View Full Version : I'm thinking about traveling to Jamaica.....

Aug 29, 2011, 11:10 AM
....and wondering if anyone has been to Hedonism and would share their experience .

Aug 29, 2011, 2:17 PM
Several straight people I've known have been and they had a great time.

BUT.....Do NOT even think of it, if you're a gay, or bisexual male and plan to have a relationship with another guy, there! If caught, it is a prison sentence!

Double standards rein in Jamaica, as it is NOT illegal to be a gay female! (My 1st wife felt the same way!) Still, I have no idea how they'd respond to gay/bisexual females.

If you do a little research, I think you will find they are VERY intolerant with non-heterosexuals, there.

I've known some Jamaicans and they all seemed to be friendly and happy-go-lucky. I thought that'd be a fun place to go, too. I even advised a guy and his lover to check it out.

When I saw a Jamacian fellow I knew, I asked him what could a gay couple do there?

He said, "Tell hem, don't go, Man........ dey don't like dat stuff down dere!"

A cursory check came up with this.........http://wiki.susans.org/index.php/LGBT_rights_in_Jamaica

hope this helps

P.S. Now, if you like WEED, that's a different story!