View Full Version : So close, but no cigar: DADT not to end in forseeable future!
Dec 3, 2010, 7:10 PM
Just days ago---it looked that we were on the cusp of finally ending the US military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy the forces gay service members out of the service for no other reason other than the fact they are gay--but with a series of news articles like this one: making the rounds today--it does appear that we are not going to be seeing the end of DADT anytime soon since even though most of the military brass and the rank and file service members think ending the policy would be fine---the Republican members of the House and Senate say there is no way that we can end DADT now in the midst of one main war and one sorta war still going on--but considering we will probably be in Afghanistan for the next 50 or 60 years just like we still have tons of troops remaining in Japan, South Korea and Germany---it will be a perpetual thing and of course---we cannot upset unit morale and such when fighting our perpetual wars!!
Man---so much for having a "progressive/liberal" president---it sure would be nice to get one who has a big assed set of stones and will fight for liberal/progressive ideals!!!
Long Duck Dong
Dec 4, 2010, 2:13 AM
and I will keep saying that bullets do not discriminate.......wankers do....
sorry sir, you are not worthy to serve your country in the forces and risk your life for your fellow man cos you are gay, and it would look bad if you got shot.....
roflmao..... christ I would not give a shit if the man beside me was wearing pink frilly underpants and sucks cocks while being fucked in the ass..... what would matter to me is, has he got my back cos I have his.....
politicians.... the closet thing to enunches you can find, but touch their salaries and they fight like wolverines on meths....
Dec 4, 2010, 6:08 AM
Wotta big buncha scaredy cats...
Dec 4, 2010, 7:14 AM
Before the election lots of those in Congress said they were waiting for the report from the Pentagon before they voted on the issue. Now the report is in and it says it isn't a problem having gays in the services they have another excuse for not agreeing to removing DADT. Typical Republican. And some Dems. And the Prez hasn't done much to push it either.
Dec 4, 2010, 9:46 PM
I thought this might be appropriate here...
Dec 4, 2010, 10:11 PM
Wow, Mikey, I'm sitting here with tears at that video. Thanks.
DADT to me is just stupid, it doesn't matter someone's sexuality when the bullets are flying and people are dying around you. A soldier is a soldier.
Dec 4, 2010, 10:49 PM
Those who oppose gay/bisexual folks serving, would probably croak if they knew how many have served bravely. I know of a few who were awarded medals for bravery and had the respect of their peers.........but kept their sexuality to themselves, a few very trusted lovers, and/or friends.
I'm bi and served for 7 years, in two services. Luckily, I never fired a shot in anger...or was shot at. In the late '50s and '60s, it was scary to be bi in the military. I was exceedingly careful about who knew, but still, I did what I had to.
Like LDD said, if I'd been in combat, all I would have worried about is, if my buddy had my back, as I would have had his! I believe that that's all most troops on the ground care about.
Long Duck Dong
Dec 4, 2010, 11:19 PM
thanks mikey for posting that vid, it rings true for so many......
hugs realist..... the medic in our platoon was gay, and I would put my life in his hands any day as he was a person I admire..... he would treat the most hate filled anti LGBT person the same way he would treat a gay lover, if they needed the attentions of a medic..... I could not say the same about a anti LGBT medic....
Dec 5, 2010, 9:29 AM
Recently I had seen a story online about this one gay male couple--who have been together since they served together in World War II--both had earned all kinds of medals for their service back then----of course they had to really be "on the down low" in those days. Both men were well into their 80s, so gays serving honorably in the military is hardly a new thing that is just a part of this generation.
I have had a relationship with an older man in recent years who was a Vietnam war era vet---he had all kinds of relationships with other guys in the service back in his day. He was an officer and had relationships with other men who were both enlisted and officers including one who went on to become one of the top generals in the ARMY for a time before he eventually retired.
Geez---it is something to learn of all the guys I have found in recent years from my days in the service who are gay/bi and even did stuff back then. At that time--I did not consider myself to be bi at that point---and even if I had---I probably would not have done anything---I took enough chances by smoking some reefer from time to time--never did get nabbed for that one--I wouldn't have wanted to press my luck even further by doing anything with another guy back then.
The fact is---homosexual people do serve, have served and will always serve in the military---they might as well "get real" and just allow something openly that takes place anyhow.
Of course---changing the policy to reflect the reality of the world makes sense--but that doesn't seem to persuade those who hold on for dear life, for whatever reason, to their mythological views of the world as the "way things should be" over the way things actually are.
Dec 5, 2010, 6:37 PM
I agree. Call me dumb (couldn't spell nieve :)), but if they, "don't ask", and you, "don't tell", then whats stopping the gays from enlisting?
Long Duck Dong
Dec 6, 2010, 12:14 AM
I agree. Call me dumb (couldn't spell nieve :)), but if they, "don't ask", and you, "don't tell", then whats stopping the gays from enlisting?
lol nothing, they just need to watch out for the over zealous head hunting fucktards, that are more concerned with the * enemy * within their own barracks cos the pen pushing penis pullers would shit themselves if they had to get their nice shiny boots dirty.....
sorry if I offend anybody there, but I have no time for desk jockeys with no history of active service, and spend their time sticking their dicks in their gun barrels and their heads up their asses......
btw, its naive.... lol :tong: