View Full Version : are gay/lesbians/hetros tollerant of bisexuals?

Jan 7, 2011, 11:15 PM
From your experience, are we tollerated,maybe feared or accepted...even the fashionable sexuality to be?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 8, 2011, 1:01 AM
90% of the lesbians, gays and heteros are people that tolerate us

there are the anti lgbt crew, such as my mother and my step father, but even they acknowledge the fact we exist and are people, they just do not agree with the way we live and our relationships....

most of the opposition and anti bisexual people I have met, have issues with some bisexuals conduct and attitudes that sex comes first..... and that is cos of the attitudes of some bisexuals and their conduct in relationships and marriages and the way they treat people

the extremists that I have run into, such as the white power ( white supremacists ) destiny church ( church in NZ that is regarded as a cult ) etc, are generally groups and people that have strength in numbers and use the lgbt as a target for their hate speech and mindsets......including statements like the LGBT are responsible for child molestation etc.... and if we didn't exist, kids would be safe

that makes me laugh, cos thats like saying that the gay male community is responsible for all sexual assaults and rapes of females.....

I will not deny that we have sexual predators in our midsts, as sexual predators are not sexuality exclusive and there are bisexual predators out there.....

one thing I have noticed tho, is a lot of our deniers and nay sayers that are not accepting of bisexuals, have their own skeletons in the cupboard.... and in nz, one of the main opponents to LGBT rights ( a christian member of parliament, playing the morality card ) was later convicted and sentenced for sexually interfering with a couple of 7 year olds....

personally, as for myself,... there are plenty of reasons for people to dislike me, hate me and disprove of my bisexuality and question if I am bisexual or just confused...... but they can cross off infidelity, cheating, swinging, not being monogamous and faithful, casual sex, random hook ups, constant partner changing etc off their list of reasons to challenge my bisexuality

that doesn't make me a angel by any stretch of the imagination, it just makes it a lot harder for them to point fingers and make accusations about how bisexuality makes me a person with loose morals and a revolving door to my bedroom

Jan 8, 2011, 1:38 AM
I believe that, through my contact with many gay men(majority being jewish princessess' )
they think bi men are gay "cheats" & bi fems are part time lesbians... Both of which use bi as an excuse to be promiscuous.

I only know a few lesbians who dont care about opinions.

Jan 8, 2011, 1:52 AM
i didn't even know 'bi's' existed before my hubby admitted his confusion, and urges. the only exposure i had to anything 'non-straight' was my father who was a closet gay and a most horrible person (not due to being gay, just was an ugly soul). the way that affected my mother did affect me also,although i tried to keep an open mind and separate the acts of the person from that word. probably was the reason hubby was terribly nervous about admitting to me. poor hubby. what he must have gone through.

have to say, now i know better, am determind to do better. can't wait to support sydney mardi gras (once mum is gone - out of respect), and due to this site, have now some bi friends. should i come across someone hesitant or confused, i will welcome them, respect them and assist where i can. you lovely people have converted me (no, not that way!). congratulations.

Jan 8, 2011, 2:23 AM
I'd have to say for the most part, open minded people regardless of sexuality are tolerant of other sexualities.

But looking at this forum, I can say honestly that there are heteros, gays and lesbians here that are more tolerant of bis than the bis are of us.

Jan 8, 2011, 7:14 AM
I really don't know but I would suspect that it varies depending upon the individual. Overall, since bisexuals tend not to advertise their sexuality very publicly, there is a stigma that still exists and the fear of rejection exists. So, there is intolerance and even do gooders exhibit their own misunderstanding while claiming to understand at the same time. Bisexual live their lives rather broadly and differently.

Jan 8, 2011, 10:21 AM
From my experience:

Straight/bi women and lesbians have no problems with bi-guys (though the occasional straight woman is grossed out by the thought of men together. OK, such is life).

Most straight men lump me as gay (if you like cock, you must be a fag...).

Gay men I know tend to say that there is no such thing as bi, so I should just accept that I am gay and come out... (c'mon guys, give it up!)

Your mileage may vary :-)


Annika L
Jan 8, 2011, 10:29 AM
Do they tolerate us? Yes. Of course. It is (thankfully) unfashionable these days to be intolerant.

But do they understand us? No.

Do most truly accept that we exist, as opposed to thinking that we are confused versions of them? No. (of course, most of us seem to be consumed with the conviction that they are confused versions of us)

Does the fact that we exist threaten them? Absolutely

As Fran's (darkeyes) signature suggests, I think we can and should be asking a bit more than simple tolerance from the world.

Jan 8, 2011, 3:30 PM
I feel very often that straight people are kind of afraid of bisexuals, because they do not know where they have us.
Like if you have a relationship with the opposite sex, they may think you are cheating more often because you are to both sides.

Jan 8, 2011, 3:57 PM
I can see how if you're a bisexual woman and you're hanging around Lesbians how all of this would be true. Lesbians are notorious for not liking bisexual women.

If you're a bisexual man you are accepted and understood by gay men and what you're writing is not the case with bisexual men when it comes to gay men.

Very wrong!
This may be the case in your particular location, however many gay men in the uk distrust bi's.
Straights..as in all walks of life, varying opinions exist.

Annika L
Jan 8, 2011, 7:18 PM
I can see how if you're a bisexual woman and you're hanging around Lesbians how all of this would be true. Lesbians are notorious for not liking bisexual women.

If you're a bisexual man you are accepted and understood by gay men and what you're writing is not the case with bisexual men when it comes to gay men.

I was not writing an impression from hanging around lesbians; just human beings.

I think it was pretty clear that I was writing about a generality.

*You* may have found understanding as a bisexual man among your gay male friends...congratulations. But many others are not so lucky.

Jan 10, 2011, 3:49 PM
In my experience, not a lot of respect or tolerance from the gay community or the straight community. Some key individuals are always out there - open and accepting.

Many of my closest friends are gay (male and female) but I don't tell them I'm Bi as I know their views on Bisexuality are not very accepting.

That said, if you want to date me, you have to accept me as Bi - I don't keep it a secret from anyone I may become intimate with.

Jan 10, 2011, 8:31 PM
There is at least as much tolerance, understanding and acceptance of bisexuals in the gay community, male or female, as there is of lesbians and gays in the bisexual community whatever their gender.. and its about time that those who rant and rave about a lack of it started trying to learn about each other rather than merely slag one group or other off.. of saying they dont belong, often showing the worst kind of bigotry against which gays and bisexuals have been struggling throughout the last 2000 years and more..

It really is about time many of us grew up, no matter our sexuality or gender, and realised that unless we show our own compassion, and that we are prepared to go the extra mile to try and understand the next person, there will always be suspicion and intolerance between all the sexual communities.. of course thats what some want.. the straight world isnt the only community with its sexual fascists...

Jester The Rebel
Jan 11, 2011, 12:24 AM
In my experience here in Oregon. Bi's are not very well accepted by the gay community because they see it as "people just wanting to play it safe". Which isn't true by any means. I am bi-sexual (obviously), and I have had a good assortment of relationships with both sexes.

I had a gay boyfriend once that really didn't like that I was bi because "I could just be fooling with his mind". I mean c'mon, that is utterly ridiculous.

As for the lesbian community?...I really can't say, but I have heard that the are more accepting. Anyway's that is my opinion.