Sep 10, 2010, 1:51 PM
I going to be in my first road rally in October and all four people I had planned to us as my Navigators and back-ups can’t make it. I’m looking for a someone who will navigate me. I will try to help with food, drinks, hotel room. You need to be able to follow written direction, read map, use some type of GPS, or be a great hot looking woman. lol I hope you like rock and roll music. This is non-sexual request. It will be fun. I am really desperate
Leave from QC (Davenport, Iowa) Friday Oct 15th (Free party)
Road Rally Sat Oct 16th
Return Home Sun Oct 17th (Brunch Sunday morning)
We need to be able to coordinate hotel rooms and would like to meet to make sure we hit it off somehow.
I plan on using my 2000 F-250 as the ride.
Leave from QC (Davenport, Iowa) Friday Oct 15th (Free party)
Road Rally Sat Oct 16th
Return Home Sun Oct 17th (Brunch Sunday morning)
We need to be able to coordinate hotel rooms and would like to meet to make sure we hit it off somehow.
I plan on using my 2000 F-250 as the ride.