View Full Version : Nasty Winter Storm hitting large swath of eastern US
Jan 2, 2014, 3:11 PM
For those who are in the path of the latest winter storm to be getting cranked up--do take care with this one--because not only depending where you are you will have anything from rain, to sleet, ice and lots of snow--but high winds and then after it passes--some near record or record breaking cold in places that range from in the north into the deep south, so I hope if you are in the path of this thing, you have plenty of food stored up and you can just hole up for a day or so while it hits.
Belle, or OneWhoCares, is gonna get hit big time up in the Boston, Mass area---the forecast is calling for up to several feet of snow in some places.
I know that they have been having some rotten weather over in Europe as well----it looks like 2014 is picking up where things left off in 2013 weather wise.
Everyone who is facing lousy and dangerous weather, may you and yours remain safe as this weather comes through.
Jan 2, 2014, 3:59 PM
Where I live in Canada, we have just gone through anywhere from a few hours to thirteen days without electricity due to an ice storm more than a week ago. Some people in Toronto had it tough but fortunately the really cold weather is happening today and the next few days rather than a week or so ago. Winnipeg, Manitoba is well known as really cold spot and windy at Portage and Main(never been there will believe others). Today, it is reported that it is colder in Winnipeg than the coldest spot on fek'n Mars(the planet)!! Yikes.
How many know about and use "block heaters"? That is the only way that you can get your car started after leaving it overnight in some parts. If your car won't start, you need to wait 12 hours for the auto club to come and give you a boost. I'm in the balmy "banana belt" south(Canada style) where with wind chill it is only -30 C. A relative sent this photo of Timmins ON where it is -50 C today. Apparently, the foggy look is called frozen fog. I do not know how it works but I guess the fog is frozen and just hangs there when it is -50C…lol The Blizzard is suppose to miss us but hit the Maritimes.
Jan 2, 2014, 5:29 PM
Scary. I have Sweetie up in Patowan (SP) and now Im gunna worry til Ihear back from him. Ya'll Please be safe back there..and Up there. But please keep it where ya'll
Snow hating Cat. :}
Jan 2, 2014, 7:43 PM
I was talking to a Canadian winter visitor this morning at Home Depot.
He was laughing at me because I had a heavy jacket on, this morning at about 7:45. He was wearing shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops! I think it was about 50 degrees and windy. It got up to 70-something by noon. We're supposed to have a couple of days with the highs in the lower 60s...then warm up some!
I was born in Florida, but lived in snow country for about 45 I really appreciate not having to shovel, or drive, in it anymore.
I hope you all at least have someone to snuggle up with, when it gets really cold!
Jan 2, 2014, 7:48 PM
Thanks for the concern from the bi site....the snow keeps coming. Its just about eight pm on Thursday and we have about eight inches of snow and it is just beginning. The authorities are thinking about evacuating the coastal areas because of the high tides and winds. Another member here is out on the coast snow plowing and he says it is rough out there. Will keep you posted.
Belle in Boston
Jan 2, 2014, 9:21 PM
Take care Belle
I don't want to rub it in--but man----I am glad I am down in Florida this winter---it was very grey, rainy and windy here in Central Florida---but the temp got up to nearly 70 Fahrenheit today.
It wasn't a very good day by Florida standards----but compared with the conditions that many are facing---it was pretty damn good and it was nothing at all to complain about.
For those up in the snowy weather, do be careful when out and about.
Jan 2, 2014, 10:22 PM
I shoveled 6 inches of snow on New Year's day, then 6 more inches early this morning, Jan. 2 before work. Then 3- 6 inches of blowing, drifting snow after work tonight. The travel to and from work was twice the travel time. The wind is still really strong, so I will probably be shoveling the same before work tomorrow.
Jan 2, 2014, 11:17 PM
Stay safe everyone, we have some snow here but nothing more than a few inches. Just cold weather moving in. Hope everyone in the path of the storm has a nice bottle of whisky and a good loved one to curl up to.
Jan 3, 2014, 5:30 AM
I'm in the balmy "banana belt" south(Canada style) where with wind chill it is only -30 C. A relative sent this photo of Timmins ON where it is -50 C today. Apparently, the foggy look is called frozen fog. I do not know how it works but I guess the fog is frozen and just hangs there when it is -50C…lol The Blizzard is suppose to miss us but hit the Maritimes.
Wow, -50C = -58F, -30C = -22F. I was up around Great Lakes Illinois, and yes I know it is
not Canada, but it is within the scope of the area of which you may refer. We saw temperature
of -50F and at times -60F. This is -45.56C and -51.11C. Lovely weather indeed.
Wife and I made it through ten days w/out electricity once here in WV. There was a freak
ice storm. It froze trees from the inside out. I awoke to what sounded like shotguns going
off outside the bedroom window. Found it was the tops of trees bursting, snapping in half,
falling straight down in near demolition form.
Apparently some of these took out electric lines. A lot of places round here use deer trails
as the only means of a path to them. Even then some are obscured by the brush, or located
around perilous hills, literally around the hills. Such explains why it took near forever in getting
the power back. That and no electrical "grid" out our way, just toss a string out of a chopper
flying by, hope they can tie it in somewhere.
Jan 3, 2014, 12:35 PM
Yes Void you are correct about the trees and ice storms. I failed to clarify that. The new areas have their electrically and utility lines buried in the ground but most are strung above ground from pole to pole. The ice on the branches brings the branches down and then the electric/telephone etc. lines come down. It will take up to three months to clear fallen trees and trim the remaining branches so the tree lives. Ice falling off building when it thaws is dangerous as well as ice falling from trees. Some images that I saw had ice four inches thick on branches.
Today, it is less cold but still very cold here. Apparently, in Eastern Canada (eastern US too?) there are FROST QUAKES happening. I may not have this correct but it has to do with extreme cold and water under the ground. The usual earthquake comes from km under the ground while the frost quake happens closer to the surface due to the expanding, freezing water underground causing the earth to quake. The danger is much much less. Some buildings may move and things fall off walls but buildings do not collapse. The frost quake is much more specific to a small area. Interesting. So far no frost quake here but my driveway has heaved up (again).
Jan 3, 2014, 12:42 PM
here in New York it was not as bad as expected. It was 10 degrees F this morning, which is the coldest day in a very long time, but only 4-5 inches of snow.
Jan 3, 2014, 3:34 PM
Frost Quakes??? Wow, never heard of those before....Interesting. Makes sense, but just bazaar never the less..:}
Regardless of what kind of bad weather ya'll are having, PLEASE be careful back there. :}
Jan 3, 2014, 10:20 PM
Today, it is less cold but still very cold here. Apparently, in Eastern Canada (eastern US too?) there are FROST QUAKES happening. I may not have this correct but it has to do with extreme cold and water under the ground. The usual earthquake comes from km under the ground while the frost quake happens closer to the surface due to the expanding, freezing water underground causing the earth to quake. The danger is much much less. Some buildings may move and things fall off walls but buildings do not collapse. The frost quake is much more specific to a small area. Interesting. So far no frost quake here but my driveway has heaved up (again).
Yes, we here in WV are getting the tail end of a storm labeled Hercules.
We got maybe 2-4inches ~7.62cm of snow between last night and this
morning. We face some extremely cold days ahead starting Sunday night
- Tuesday night, wind chill making temps fall to -20 - -25F ~-28.89 -
-31.67C. A female dog here had pups on Dec. 19th, we'll bring her and
pups indoors. That still leaves my cat and another dog outside. Hate
that in a way, though to their respective credits the cat and dog both
have adequate hay bedding, shelter. The cat uses a pole barn, the dog a
plastic hut.
I had heard of frost quakes. You're correct in that they are "shallow"
quakes under the surface of snow/ice. The water table shifts due to
pressure underground from the colder surface above, or so it was
explained to me on the "cheap, quick, undereducated, dirty" way. This
shifting causes a "shock" upward that opens fissures in the snow/ice,
can also happen over lakes/ponds that are not solid frozen.
*chuckles* Guess the department of transportation drivers in Minnesota
have been teaching Canadian plow drivers. "Plow their driveways in, let
them dig it out a few dozen times. Haha yuck yuck, they love it."
I had a bit of fun this morning. My father-in-law admonished my going
out to feed critters. I had yet to bundle up. I was bare chested, swung
open the door, stepped outside. Stayed out there for a few moments
soaking in the cold. He laughed when I returned. "Cold huh?" I nodded,
got bundled up "critters got to eat." Went on out, got everyone fed.
Come back in and got him to fix up canned gravy, biscuits. He had
already put on a fresh pot of coffee.
One of these days I may do beyond my limitations unknowingly and that
may kill me instantly. Today was not that day. :)
Jan 3, 2014, 10:24 PM
Regardless of what kind of bad weather ya'll are having, PLEASE be careful back there. :}
Careful? careful?
Never! :) *LOL*
Jan 3, 2014, 10:34 PM
Well, we are scheduled to get another 12 inches this weekend. Have, my boots, goose-down jacket, and snow shovel set to go to work at that mess.
Jan 3, 2014, 10:50 PM
I feel fortunate, it's a balmy 1 degree F. in New Hampshire. It will go down to 10 below tonight. I've walked in the woods when it was 20 below, and the trees make a racket with all their cracking and popping.
Jan 4, 2014, 3:52 AM
It's going to get extremely cold here in NEOhio... around negative nine come monday (not like the song... because it WONT be alright LOL ;-) )we have at least a foot of snow *ugh*
The Shrubberies are BURIED!!!!!
Jan 5, 2014, 9:28 AM
Here in snowbelt of northern indiana from last night to this am had a foot of snow fall, and driving was so bad last night and visability almost nil, I hit a deer on rooad coming home,, ugggggh. last think i need is severe damage to my car, not to mentioned pulled muscle in my side that is killing me.
Jan 5, 2014, 3:46 PM
We have gone aver a week here without power due to winter storms and even longer in the summer, 16 days. We burn wood for heat, have LP cookstove and water heater. We put food in coolers and totes on the porch and have ol lamps. Summertime is worse for us, at least with the food, we do have a cool house and a real cold spot by the stream to keep some things. I have lived in Alaska and felt the winter there so I feel more for the folks getting hammered right now. Hang in there.
Jan 5, 2014, 9:49 PM
Here is an image of what happened when a guy in Newfoundland opened his door this morning. Notice the marks from the door in the snow.
When you open your door and face snow higher than the door itself, you have to shovel the snow in to the house to get out of the house. Then you shovel the snow out of the (Newfoundland solution)
Thousands of houses are still without power but it is better than it was.
Jan 5, 2014, 9:53 PM
Just shoveled 5 inches of heavy wet snow and it is still snowing. We may get as much as 12 more inches. I hope not, because, I will be shoveling again before work and have a 30 mile drive to work after that. That is going to be a slow nasty drive. But, even if I do not have much work to do because of the weather, I get paid very well. Then, after another nasty drive home, I will shovel some more snow including what the city plows out of the street onto the sideway and the driveway.
Jan 6, 2014, 8:14 AM
Here is an image of what happened when a guy in Newfoundland opened his door this morning. Notice the marks from the door in the snow.
Oh wow! I would be burrowing. You can dig out tunnels, build a cave in
the snow. You can poke a small hole up through the snow, build a fire in
such a cave. Surprisingly, the snow will not melt or collapse in on you.
If it does melt, at those temps, it'll just freeze over on itself and
become stronger.
My uncle had us build such caves years ago when Virginia used to get
six foot ~1.83 meter drifts or more. As kids you don't grasp fully the
"teaching" going on, it's a game or fun play. What he taught though was
basic infantry survival skills.
Glad to hear they're getting "the lights" back to some. This morning's
planning for me consists of putting more hay out for a dog, not the
bitch with pups. And I'll need to find a way of keeping a cat living in
the barn warm. Poor fellow lost his sister a bit ago. He'll need hay as
well. So, have to balance between he and the dog.
As Churchill is credited with saying; "Going through Hell? Keep going."
Run it slow, everyone.