View Full Version : Help wanted

Mar 30, 2011, 12:56 AM
So I'm new to this site...new to this whole thing actually haha. Uhm...yeah so to make a super long story short, I'm a preacher's niece and exploring anything like this has been completely out of the question for me before, but now I'm in college, and I can stop ignoring the feelings I have for both sexes...only problem is I have NO idea how to start...

Mar 30, 2011, 10:06 AM
Chris, when I was your age, I tried too hard to fit in, even to the point of ignoring my own needs and interests. It took me a long, long, time to realize that I had to take care of ME first!

Just be yourself, listen, and learn, read the threads here...there's a storehouse full of good advice, here. When you decide exactly what you want from a relationship, don't settle for less than you want!

You are in a fruitful place to explore! When I was in college I learned a lot more than academics! Be careful, though....don't get sucked into something that you can't control, or will follow you for the rest of your life.

You're a step ahead of most, at least you know yourself!

Good luck...you're on your way!

Mar 30, 2011, 2:17 PM
Oh lordy I remember the sheer potential of having left home... and nothing proceeding to happen for a long time!

Find places where you can find friends. Don't focus too hard on trying to find love and lust, but put yourself in places that leave the door open: try the LGBTsoc or whatever similar group your college may have; but pursue other interests too.

And remember there's a bit of studying supposed to be going on too 8)

Mar 30, 2011, 2:47 PM
Hi Babe. Welcome to the group. I know you're on your own for the first time, but dont be goin hog wild out there. Just relax and take things slow, pace yourself. Let it happen when its meant to.Dont let your whole life be ruled by who you can hop into the sack with. Experiment, have fun, but above All Else, be smart and stay safe at all times. College can be one of the most memoribly times in a person's life, it can also be a very bad scene. make it fun, memorible and productive. Play hearty, but Work even harder. :}
Good luck Sugar.
Everybody's feline.

sweetie pie
Mar 31, 2011, 10:49 PM
hi honey. knowing i was bisexual came very naturally to me. but, i was afraid to come out for a long time. i felt in my heart that my atrration to both sexes was completely ok. but i feared that the world would judge me negatively for being that way. it's not always easy exploring your sexuality when you are bi. it's not like you can just hit on a cute person of the same sex at the mall- you might get slapped! i just want to tell you that there is nothing wrong with being bisexual. please don't be ashamed of who you are. there's an immense freedom in being proud of who you are. and, not being afraid to tell the world. i came out when i was 13 or 14. my mother found a drawer full of love letters from other girls!she was shocked at first, but just being out was so freeing! and now she takes my gfs out to family dinners! good luck babe