View Full Version : Just needs said, must say it ...

Feb 24, 2011, 6:27 PM
I would not hesitate if given the chance. She is just mind blowing and attractive, to me at least.


It may possibly be the androgynous manner which she affects, causing this ol' hound to be so enthralled. Dunno, just needed to say.

Feb 24, 2011, 6:54 PM
I agree. Awesome!

Feb 24, 2011, 9:40 PM
She is absolutely remarkable. I listen to her music EVERDAY! It seems as if she sings what I am feeling on the inside. Its great... shes wonderful. :)

Feb 25, 2011, 4:54 AM
Yes her music is great! Then I'm odd in musical tastes. Loved the group Yazoo, then later discovered enjoying Depech Mode once the wife suggested them. "I didn't know you like Brit Pop, hubby." "Erm, well er ... some of it I guess and you never asked." Of course, i got her hooked on Iron Maiden and Rush, occasionally a bit of Ozzy or Dio. Also enjoy The Cool Crooners from south Africa.

But yes, Elly has found a wide open range for her lyrics and sound. I hear lots of 'tribute' or 'meber this?' type of stuff in the music. Quicksand reminds me of another tune which eludes naming but recall it being from like the 20's or 30's, jazzy 'flapper' stuff. Not Your Toy sort of has a DM feel to it, for me and Bulletproof .... WOW! Overall, need more of it. It helps break down the snarly Bubba mask when able to relax.

the sacred night
Feb 26, 2011, 5:11 PM
Who is she? She is beautiful, but what kind of music does she do?

Feb 27, 2011, 1:56 PM
Who is she? She is beautiful, but what kind of music does she do?

She is La Roux!

Shes popular so they would consider it pop.... but she has many different styles, dancy, kinda 80'sish at times... love her eccentric voice!

My favorite is a remix.... "In For The Kill" Skreams Let's get Ravey Remix

Feb 27, 2011, 8:06 PM
Hmm, music sort of reminds me of Daft Punk, except with more lyrics.

Feb 27, 2011, 9:05 PM
More accurately one half of La Roux, Xy.. Elly Jackson. And Elian their music is much more varied than Daft Punk with lyrics.. vis a vis the androgenous look? It isnt my cuppa tea, but I do think she is a terrific performer and well worth the money. But every so often she does give a look which at once suggests vulnerability but also a sultry eroticism..

Just for those who are interested... http://laroux.co.uk/

Mar 1, 2011, 8:32 PM
"Daft Punk"

That akin to Sex Pistols, Danzing? There is a lot I've listened to, at times regrettably in 'altered states', and unable to recall later who is who. For instance, was lost in a groovy acid rush once while seeing Metalica play, before they were like the next big thing. Took me a year to catch up and realize it was them. *chuckles* I know, I'm terrible. But I am proud, no longer going off into those misty altered states. "Go me, go! Five, six years without drugs. Yay!"

Mar 4, 2011, 7:26 PM
Also, Dexter Holland of the band The Offspring, he's just got a fuckable voice. He's cute too. But so what? hehe. Five minutes ... tsk.

Mar 4, 2011, 7:50 PM
I tend to listen to music more for the talent than the looks of the performers. Take Susan Boyle for instance, no one would have guessed the voice on an angel would come out of her when she auditioned for Britain's Got Talent but it did.

But I will check out the bands you all have listed here, I'll listen to anything but (c)Rap once.

Mar 5, 2011, 12:11 AM
Offspring is kind of Punk. I too appreciate art for art's sake. But hey, I'm human too. And I know that Dexter to me, sounds like the sort of guy I'd take to bed in a heartbeat. We all get urges and have fantasies, daydreams. But truth be told, I'm quite happy being me and with two of the world's greatest lovers. Don't need dreams when I got perfection. :)

Mar 5, 2011, 4:39 AM
ahhh Voidie.. the mists wich cum down ova our eyes wiv fantasy in music.. 2 acts of old me cannot abide... Spice Girls an Take That.. wosn always so.. as a teenager saw both several times an had (an still have) a collection of everythin they did an produced.. went 2 concerts an like the spoilt brainless lil bimbo me wos then, just 'bout wet mesel screamin like a banshee wiv the tears streamin down me face.. broke me heart wen Robbie Williams left Take that.. just wanted 2 die.. have huge collection of 'is stuff an all.. now Robbie is back wiv Take That? Who cares????:eek:

There were othas wich am immensely embarrassed bout.. all me can say is.. tf for growin up...:tong:

Mar 5, 2011, 9:25 AM
*chuckling* Yar, 'tis good to grow up. But I still refuse being an adult or grown up. You can find me in the Gardens. Might be listening to some Classical stuff, or Link TV's World Music, while thwarting the Hook.

*points at elian* Blame him, he mentioned free music on the Amazon buffer/node. I haz finded Swan Lake, Blue Danube, a group called Sister Hazel. Now I'z gunna p'lly waste me precious bandwidth. Rotten bugger, "here listen to free musac. <SMILE>"