View Full Version : documentaries that show the truth about porn

Oct 3, 2014, 3:35 AM
Anyone ever see the documentaries about gay porn I posted about, or the one about straight porn I linked?

I have seen documentaries about gay porn but they were called "Cycles of Porn 1" and "Sex and life in L.A." directed by a German man.

The documentary basically showed how people who do porn all types (gay/bi/straight/trans/niche kinks) don't make a lot of money, a lot are majorly addicted to drugs, and they pretty much all become prostitutes on the side since you make more money that way than you do from actually being in porn.

There was an interview with one guy that was in videos in the 90s who quit because he said how doing porn is not normal and it's not a lifelong career, and how you are easily replaceable.


"Porn star" as a title on your resume will severely limit your career options. It will also likely complicate your romantic and familial relationships.

A new documentary, "After Porn Ends," examines the personal lives and careers of stars of the adult industry. It focuses particularly on the transition to life after porn and features porn stars Asia Carrera, Mary Carey, Houston and others.

The film describes a career in porn as a "brief shining moment" of fame, sex and money. "Nobody thinks it's going to end," a man in the film explains. Former porn stars also discuss the de-humanizing element of porn that insiders often don't want to admit.

"I just started feeling really depressed about it. I can't do anything else. This is what I'm good at. This is all I know," former porn star Crissy Moran said.

Part of the biggest struggle is trying to leave their pasts behind. "What are you going to do ten years from now when your kid brings home a magazine?" he said. "It doesn’t go away."

Here's "After porn ends" that I found on youtube.


There have not been actual porn "stars' or at least gay or bi male ones for decades. Even the majority of female ones do not become "stars". Someone is going to mention Jenna Jameson and she's a major rarity. There's one of her, and well literally thousands of other women who did not make it big. It's also like this with straight, bi, and gay men who do porn.

I have read about some of the old ones and a lot of them did wind up having money problems or just made more money whoring on the side and not from selling videos, porn in magazines (remember those?), or sex toys.

Oct 3, 2014, 5:02 AM
Well, you know what Chris Rock said a father's only job is, right?

To keep his daughters off of the pole.

Both the stripping pole, and lots of dick.

Oct 3, 2014, 5:10 AM
There are also these videos.


This one is more propaganda; but this is an ex porn woman telling it like it is.


Oct 3, 2014, 5:17 AM
I found this documentary but have not watched all of it.


Oct 3, 2014, 11:15 AM
Some of this is the main reason I do not enjoy porn. Too much of it the actors actually look bored or in pain and it can actually turn me off rather than exciting me.

Melody Dean
Oct 3, 2014, 12:37 PM
Not sure if it's been linked here before, but there's also these articles on Cracked:

4 Reasons Porn Stars Are Nothing Like You Think http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-reasons-porn-stars-are-nothing-like-you-think/#ixzz3F6Ijdn8b

5 Reasons Being a Male Porn Star Is Less Fun Than It Looks: http://www.cracked.com/article_21339_5-reasons-being-male-porn-star-less-fun-than-it-looks.html#ixzz3F6IrNTGA

Oct 3, 2014, 1:52 PM
Not sure if it's been linked here before, but there's also these articles on Cracked:

4 Reasons Porn Stars Are Nothing Like You Think http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-reasons-porn-stars-are-nothing-like-you-think/#ixzz3F6Ijdn8b

5 Reasons Being a Male Porn Star Is Less Fun Than It Looks: http://www.cracked.com/article_21339_5-reasons-being-male-porn-star-less-fun-than-it-looks.html#ixzz3F6IrNTGA

OK I read those.

Not all the things on those links are accurate.

Some porn companies are OK with bisexual men, and encourage men to do gay/bi porn, and straight porn as it helps further their image/limited career. Not all gay porn (or even bi porn) uses condoms as there's tons of it that's "bareback" or has anal sex without condoms and swallowing cum.

Secondly a lot of pornstars both females and males do have major issues, or they develop them. They mentioned Asia Carrera as being a MENSA member all this means is that she studied and did well on IQ tests. She is a stay at home mom in Utah and became an alcoholic, and she's in the documentary I linked.

The other stuff mentioned was pretty accurate especially with them telling the truth about how if you do porn you do not make a lot of money from it, or become famous from it yet people still believe these myths.

Oct 3, 2014, 11:00 PM
In any and all occupations there are only a very few superstars that make lots of money. That is just the wrong yardstick to measure the value of your life.

Oct 4, 2014, 12:52 AM
In any and all occupations there are only a very few superstars that make lots of money. That is just the wrong yardstick to measure the value of your life.

Yes that's true. On another message board I lurk at this one fool was claiming that someone's success in life was based on how much money they made, and the more money the better (since in his pea brained mind) this meant happiness. :rolleyes:

I have talked to people who are in porn, or who were in porn. They all told me how it's a total myth that if you do work in porn either in front of the camera or behind it that you will make lots of money.

However, porn companies do trick people into thinking this to get them into porn in front of the camera.

A lot of people (women, men, and trans people) who do get into porn are damaged goods, or have major issues, and doing porn does not help them and makes things worse in a lot of cases.

Oct 4, 2014, 2:47 AM
kinda why i like amateur porn, they do it just for it's own sake, no pressure to do it no false promises, just sharing on cam :)

Oct 4, 2014, 10:07 AM
Well I realized that porn was fake when I saw my first 4 hour ELP VHS cassette of it .. I mean, who needs *4 hours* to get off..?? ..and they dub the moaning in over top of the action - never see an ACTUAL orgasm .. geesh..amateur is a little better but every four months or so I actually delete all of my porn because the truth is it rewires your expectations of what a real relationship is like..

Whether you agree with the morality or not, it does have a place in our society, although I agree that people should not need to be exploited for it to happen..that is sort of sad..slavery is alive and well in the sex trade.

It's one thing if it is all voluntary and people actually want to exhibit themselves, but I have also had issues with watching folks that I actually know having sex .. I don't know why, there is just something about it I don't like.

Oct 5, 2014, 8:28 PM
Yes that's true. On another message board I lurk at this one fool was claiming that someone's success in life was based on how much money they made, and the more money the better (since in his pea brained mind) this meant happiness. :rolleyes:

*sits laughing his butt off, nodding*

My wife's brother in law, a dope what lives by motto of "he who has most & best toys wins". <drenching sarcasm & irony>Absolutely, gotta luvs these idiots.</drenching sarcasm & irony>

*sniffs, gives soft growl* Hurh? Ah, coffee. "Oh look a chicken!" *ambles along* :)

Oct 6, 2014, 11:06 AM
Am never sure documentaries or owt else show the truth about porn..even positive 1's... they show a view about porn.. an opinion. No moren that...

Oct 7, 2014, 12:03 AM
Am never sure documentaries or owt else show the truth about porn..even positive 1's... they show a view about porn.. an opinion. No moren that...

T'is the truth and fact o' it, ain't it. An all ye find most oft here in the forum is but opinion as well. T'be why I nay bother much further in arguing w'it folks herein. No need, t'is only opinion. I read up on something called the null hypothesis theory recently. This notion such as it is proves rather useful. The simple of it, ye believe whatever anybody tells ye is false lest they have empirical evidence of it being true. That somewhat eliminates need of argument and then you apply a filter of most being opinion, you leave about one, or two percent of merit to read, and, or respond. Reckon ye can take that or leave that as ye will. :)

Oct 7, 2014, 10:57 PM
Most porn workers do it solely to advertise their wares for their prostitution endeavors. The whoring is where they make most of their money. Most of the rest do it for dope money, or because they have absolutely no marketable skills and are chronically unemployed.

Or as people I have met who did porn told me, "It was easy money when I needed it, the studios/companies basically use you, and it's something I've forever regretted."

Oct 8, 2014, 8:45 AM

So, as you asked to the person who started the 'morning after' thread, what is your point here?

You are not asking a question, or even suggesting an action. You are saying that some people, some porn models, are unhappy with their jobs and lives. As others have said, yup...

That they use their porn jobs to augment their prostitution careers, yup again. I have no problem with prostitution and wish it were legal in more places to protect the sex workers. Prostitution is not going away and it has allowed some folks to make a lot more than they otherwise might have. I also assume that having been in movies allows the person to charge a higher rate, that is good!

What is supposed to be the take always here Don't buy porn? Make it illegal? Start a porn model charity?

Oct 8, 2014, 1:05 PM

So, as you asked to the person who started the 'morning after' thread, what is your point here?

You are not asking a question, or even suggesting an action. You are saying that some people, some porn models, are unhappy with their jobs and lives. As others have said, yup...

That they use their porn jobs to augment their prostitution careers, yup again. I have no problem with prostitution and wish it were legal in more places to protect the sex workers. Prostitution is not going away and it has allowed some folks to make a lot more than they otherwise might have. I also assume that having been in movies allows the person to charge a higher rate, that is good!

What is supposed to be the take always here Don't buy porn? Make it illegal? Start a porn model charity?
This is a sex and porn site. Or don't other people notice the porn banner ads at the bottom for bisexual porn, and all the nude pics?

So I posted links to documentaries about porn and how it's actually made, and what goes on.

Legalized prostitution does not actually protect prostitutes as it does not take away the criminal element that's always been associated with prostitution.

In certain countries where prostitution is decriminalized or even legal, human trafficking and forced prostitution are very high.

OK here's a question for everyone:
Do you like porn? Do you continue to watch it? Or do you no longer watch it?

I have watched porn at times but that was before I was sexually active.

After I became sexually active I found porn to be very boring, and I don't watch it anymore.

I have bi and gay male friends who no longer buy or watch bi or gay porn because of how it all is promoting unsafe sex.

Melody Dean
Oct 8, 2014, 3:59 PM
OK here's a question for everyone:
Do you like porn? Do you continue to watch it? Or do you no longer watch it?

I like and watch some porn. I go through phases. I usually prefer words, so I read and write erotica more. I have people I write back and forth with, and I watch less porn when I do that.

Oct 9, 2014, 7:04 AM
This is a sex and porn site. Or don't other people notice the porn banner ads at the bottom for bisexual porn, and all the nude pics?

So I posted links to documentaries about porn and how it's actually made, and what goes on.

In some cases, not all porn is made in a way that abuses the performers and some actually enjoy their work, there is both good and bad in everything. Wal Mart probably ruins the lives of more employees than the porn industry, do you shop there?

Legalized prostitution does not actually protect prostitutes as it does not take away the criminal element that's always been associated with prostitution.

Again a HUGE generalization. Prostitution as been here since the beginning of time and will be here until the end. Please don't try to tell us that it will go away or leaving it illegal is better for the sex workers. It does take away some of the criminal element and in places like Holland and Austria it works pretty well. (yeah in Holland the tourist trade partially ruins it).

In certain countries where prostitution is decriminalized or even legal, human trafficking and forced prostitution are very high.

No Argument, the govt of Thailand, and similar places, is pretty corrupt and allows the trafficking.

OK here's a question for everyone:
Do you like porn? Do you continue to watch it? Or do you no longer watch it?

I have watched porn at times but that was before I was sexually active.

After I became sexually active I found porn to be very boring, and I don't watch it anymore.

I have bi and gay male friends who no longer buy or watch bi or gay porn because of how it all is promoting unsafe sex.

I still watch porn, but I choose it from studios that have a good rep and where the models appear to be enjoying themselves. I watch mostly BDSM and kinky porn and watch mostly stuff from small studios.

If you find it boring, please don't watch it. A lot is boring, some is most certainly not.

I do agree that porn promotes unsafe sexual practice. The studios claim that the buying public won't buy product where condoms are used as it kills the fantasy. While I wish that was BS, the studios do what makes money, so it is us, the buying public that must be the ones pushing bareback. I wish that were not so.

Like Melody Dean said above, I do watch a lot less, I read a lot more (regular erotica and on literotica.com) and do some writing which I share with my friends

Oct 9, 2014, 1:09 PM
In some cases, not all porn is made in a way that abuses the performers and some actually enjoy their work, there is both good and bad in everything. Wal Mart probably ruins the lives of more employees than the porn industry, do you shop there?

Again a HUGE generalization. Prostitution as been here since the beginning of time and will be here until the end. Please don't try to tell us that it will go away or leaving it illegal is better for the sex workers. It does take away some of the criminal element and in places like Holland and Austria it works pretty well. (yeah in Holland the tourist trade partially ruins it).

No Argument, the govt of Thailand, and similar places, is pretty corrupt and allows the trafficking.

I still watch porn, but I choose it from studios that have a good rep and where the models appear to be enjoying themselves. I watch mostly BDSM and kinky porn and watch mostly stuff from small studios.

If you find it boring, please don't watch it. A lot is boring, some is most certainly not.

I do agree that porn promotes unsafe sexual practice. The studios claim that the buying public won't buy product where condoms are used as it kills the fantasy. While I wish that was BS, the studios do what makes money, so it is us, the buying public that must be the ones pushing bareback. I wish that were not so.

Like Melody Dean said above, I do watch a lot less, I read a lot more (regular erotica and on literotica.com) and do some writing which I share with my friends
The Netherlands has one of the highest rates of human trafficking, and forced prostitution despite it being legal/decriminalized there.

It's also like this in Austria.


No I do not shop at walmart. Do you?

Oct 9, 2014, 5:47 PM
They have absolutely no marketable skills and are chronically unemployed. (paraphrasing)

Lot of desperation there, from one who knows it.

Oct 10, 2014, 1:25 AM
Lot of desperation there, from one who knows it.
Are you like that?

Did you consider doing porn because you have no marketable skills, and because of chronic long-term unemployment?

Oct 10, 2014, 2:18 AM
Lets take a trip back in time.




Everything has a beginning somewhere in time.

Oct 11, 2014, 8:17 AM
Are you like that?

Did you consider doing porn because you have no marketable skills, and because of chronic long-term unemployment?

Maybe not porn, maybe whoring myself out. I realized I would not pay two cents for sex with myself. How could I expect others to pay?

So, yes, a bit of desperation and frustration here. I feel obsolete, done, spent. And I know my age marks me to elders as still a young pup. Well, sometimes it is not the years but the miles what bring about the age. I have too many "been there, done that" t-shirts, and scars. No not scars from self hurting, just scars from going and doing, both physical & mental/emotional scars. I have stripped out the gears. Wife says it's okay, I only had to two to begin with, "get'er done & stop".

If I recall correctly in 2011 I returned to work in a poultry processing plant. About 15 years prior to that I had worked there. At that time, for doing the live hang the company used two men. Each of the two men had to hang 48 chicken per minute at bare minimum. If you could hit 52 per minute they thought you the bee's knees, so did the other guy hanging beside you.

Come up to 2011 and I return to doing live hang. They now have eight guys doing and I'm told at most we hang 24 a minute, more like they want you doing 12 a minute so as to let everyone there work. I could not come back down, kept hammering around 50 birds hung per minute. It scared guys, scared them terribly, except the guy who had been there 15 years earlier. He just hollered out in sing song manner "hanging shacks, shack, shack ... keep 'em singing, shack, shack, shack!"

That is how our supervisor of fifteen years ago taught us. We kept the shackles that you hung birds in singing as we jammed birds into shackles. We would do ten trailer trucks a night, maybe twelve if 11:00 PM had not rolled around after doing ten. So, fifteen years later I am still making the shackles sing. And I glance round seeing all these other guys frozen, in awe, in fear. I leave live hang and go to what is called re-hang, hanging frozen birds to be done up for various things. Again much the same response, I'm jamming 50 birds per minute, everyone else goes frozen.

Now, 2014 and as of around 2012/13 I am wholly unable to do that kind of work. I might get a four hour shift of it. After that my body would shut me off. My hands would start attacking me, literally slapping myself around, the nerves going to involuntary reactions that badly. I would have to dope up taking a sedative type medication, pass out & sleep a few hours. I could not keep on keepin' on, as much as I may desire to do it.

Yet apparently according to a judicial advocate I'm looking for financial gain in seeking out social security benefits. Right! Sure. They say I could have a job making $30-50,000 annually and there is no rational for me not doing that. I tell them "okay, find it for me, I'll give it a shot if it does not require unpaid relocation." If I could work at such a job, why would I be looking to attain a $600 monthly benefit? Of course, I know, it is the routine, deny everyone even if they do have something wrong. Tell them "oh, it's all in your head" and send them to see a shrink who tells you, you're perfectly normal, human. You might have garden variety clinical depression but looking at the vector of lifelong poverty or less seems to cause that, so, all is just peachy fine. Yes it is. :) Can you hear both my middle fingers here? *grin & chuckles* "Tra la la .."

Guess I mean to say I comprehend the desperation, sense of feeling useless beyond anything but something of grasping at straws. It bloody well licks crusty toe jam off a dead fucking horse others seem apt to suggest I continue kicking. Gee, and I'm insane?

Oct 11, 2014, 8:41 AM
The Netherlands has one of the highest rates of human trafficking, and forced prostitution despite it being legal/decriminalized there.

It's also like this in Austria.


I understand, but prostitution is NEVER going away, you can't possibly get me to believe it is better where it is illegal than where it is legal and there is some sort of over site.

No I do not shop at walmart. Do you?

Nope and I explain to anyone who'll listen why I don't, from the almost prison conditions for assembly workers in China to the lack of decent benefits that put most of the WM employees on public assistance and all of the rest of their evil practices in between.

Jun 5, 2015, 4:26 PM
I understand, but prostitution is NEVER going away, you can't possibly get me to believe it is better where it is illegal than where it is legal and there is some sort of over site.

Nope and I explain to anyone who'll listen why I don't, from the almost prison conditions for assembly workers in China to the lack of decent benefits that put most of the WM employees on public assistance and all of the rest of their evil practices in between.
When a woman or man, or even trans person becomes a prostitute they're forced into it.

Legalising prostitution does nothing to stop this at all.

Jun 5, 2015, 5:08 PM
The best documentaries about porn detail the human rights perspectives and off camera points of interest of porn. Points secured by the pornstar documentaries on this rundown include: how erotic entertainment influences viewers inside of the limbic locale of the mind, obscenity compulsion in young people and grown-ups, its impacts on the sex trafficking exchange, and the lives of porn stars and porno on-screen characters. What are the best documentaries about smut? The porn business is a standout amongst the most productive on the planet, influencing individuals who work in film creation, health awareness, DVD dispersion, and so forth. Western culture specifically is exceptionally impacted by erotica. As of late, porn has turn out to be very disputable the subject as issues of human rights far and wide have come into core interest.

Jun 12, 2015, 5:03 PM
The best documentaries about porn detail the human rights perspectives and off camera points of interest of porn. Points secured by the pornstar documentaries on this rundown include: how erotic entertainment influences viewers inside of the limbic locale of the mind, obscenity compulsion in young people and grown-ups, its impacts on the sex trafficking exchange, and the lives of porn stars and porno on-screen characters. What are the best documentaries about smut? The porn business is a standout amongst the most productive on the planet, influencing individuals who work in film creation, health awareness, DVD dispersion, and so forth. Western culture specifically is exceptionally impacted by erotica. As of late, porn has turn out to be very disputable the subject as issues of human rights far and wide have come into core interest.
Health awareness? The majority of men and women in port have STDs, and infect each other with them.

Jun 12, 2015, 6:44 PM
Maybe not porn, maybe whoring myself out. I realized I would not pay two cents for sex with myself. How could I expect others to pay?

So, yes, a bit of desperation and frustration here. I feel obsolete, done, spent. And I know my age marks me to elders as still a young pup. Well, sometimes it is not the years but the miles what bring about the age. I have too many "been there, done that" t-shirts, and scars. No not scars from self hurting, just scars from going and doing, both physical & mental/emotional scars. I have stripped out the gears. Wife says it's okay, I only had to two to begin with, "get'er done & stop".

If I recall correctly in 2011 I returned to work in a poultry processing plant. About 15 years prior to that I had worked there. At that time, for doing the live hang the company used two men. Each of the two men had to hang 48 chicken per minute at bare minimum. If you could hit 52 per minute they thought you the bee's knees, so did the other guy hanging beside you.

Come up to 2011 and I return to doing live hang. They now have eight guys doing and I'm told at most we hang 24 a minute, more like they want you doing 12 a minute so as to let everyone there work. I could not come back down, kept hammering around 50 birds hung per minute. It scared guys, scared them terribly, except the guy who had been there 15 years earlier. He just hollered out in sing song manner "hanging shacks, shack, shack ... keep 'em singing, shack, shack, shack!"

That is how our supervisor of fifteen years ago taught us. We kept the shackles that you hung birds in singing as we jammed birds into shackles. We would do ten trailer trucks a night, maybe twelve if 11:00 PM had not rolled around after doing ten. So, fifteen years later I am still making the shackles sing. And I glance round seeing all these other guys frozen, in awe, in fear. I leave live hang and go to what is called re-hang, hanging frozen birds to be done up for various things. Again much the same response, I'm jamming 50 birds per minute, everyone else goes frozen.

Now, 2014 and as of around 2012/13 I am wholly unable to do that kind of work. I might get a four hour shift of it. After that my body would shut me off. My hands would start attacking me, literally slapping myself around, the nerves going to involuntary reactions that badly. I would have to dope up taking a sedative type medication, pass out & sleep a few hours. I could not keep on keepin' on, as much as I may desire to do it.

Yet apparently according to a judicial advocate I'm looking for financial gain in seeking out social security benefits. Right! Sure. They say I could have a job making $30-50,000 annually and there is no rational for me not doing that. I tell them "okay, find it for me, I'll give it a shot if it does not require unpaid relocation." If I could work at such a job, why would I be looking to attain a $600 monthly benefit? Of course, I know, it is the routine, deny everyone even if they do have something wrong. Tell them "oh, it's all in your head" and send them to see a shrink who tells you, you're perfectly normal, human. You might have garden variety clinical depression but looking at the vector of lifelong poverty or less seems to cause that, so, all is just peachy fine. Yes it is. :) Can you hear both my middle fingers here? *grin & chuckles* "Tra la la .."

Guess I mean to say I comprehend the desperation, sense of feeling useless beyond anything but something of grasping at straws. It bloody well licks crusty toe jam off a dead fucking horse others seem apt to suggest I continue kicking. Gee, and I'm insane? …everyone applying for sociality should have a lawyer…I don’t think you can legally hire one until you’ve been rejected…

Jun 12, 2015, 6:49 PM
Maybe not porn, maybe whoring myself out. I realized I would not pay two cents for sex with myself. How could I expect others to pay?

So, yes, a bit of desperation and frustration here. I feel obsolete, done, spent. And I know my age marks me to elders as still a young pup. Well, sometimes it is not the years but the miles what bring about the age. I have too many "been there, done that" t-shirts, and scars. No not scars from self hurting, just scars from going and doing, both physical & mental/emotional scars. I have stripped out the gears. Wife says it's okay, I only had to two to begin with, "get'er done & stop".

If I recall correctly in 2011 I returned to work in a poultry processing plant. About 15 years prior to that I had worked there. At that time, for doing the live hang the company used two men. Each of the two men had to hang 48 chicken per minute at bare minimum. If you could hit 52 per minute they thought you the bee's knees, so did the other guy hanging beside you.

Come up to 2011 and I return to doing live hang. They now have eight guys doing and I'm told at most we hang 24 a minute, more like they want you doing 12 a minute so as to let everyone there work. I could not come back down, kept hammering around 50 birds hung per minute. It scared guys, scared them terribly, except the guy who had been there 15 years earlier. He just hollered out in sing song manner "hanging shacks, shack, shack ... keep 'em singing, shack, shack, shack!"

That is how our supervisor of fifteen years ago taught us. We kept the shackles that you hung birds in singing as we jammed birds into shackles. We would do ten trailer trucks a night, maybe twelve if 11:00 PM had not rolled around after doing ten. So, fifteen years later I am still making the shackles sing. And I glance round seeing all these other guys frozen, in awe, in fear. I leave live hang and go to what is called re-hang, hanging frozen birds to be done up for various things. Again much the same response, I'm jamming 50 birds per minute, everyone else goes frozen.

Now, 2014 and as of around 2012/13 I am wholly unable to do that kind of work. I might get a four hour shift of it. After that my body would shut me off. My hands would start attacking me, literally slapping myself around, the nerves going to involuntary reactions that badly. I would have to dope up taking a sedative type medication, pass out & sleep a few hours. I could not keep on keepin' on, as much as I may desire to do it.

Yet apparently according to a judicial advocate I'm looking for financial gain in seeking out social security benefits. Right! Sure. They say I could have a job making $30-50,000 annually and there is no rational for me not doing that. I tell them "okay, find it for me, I'll give it a shot if it does not require unpaid relocation." If I could work at such a job, why would I be looking to attain a $600 monthly benefit? Of course, I know, it is the routine, deny everyone even if they do have something wrong. Tell them "oh, it's all in your head" and send them to see a shrink who tells you, you're perfectly normal, human. You might have garden variety clinical depression but looking at the vector of lifelong poverty or less seems to cause that, so, all is just peachy fine. Yes it is. :) Can you hear both my middle fingers here? *grin & chuckles* "Tra la la .."

Guess I mean to say I comprehend the desperation, sense of feeling useless beyond anything but something of grasping at straws. It bloody well licks crusty toe jam off a dead fucking horse others seem apt to suggest I continue kicking. Gee, and I'm insane?
…why only $600?...with any kind of descent work history you should make more than that…are you trying to get eary benefits (half pay) or medical benefits (Full pay)?...

Jun 12, 2015, 7:15 PM
…why only $600?...with any kind of descent work history you should make more than that…are you trying to get eary benefits (half pay) or medical benefits (Full pay)?...

The guy you are replying to void posted how he is severely mentally ill, and has never had or held any sort of career, job, or work ad he gets filled with rage or goes crazy at being told what to do and nobody puts up with his bs so they fire his ass.