CSREEF....thanx for the reply, I'm happy to be back

Aug 7, 2018, 11:36 AM
Welcome back! Good luck with the site, though... it seems to be mostly just gay guys sharing fantasies and looking for hookups these days. Gets an actual convo maybe once or twice a month for a few days.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 8, 2018, 5:36 AM
lol I was in the midst of clearing out bookmarks in my browser and accidentally opened this site.... I have not been here since duckies darling died back in 2015. But I spotted this thread and just had to call in and say hi to all the familiar faces and again, say a big thank you for all the messages that were shared after DD died.....

As for myself.... I buried myself in work for months, had no interest in friends or anything, just wanted the world to go away.... then one night, randomly ended up in a drunken threesome with two friends, a male and a female, got up the next morning, cried myself dry in the shower and now I am learning to live again... some days its a case of do not even try to talk with me, some days its just hold me and some days its you are taking too long to get my clothes off, who cares about the bed, fuck me on my PC desk, deep, hard and treat my body like you own it......

the great thing for me, is there is no expectations on me to do or give any more than I can handle mentally and emotionally, that is making all the difference to me now

Aug 8, 2018, 12:03 PM

It's good to hear from you and I'm glad you're moving on. I knew how difficult it was for you and much you two loved each other.

DD and I wrote back and forth often and I admired how dedicated she was to you. I worked and lived near Elizabethtown for many years and although I never met DD, we knew many of the same people and places.

I was so disappointed that she never made it back to New Zealand. If it hadn't been for her family, I'm sure she would have been there long before 2015!

Good luck to you, Ol Buddy!

Long Duck Dong
Aug 9, 2018, 9:35 AM
Hugs realist.

Drifting along, sounds better lol. Now I look in the mirror and see a stranger I do not know, tho I know its me lol.

DD considered you a bloody good friend and enjoyed talking with you, she even mentioned going to the USA for a holiday, on the way to china, where the plan was to work for online gaming companies, because she wanted to meet you in person and others, lol...

I swear, honestly.... the number of people that hugged me and asked how I felt..... its like people that go into a hospital where you are laying in bed after surgery and ask how you feel lol.... but people mean well, they care, its just hard not to answer in a sarcastic way and say something I would regret later lol

Aug 9, 2018, 10:38 AM
:love87: Welcome back Realist! So very good to see back in the neighborhood!
LDD, (((gentle hug))) One day at a time, m'friend.


Aug 9, 2018, 2:36 PM
Thanks, Lady! Hugs from steamy-hot Florida!

It's so good to hear from you, too! Hope you're doing well and livin' the good life; it'll be great to chat again.

I'm amazed to see so many of the folks I knew, still here. Apparently, some of them never left. For nearly two years I couldn't sign on, so I'd quit trying. I thought the site was down for good and really missed the comradery.

Then, an old friend wrote me to say..."IT'S BAAAACK!"

See ya on the corner!

Aug 9, 2018, 6:22 PM
Welcome back Realist.
Good to see some old names posting, hopeful we can recreate what we all first found here - community.


Aug 9, 2018, 6:48 PM
now i'm wondering, hypothetically if i got married or got serious with a gf, is it a good idea for her to be bi? no matter my sexuality (besides being sure to like at least women of course lol!) i would like to be with a bi women. there's a certain openess & approach to sex when ur bi & i would appreciate that in bed & everywhere else. maybe that's why i wanna be bi too lol!
and i'm not betting my bippy, it hasn't even been used yet :tongue:


I would never tell another adult what is best for them. I can, however, relate some personal experiences that you may, or may not, consider in making your own decision.

I married very young (19), while I was still in the Marine Corps. Neither I, nor my wife, knew anything about swinging or bisexuality. That all changed. We learned more, became more adventurous, and, within three years of our marriage, became swingers and discovered the joy of being Bisexual. It started during a relationship with another straight couple. We would play board or card games, often guys against girls, with the losers having to do something determined by the winner. Occasionally the other man and I would rig the game and then ask the women to perform with each other. After a few times they became more enthusiastic about giving pleasure to each other. Somehow they discovered we were stacking the deck and turned the tables on us. My wife made the other man lay down and started giving him a blow job. After a bit she looked at me and said "Come help me." I was stuck. Once I got close, she pulled my head head down and guided his rigid penis into my mouth. It felt so natural and erotic. I let myself go and found I utterly enjoyed it. So did he. Once he came, with my wife and I sharing his cum. His wife began working on me and told him to help. He also loved doing it. Bi play became a normal part of our almost weekly playtime and six months later the girls were guiding his cock into my ass. We had wonderful times, occasionally involving one or two other couples over the next 5 years before they moved out of state. My wife and I continued in the lifestyle until she became ill and cancer claimed her after 18 years of marriage. 1985 was a depressing, celibate year.

By 1987, i'd recovered my senses and reentered life. I had reconnected with one of the Bi ladies my wife and I had played with and we joined together to play with other couples, both Bi and straight. We were married and we played with others 3 or 4 times a month for almost 18 years. She too had become ill and my nemesis (cancer) took her just three days after our 20th anniversary. I had great help from family and friends, but again remained celibate for a year.

After my year of mourning, I started to play again. While at a Bi hotel party, I met a wonderful lady. We talked most of the night, never getting physical, although we had both played with both sexes earlier in the evening. I found out that she also hosted parties and began attending hers. Over the next few years, we became great friends. Our views on most things were almost identical. We established a wonderful sexual connection and enjoyed each others Bi side, often joining together to savoir the delights available with other couples or singles of either sex. In 2011, I finally asked her to marry me and, after making me suffer for four days, she accepted. We hosted a Bi hotel bachelor party and a month after the wedding we had another Bi hotel party to celebrate the wedding. We have played with others on a regular basis, concentrating on satisfying our Bi side. Our play has been limited over the last 3 years because of some medical problems, but I have bounced back and we a looking to play on a regular basis again.

I am one of those men that are not romantically attracted to other men. My attraction to men is totally physical. My romantic side focuses only on women. Fortunately, it has led me to only Bi women and I the ones I found celebrated the Bisexual aspects of our lives. My wives and I have always view our private sex life as an expression of our love while sex with others is viewed as recreational sex.

I must admit that I have no idea what it would be like to have relationship with a straight women. I feel that it would not work out well for me because I have to be open and honest about who and what I am. In my limited experience, I have never met a straight woman as loving and accepting of my Bisexuality as any of my wives.

Hope this gives you a little insight into what a relationship with a Bi lady can be like. Please put it in the basket marked "Things to Consider" and utilize it however you please.

Best of luck in your search.
